Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He already had her chest armor undone, a sly smirk on his face, "Don't rush me~"

"We travel to Cyrodil, near the city of Anvil and pray to Arkay at his wayshrine! And then we can go to Stendarr's wayshrine and pray to him as well! It's a direct way of communing with the Divines, it will surely help you through your woes!" She was smiling, happy she thought of so wonderful of a plan, "We can make a pilgrimage and restore your faith and inner balance!"
Nori grunted softly, not wanting to wait any longer, so as to move him along, she slowly rubbed her knee against his groin. "If you don't hurry up, I'm going to leave."

Yukimura made a face and looked down at the floor. "Travel to Cyrodil?" He muttered; it didn't sound like a terrible idea, but he hadn't lost faith in the Devines, he felt as though it was rightful for them to abandon him. "Please allow me to think this over, Akihime-dono - and before anything else, I must inform Lord Shingen."
He huffed and just went straight to removing her armor, tossing every piece away haphazardly before working off his own armor.

Akihime's smile didn't falter for a second, "Of course...! You'll absolutely love Cyrodil, I haven't been there in so long, but it's beautiful..."
Nori made a soft noise, trying to twist her hand free, but like last time, Sasuke had a firm grip on her wrists. "You really aren't making this any fun." She muttered.

((We can pick up with Aki and Yuki leaving for Cyrodil after this~))
Nori scoffed and rolled her eyes, finding how slow he was moving to be rather uninteresting, and letting out a sigh of boredom.
Nori scoffed up at him. "I'm older than you by a year." She taunted, adjusting herself so she had one leg hooked around his waist and the other resting over his thigh.

((The DB armor does have a lot of straps ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ))
Nori let out a soft moan, her womanhood trembling and growing wet, her own need increasing to a steady throb in her lower stomach.
Nori let out a slow sigh, slowly rocking her hips with his, biting his shoulder hard enough to leave clear marks.
Nori actually let out a moan this time, gasping with each thrust he made, murmuring something softly.
Nori groaned with pleasure, moving her head to expose more of her neck to Sasuke, his name slipping passed her lips in a moan. "Sasuke..~"
She let out a soft gasp of pain, clenching her fists and biting her lip, her entire body trembling slightly - but she only moaned his name again. "Sasuke~"
Nori felt her face and chest burn red with embarrassment, but she gave a slight nod, eyes glazed over with lust and sweat beading on her brow. "Y-Yeah... It's not really all that comfortable.." She muttered, squirming slightly out of discomfort, but it only sent another jolt of pleasurable pain up her stomach, moaning weakly.
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