Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Don't tell me I have to go, too.." Sasuke grumbled, hanging upside down from the beams above Yukimura, back in his armor and his mask over his face.
Yukimura stopped on the way to his room- if it was still his. "Yes, you must accompany Akihime and me, please get ready to leave." He said, continuing off.
The same night the four of them traveled down passed Riften, heading on horseback to Cyrodil.
"So, the first wayshrine on our journey this way is Arkay's near Anvil." Akihime said with a bright smile. Sasuke looked up from the map with a scowl, "How do you know that?" "I've made many a pilgrimage before, Sasuke, I know exactly where we're going." She answered, tone bubbly. Sasuke grumbled and continued to stare at the map. Akihime smiled at Yukimura, "After we pray to Stendarr, we will continue along South-East towards Leyawiin to visit the wayshrine of Stendarr, where we'll pray for forgiveness to the Divine of Mercy."

((I am fucking retarded and got the wayshrines all mixed up xD))
Yukimura stiffened slightly, a dark look entering his eyes as he gave a small nod, looking back down at the reigns in his hands. "Right." He spoke quietly, returning his gaze to the trail ahead. Nori had taken the lead, going on foot to make sure the path was safe as they traveled.
"If you could hear Them, Yukimura, you would not be so distraught..." She said gently and continued to look ahead, "We'll stop and rest in Bruma soon. It will be cold there, so I hope everyone has warm clothing or cloaks." "Oh, Sithis, shut up, please." Sasuke grumbled irately.
Yukimura didn't even seem to notice the foul comment Sasuke made, gripping the reigns of his horse tightly so his hands wouldn't tremble. Once in Bruma, Nori purchased three rooms: two desperate rooms for Akihime and Yukimura, and the last room having to be shared by Sasuke and Nori, but Nori simply made do sleeping in the chair. Yukimura couldn't rest at all, staring up at the ceiling, screams echoing in his head. He couldn't do this. Sitting up, he uncorked a bottle of mead that sat on the bedside table, downing the entire bottle as quickly as he could.
Akihime rested comfortably in her bed, reading a few books she brought with her, keeping her valuables with Nori knowing the Thieve's Guild had reach even here in Cyrodil. She hummed softly to herself, her book illuminated by the candle lit at her bedside, trying to keep her mind off Yukimura and his distress.
Yukimura had gone through four bottle of mead and two bottles of wine, but the voices in his head refused to quiet. "Please don't kill me!" "No, what are you doing!? They're my friends!" "Please, you can kill me, but don't hurt my children!" Tears flowed down his face and he uncorked another bottle of wine, sitting on the floor behind the bed; his hands trembled as he brought the bottle to his lips, nausea making him want to vomit on the floor, but he still drank.
Yukimura moved the bottle away from his mouth, a bit of wine dribbling down his chin before he threw the bottle at where he heard Sasuke's voice from. "Shut up! What do you know?" He hissed, but the throw was so sloppy, the bottle missed by a near foot, the glass shattering and raining down on Yukimura, only being drenched in wine.
Sasuke moved down and grabbed a towel, sweeping off the glass before rubbing the towel over his hair to get the wine out, "As a trained assassin, I know a great deal." He answered gently, "You're no good to anyone dead, dana. Plus, I vowed to protect you, even from alcohol poisoning."
Yukimura sat still on the ground, allowing Sasuke to brush the glass from his person before he had the wine troweled from his hair. "And what good am I to anyone alive?" He said, then his stomach lurched so hard it felt as though he had been punched in the gut. Vomiting on the floor, he coughed and gagged, more tears coming to his eyes, but he only reached for another bottle of mead that sat on the table.
Sasuke smacked the bottle out of his hand and grabbed him by the collar. "Enough." He hissed, "You're being so damned selfish about everything right now and it's making me want to vomit out my internal organs. So what if you killed a few dozen people; it doesn't matter now. It is done. Drinking yourself to death is a coward's way out of your problems. I did not pledge myself to a fucking coward." He spat. "So we're going to flush that piss you Nords call alcohol out of your stomach and you're going to suck it the fuck up."
Yukimura watched the bottle clatter to the floor, frowning heavily, but niether arguing or agreeing. He kept his eyes on the ground, really too drunk to move, but still not able to get the courage to get to his feet. Finally, he actually gave a slight nod, but when he tried to get up, his head started to spin, and he nearly vomited again.
Sasuke helped him stand and escorted him to the rear of the inn, setting him up against the wall carefully before taking out a small vial and uncorking it before shoving it into his mouth and the liquid inside down Yukimura's throat. The mixture inside was thick and heavy, mucky with a potent taste of charred earth and garlic.
As soon as the liquid entered his mouth, Yukimura began to gag, but Sasuke was smart enough to make sure Yukimura wouldn't just try to spit it out, forcing him to swallow. Yukimura shoved Sasuke back, retching a few times before beginning to empty the contents of his stomach, shaking hard.
Sasuke rubbed his back gently, waiting until he was done before handing him a new potion, "Here. This won't make you throw up, I promise. It will help you recover." He stated, "Bottoms up."
Yukimura took the potion in shaking hands, struggling to get the cork off before weakly drinking all of it, then wipping the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand. "... Thanks."
Yukimura laid on the bed, sweat gathering on his brow as he fell into a heavy sleep, a twisted look of distress on his face.

((Oh! I almost forgot I had a plan~!))

Megohme had been having violent mood swings for the past couple of weeks, often being tended to by her replacement handmaidens, but when she became to much, Jin had to take over and accompany her. On that particular night, Megohime, was having a rather violent mood swing, and niether her handmaidens nor Jin could contain her. After having nearly completely trashing their bedroom, Megohime had locked herself outside on the balcony, sitting on the floor and rolling around an empty cup with her foot.
Sasuke decided to stay with Yukimura just in case, keeping an eye on him.

There was a knock on the door, "Mego?" It was Masamune, "Can we talk?"
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