Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Jin took a small step back to widen her stance, keeping her blade in front of her. "I will not do that." She ground out, refusing to leave her husband to die.
"With all due respect, Katakura-dono, I cannot and will not obey that order!" She said firmly, moving forward and swinging at Mitsuhide, all with knowing she had no chance against Mitsuhide and two Daedric Lords.
Jin moved toward the Daedra on the left, barely dodging the blow of the war hammer as she impaled the Daedra on her blade. Kicking the Daedra away from her, it fell to the ground with a thud, blood dripping from his mouth and poplin under his body. She next turned her attention on Mitsuhide, swinging her blade hard.
Jin tried to block his kick, but couldn't swing her sword around fast enough to stop him. Wheezing when he kicked her, she hit the wall with a gasp of pain, and a loud thud. Stunned, she staggered, dropping to her knees before trying to get back up.
Jin grunted, being forced back down to the ground, grinding her teeth in defeat. His heel dug into her spine, making moving rather painful, her pain showing clear on her face as she stayed on the floor as ordered.
Jin got to her feet, moving quickly to Kojurou as she struggled to swallow her humiliation, helping him stand, limping past Mitsuhide and to the door, head low.
Jin kept her head down, only nodding in response to Kojurou. Once they had reached a safe distance, Jin stopped so she could treat Kojurou's wounds with some first aid, making sure he sounds get an infection, giving him a health potion before moving on, heading back home toward Riften.

((Wanna start out the plans with Aki while Masa gets all angry~?))

After a week traveling off and on from Anvil, Akihime finally took them to the city of Bravil. It looked like it was still recovering from the raids, some buildings destroyed and others slightly crumbled. Once they stabled the horses and entered the gates, Akihime smiled, despite the horrid state of the place. "The inn is just over there, we'll rest and go to the wayshrine in the morning." She informed. Sasuke was looking off into the distance, brows furrowed slightly.
"I'll prepare the arrangements for the room, My Lady." Nori said, leaving them to book three rooms, but they only had two rooms available, so they'd have to make due sharing rooms. "I'll bunk with Akihime, and you can sleep in the same room as Yukimura." Nori reported, throwing a slight glare at Sasuke.
"Good, then let's get going, we're leaving early in the morning." Nori said, taking Akihime's things and heading to the Inn.
Nori made a soft noise, escorting Akihime and Yukimura to the Inn, helping them settle in for the night before going to find what Sasuke was off doing.

It took hours to limp through the forest toward Riften, and when Jin finally did stumble into through the gates of Riften, she nearly dropped Kojurou, almost collapsing herself. With the aid of gaurds, Jin made it back to the keep, Kojurou being nearly carried by two gaurds, who took him directly to the healer, still unconscious.
Sasuke sat beside a destroyed statue in the middle of Bravil, brows furrowed and nit heavily.

"What the hell happened?!" Masamune growled angrily, livid to hide his worry.
Nori moved over by his side and plopped down beside him, listening the the few chirps of crickets and birds. "What's with you?" She asked.

"An old acquaintance... He's meaning to do me harm, but Kojurou was dragged into the middle of things." Jin bowed her head lowly, collapsing onto a bench.
"This is where the Night Mother was kept before Cicero brought her to Skyrim...this is our Unholy Matron's crypt. Destroyed by those who fear what they don't care to understand." He muttered bitterly.

"Are you both ok? Why didn't you bring this up with me?" Masamune asked.
Jin clenched her fist. "I tried to rid of him on my own, I intended to say something if he harmed anyone else, but I never expected he'd go this far, please forgive me, my Lord." She uttered.

Nori sat in silence for a moment, collecting her thoughts as she traced her finger through the dirt beneath her. "So this is why you've been sulking the entire time? I understand you - no, we, have a duty to the Night Mother, but this entire trip all you've done is sulked and thrown tantrums. We have a job to do, be bitter on your own time." She hissed.
Masamune shook his head, "Don't apologize. It isn't your fault. You're one of us, and dragons care for their own. Go rest while I check on Kojurou."

He scoffed and glared lightly at her, "This is my own time. Guess what, while you're sitting here, lecturing me like I'm a fucking child, Akihime is alone in the inn with drunkards. A very petite, very pretty, virgin girl; by herself with dana and pig-men who wouldn't even ask her for her name before they stuck their dicks in her." He seethed, "Sure, dana could protect her for a time. But as much as I would hate to admit it, they outnumber him, and he can only fight for so long. So, your choices are: play my babysitter and bitch at me like the old woman you are, or go do your fucking job."
((Ditches them for a bit~))

Nori grew angrier and angrier with each word, finally just standing, and disappearing in a swirl of freezing winds and snow, going back to keep an eye on Akihime.
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