Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Once it was morning, Akihime was once again dressed in her ceremonial garb, out in the stables with the others as they prepared their horses. "This is it, Yukimura. After this, you will be completely absolved of your transgressions and will be rid of your guilt." She sounded excited, smiling from ear to ear, "Oh, I just can't wait, I'm so happy."
Yukimura had gradually grown lighter of his sins, though sadness and regret still dwelled in his heart, he was happy to atone for his sins. "Thank you Akihime-dono, without you, I don't think I'd have been able to make this journey."
Yukimura gave a nod, mounting his horse. "Shall we get going?" He asked, a soft smile on his face.
Yukimura enjoyed the peaceful silence as they rode their horses through the woods, light filtering through the branches, and lighting the pathway quite nicely. Nori had been avoiding Sasuke for some time now, keeping in the front while he remained in the back.
It would be a couple hours before they finally made it to the wayshrine. Akihime dismounted her horse and moved with Yukimura to the shrine, "Ready?"
Yukimura nodded and climbed down off his horse, following Akihime up to the shrine, taking a deep breath, then kneeling down before the Shrine.
Akihime knelt with him and bowed her head, closing her eyes, "Come to me, Stendarr, for without you, I might be deaf to the manswarm murmurings of thy people, and forgetting their need for comfort and wisdom, I might indulge myself in vain scribbling." She recited. The pool within the wayshrine lit up, a beam of light shooting straight up from it. "Thou hast summoned me, Oracle. Speak! What dost thou want of me?" A mighty, booming voice sounded. "Merciful Stendarr, I have traveled with the guilt-ridden Sanada Yukimura to ask that you may forgive him for being consumed by the Daedra, Mephala." She said kindly.
Yukimura remained with his head lowered, bowed deeply to the Great Divine, his presence overwhelming, like each Divine before.
"I do not forgive Daedra worship. But Sanada Yukimura has been an avid believer in the Divine. Thine corruption cannot be so easily forgiven." Stendarr stated. Akihime kept confident, "What can Yukimura do to gain your mercy and forgiveness?" She asked. "Compassion is in thine heart, young warrior. Charity shall ease the grief you hold within thee. Do all you can for your people, pray to my shrines in temple, and I shall grant the Oracle my mark to absolve thee."
"Of course, my great Stendarr, I will do all of you asked of me, and beyond." Yukimura stated, keeping his bow humble, as well as himself, keeping his eyes trained on the ground.
"Thank you, merciful Stendarr." Akihime said. The blue light dimmed before vanishing and Akihime took a deep breath, "Wonderful! Things are going so well." She chimed.
Yukimura stood, giving his knees a pat to loosen the dirt from them, smiling softly. "Then shall we head home? I honestly don't know how to thank you, Akihime-dono, you've helped me restore myself."
Yukimura nodded, unconsciously taking Akihime's hand, then stopping. His face turned bright red and he cleared his throat. "Sorry, I, uh-!" He yanked his hand away when ice started to spread over his flesh, making him wince in pain.
Nori remained hidden in the trees, an angry scowl on her face. "It's alright, really, it surprised me more than it hurt." Yukimura said. "Why don't we continue on Bruma?"
Akihime nodded and mounted her horse, waiting for Yukimura before leading them through to Bruma. "We'll have to go around the Imperial City as quickly as we can." "Old lovers you wish to avoid?" Sasuke asked snidely. Akihime frowned softly, "No." She replied, tone blunt, "The Imperial City likes to try and swallow me into their problems with the Aldmeri Dominion and I can't get involved in that." "Why not?" He persisted. Akihime shook her head, "I'd rather not get into it.."
Nori wished nothing more than to freeze the tongue in Sasuke's mouth, but that went against her tenets. "Are you sure you're not mistaking another one of the Brotherhoods more than messy mistakes, or even one of your own failed debauchery endeavors?" She snarled.
Akihime hummed loudly to ignore Nori's vulgar words, speeding up her horse. Sasuke gnashed his teeth before teleporting to Nori and smashing her into a tree. "If the Tenets didn't keep me from killing you, I would have by now. I'm getting so very tired of that venomous tongue of yours."
Nori gave a dry laugh, gripping his wrist hard, feeling the wood splinter beneath her. "You could've let me die that day, you could've pushed me off that ledge or let me go all on my own, but you didn't. Own up." She hissed through her teeth. "If you think I'd be grateful, you're dumber than you look."
"You're alive because you came crawling to me, not because I wanted you to be. Yes, I could have shoved you off the cliff, but to let you die would be like leaving a fine blade to rust. You need me as much as I need you, whether you're willing to accept it or not." He spat.
Nori didn't seem to much like Sasuke's words, but didn't speak out against them. Shoving him away, she moved ahead. "We're losing sight of them." Was her only comment, leaving him behind.
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