Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nori ground her teeth and shot a quick glare at Sasuke, moving to stand outside of Akihime's room while she changed.
Nori didn't even need to look up, her scowl hardening. "Shut your whore mouth Sarutobi, I know you were the cause of this." She whispered in an angry hiss.
Rage actually flared in her eyes and she ground her teeth. "I suppose your mother did the same when you were conceived." She hissed, dark look on her face.
((She's mayd~))

"And what did I say about touching the Oracle? Speaking ill of her, endangering her?" She ground out through her teeth, bending over to pick up the dagger. "Touch her again and I'll take off a pinkie from the Daedra's Bitch." She said, throwing the dagger back up to him.
Sasuke suddenly had her thrown against the wall, Blade of Woe at her throat, "Talk poorly of dana again and I'll cut out that disrespectful tongue from your mouth." He spat.
She scowled heavily, remaining completely still, the corner of her mouth twitching before she spoke, but in a voice that wasn't her own. "Sasuke, don't you know that I never loved you?" It was his mothers voice, sounding exactly like she would've if she were still alive.
His eyes widened and he screamed in anguish, pressing the blade harder and drawing blood, "Shut up!! How dare you!!" "Sasuke!" Akihime gasped and pushed him away, "What is the meaning of this?!"
"You aren't being professional, perhaps you should go and have a drink to relax, perhaps rest?" Nori spoke in her normal voice once more, her face neutral. "And plus, you're scarring the other patrons." She nodded to the now dead quiet inn; even Yukimura had exited his room to see what was wrong.
Sasuke actually became embarrassed, his breathing now heavy as he stared with slightly wide eyes. He clenched his fist and glared before stalking out of the inn. Akihime frowned at Nori, "Ama, what did you do...?" She looked and sounded disappointed.
Nori watched Sasuke the entire time until he left the Inn, a dark scowl set on her face. "It's nothing, my Lady, simply a falling out with my Brother. Please, go and rest, don't concern yourself with a sibling squabble."
Akihime frowned but nodded, moving back into her room to read one of her many books. Sasuke went out into the woods of Cyrodiil, slaying anything that tried to attack him. After leaving a trail of the bodies of goblins, wolves and minotaurs, Sasuke stopped into an abandoned cave, clenching his shaking hands and fighting his hot tears of anguish and rage.
"You need to get back to the inn, right now isn't the time for throwing a tantrum." It was Nori, having easily tracked Sasuke by following the trail of carnage he left behind. "Sanada's keeping an eye on Akihime while I'm gone, but I still want to get back as soon as possible; we have a job to do."
Sasuke glared at her before snatching her wrist, forcing her down and putting her her hand palm down on the ground before slicing off her pinkie and.ring finger with the Blade of Woe. "Disrespect me like that again and I will gladly break a Tenet just to send you to the Void." He hissed venomously.
Nori struggled when he forced her to the ground, but when agony flared from her hand, she stiffened completely and let out a wail of pain. Blood pooled quickly under her hand were two of her fingers had been severed, her body shaking hard and she ground her teeth in pain. "Get... Off of me!" She shoved him hard, getting back to her feet and holding her badly bleeding hand against her chest. "Just fucking do your job." She ground out before disappearing in a swirl of cold snow and ice, leaving behind her severed fingers.
Nori returned to the inn, grabbing a few clean cloths before going down to the ocean water to clean off her hand. Biting down on the cloth she washed her hand vigorously, her scream muffled behind the cloth. Once her hand was clean, she moved away from the water and pulled out a needle and thread, sewing up her fingers with a shaking hand before wrapping her hand in the cloth.
That night, after Akihime and Yukimura had gone to bed, Nori stayed up by the fire, in far too much pain to sleep.
Nori's eyes widened, her face flushing in embarrassment as she spun around to deliver a hard right hook to whoever had done that, and she had a pretty good idea who.
"Shut your mouth!" She hissed at Sasuke, trying to yank her hand free. "You're the one who instigated it, and plus how do you know half of those weren't faked?"
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