Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura slept heavily throughout the night, sprawled out on his bed and snoring softly.

There was a moment of further silence before the lock clicked, sounding that Megohime had unlocked the door.
((We'll come back to Yuki and them in a moment!))

Masamune stepped out into the balcony and sat next to her, "What's goin' on, Mego?" He asked, "Everything ok?"

Megohime had her knees pulled up to her chest, keeping her gaze off of Masamune before her entire demeanor changed and she tried to strike him, tears of anger welling in her eyes.
"Whoa!" He moved back and grabbed her wrists, "What in Oblivion is wrong with you!? It was just a question, not an insult to your honored dead!"
When Masamune grabbed her wrists, Megohime's robes tightened against her stomach, making her panic and try to pull back, only pulling Masamune closer. He brushed against her stomach, which had grown larger, firm and round. "Get off of me!" She shoved him away, her tears falling down her face.
Megohime's stomach felt rounded, slightly firm, but still soft. Megohime's face flushed and she shifted in an attempt to move away from his touch, clearly embarrassed.
Megohime shook her head, not even herself wanting to admit it. "This is your fault." She spoke quietly, her voice shaky. "This is all your damn fault."
Megohime looked like she was going to sob. "No it isn't! I don't know how to raise a kid, I'm not ready to raise one!"
"I hear it's like riding a horse." He told her, "But it doesn't matter because we can do this together.." He brushed some hair behind her ear and kissed her head.
"You're beautiful regardless, Mego..." He told her, holding her gently. "We'll get through this, I promise. It'll be a cake walk! A baby can't be any harder than a dragon hatchling."
((Yiss~ I had to fix the initial post where Aki was explaining where they had to go in terms of which Divine to pray to first xD))

The next morning, they left Bruma and made their way through the Colovian Highlands south-west to Chorrol, the cold climate changing to a nice warm temperate. They stopped briefly in Chorrol to eat before continuing straight to the still recovering city of Kvatch. Akihime smiled bitterly at the moss and vine covered remains of a destroyed Oblivion Gate just outside the city's walls. Sasuke's eyes widened, "What in Oblivion happened here?" "Mehrunes Dagon tried taking over Tamriel with the help of the Mythic Dawn a hundred years ago by opening Oblivion Gates and sending Daedra to try and overwhelm our forces. He failed thanks to the great sacrafice of Emperor Martin Septium and aid provided by the Hero of Kvatch." Akihime explained.
Yukimura was still fighting his hangover as they progressed, and though more quiet than usual, he still kept close to the others and engaged in conversation, but only when really needed. He made a soft noise, recalling Shingen teaching him about the Oblivion Crisis, but his head ached too much for him to recall all the details.
"We're almost to Anvil, let's keep going." Akihime said and made her horse trot ahead, wanting to get away from Kvatch. Sasuke made a noise and looked to Yukimura, "How are you holding up, dana?"
Yukimura gave a small nod of acknoledgement, urging his horse to go faster. "I feel like I swallowed marsh mud, but I'm managing." He said, giving the Oblivion Gate a quick glance.
"Good...she says we're almost there, so it hopefully won't be much longer." He told him. "We will have to stop soon so Nori and I can change. The Brotherhood isn't exactly welcome here anymore." He called to Akihime. She looked back and nodded, "Of course, I know the state of things here." She replied before returning her attention forward.
Nori was scouting ahead, clearing the path like she had been doing the entire trip, but once she saw Anvil, she doubled back to the group to inform them. "Anvil is just a mile up the road, I think we should stop before anyone can get a look at our armor."
Akihime nodded and tugged her horse to a stop. Sasuke reached into the bag strapped to Yukimura's horse and pulled out his spare clothes, tossing some to Nori before moving to the tall grass to change.
Nori caught the clothes easily and moved over behind a large pine tree. "Of course you would pick out a dress for me." She peered out from behind the tree to shoot a glare at Sasuke, tightening the strings of the build-in corset and moving out from behind the tree. She no longer had a mask covering her face, so all of her scars were exposed, leaving her feeling naked; on the plus side her hair had grown some, but was still rather short.
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