Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Things are different here in Cyrodiil~" Sasuke remarked, "Imperials dress far differently than Nords do~ it is unbecoming of a lady to wear trousers." His tone was teasing, a cruel smirk on his face. Akihime smiled, "I think you look lovely, Ama. Would you like my cloak for more coverage?"
Nori shook her head, declining Akihime's cloak. "No thank you, my Lady, you're too kind." She said, her eyes narrowing at Sasuke; although the dress wasn't short, it still felt wrong somehow, and without her mask to hide the badly burned half of her face, she felt rather insecure. "I'm sure Sasuke's arrogance will be enough to cover all of us."
Akihime giggled and Sasuke only glared at Nori in return before they continued to Anvil after Sasuke had changed out of his armor. After reaching the city of Anvil, they stabled the horses and booked rooms at the inn. Akihime exhaled and smiled, "First thing in the morning, we'll head to the wayshrine." She told Yukimura.
Yukimura gave a small nod, giving Akihime a small smile. "Right, thank you, Akihime-dono." He said softly. "Until night falls completely, is there anything you'd like to do?" He offered, his demeanor calm, but a sad light in his eyes.
Yukimura gave a slight nod. "Why don't we go down to the docks, maybe if I get used to my surroundings, it'll be less intimidating."
She smiled and giggled softly, "Yes, I was a little intimidated at first as well...but it's no different than Skyrim, really." She said and nudged her head for him to follow.
Yukimura nodded and followed Akihime, walking by her side, leaving the keep. "They're leaving, are you failing them, or am I?" Nori asked, looking up from her mug of ale, sitting at a table across from Sasuke.
Sasuke groaned and stood, "I'll go. Stay here and make sure the Thieve's Guild doesn't dip their fingers into our things." He told her and disappeared. Akihime moved down to the docks and sat at the edge, listening to the gulls and watching the waves lap at the wood beams, "I haven't been here in so long..."
"Roger that, Captain." Nori saluted sarcastically, getting up to move to a better position to watch the rooms, eyes glued to the closed door of Akihime's room, where everything of value had been stored until later. Yukimura watched the waters, having only been to Solitude's and Windhelm's docks, it was a nice change of pace. He sat down on the dock beside Akihime, but kept his feet on the deck instead of dangling over the water; his legs were too long and would often touch the water.
"It's so peaceful..." She muttered, a smile tugging at her lips, "To sit here alone is wonderful, but to share it with someone is even more so..."
Yukimura was only half listening to Akihime, half lost in thought about the past couple of weeks; it had been hellish, and yet the two very people he had betrayed, still stood by his side. A pain swelled in his heart and he clenched his fists. "Akihime-dono..?"
As Akihime finished her sentence, Yukimura leaned in, cupping Akihime's cheek gently and kissing her. The kiss only lasted for a few moments, but it was far more than a quick peck on the lips. Pulling away, his cheeks turned red. "I.... I'm truly sorry, I should have gotten your permission first." He said quickly.
Yukimura cleared his throat, his heart beating hard against his chest, moving in to kiss her again.
Akihime blushed heavily and inched closer, eyes slowly closing. Before their lips met, something bumped into her and knocked her into the water. Sasuke watched angrily from the top of the lighthouse.
Yukimura's eyes widened in shock and he hurriedly pulled Akihime out of the water, looking her over for injuries. "Are you ok, Akihime-dono? What happened?"
"Why don't we go back to the Inn and get you some dry clothes before you catch your death?" Yukimura offered, helping Akihime to her feet.
Yukimura helped Akihime to her feet, walking back to the Inn with her, holding her hand the entire time.
Once back inside, Akihime was berated with questions on why she was soaking wet, but she already had a pretty good idea as to why, and who had done it. "Go get dried off and get a warm drink." Nori ordered, a scowl on her face as she looked around for the ginger-haired assassin.
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