Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

About halfway through walking his usual route, his Akaviri blade could be seen half buried in the fallen leaves, along with his steel sword and dagger. There was small bits of blood as well, but not much to be classified as a fatal wound.
As soon as Jin spotted the blade, she moved over to the spot quickly, picking up the sword with trembling hands, touching the blood on the ground. It seemed to be hours old, and there was no sure way of knowing who's it was, but she was nearly certain it was Kojurou's. "Mitsuhide!!" She stood, keeping ahold of his Akaviri blade, looking around her surrounds for the retched Snow Elf. "Where are you!? I know you're here! Come out!"
Jin felt her skin crawl, and she gripped the blade tight to keep from screaming. "Where is he? What have you done with Katakura-dono?" She asked, forcing her voice to be calm. "Whatever you plan on doing to him, do to me instead, you have no just ill-will against him, only me."
"What is it that you want from me?" Her voice cracked, following after him, having no other choice. "If it is my death you want, then take it!"
She ground her teeth, falling quite and following Mitsuhide to where-ever he was taking her, hoping Kojurou was there and unharmed.
Jin followed Mitsuhide inside the shrine, snow crunching under her feet as they made their way to the alter. "Why have you brought me here? Where is Katakura-dono?" She demanded.
Mitsuhide strode inside and made is way to the center of the room, pulling a beaten and bloody Kojurou up off the floor. "Katakura-dono, we have a guest~ you'll be happy to know that it's Jin-chan~" "J...Jin...dono..." Kojurou could barely speak, his cheek swollen.
Jin stopped dead in her tracks, staring with widening eyes at her bloodied husband before her, dropping his Akaviri blade and lurching forward a step. "My husband..." She bolted forward, only to be slammed into the ground, pinned beneath a rather large Daedra. Jin struggled and thrashed, trying to drag herself toward Kojurou, her face pale.
"Do not hurt him!" She snapped, struggling more. "You do no harm to him! I'll take whatever you plan to do to him, Mitsuhide!" She shook out of fear for Kojurou, her eyes pleading.
"I can't do that to a pregnant woman, now can I~?" "Wh...What?" Kojurou asked, "No...you're just trying to get a rise out of us.." Kojurou growled. Mitsuhide shoved him down hard into the stone, making him grunt in pain, "I did not say you could talk~"
She fell quiet, staring at Mitsuhide in disbelief, a look of desperation on her face. "Please, spare my husband. I will beg on my knees if I must, just please, harm him no further. I-I would be willing to do anything you asked of me, please..." She begged, fist clenched.
Mitsuhide seemed to ignore her before taking a scythe and digging it into Kojurou's shoulder. The housecarl let out a cry of pain, trying to get away, causing the wound to get worse.
"No!!" Jin stiffened hard, eyes wide as she watched her husband writhe in agony, tears falling heavily down her cheeks and into the snow beneath her. The Daedra pushed Jin down harder, keeping her pinned under his weight, growling in frustration.
"Let me see~" Mitsuhide stepped on the wound with all his weigh, causing Kojurou to scream in agony. Blood gushed from under the Snow Elf's boot, caking into Kojurou's coat and the stone beneath him.
"Stop!" Jin wrenched her arm free, grabbing for the dagger on her hip and stabbing the blade into the Daedra's neck. Shoving him off of her, she stumbled to her feet and dropped her dagger, drawing her sword and swinging, aiming for Mitsuhide's neck.
Jin swung again, locking her blade with Mitsuhide's scythe, arm shaking as she tried to push him back. "Leave, before I slay you where you stand." She growled out, trying to move so she could stand between Kojurou and Mitsuhide.
Jin ground her teeth, shoving him back, and away from Kojurou. "I get the feeling you wouldn't let us leave, am I wrong?"
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