Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I'm a murderer, Sasuke, I get no pardon because I was Housecarl." He muttered, sitting down on the ground again.
(("His cell unlocked Yukimura's cell."?))

Yukimura exited with Sasuke, requesting that he be placed in shackles, but as expected Sasuke did no such thing, and Yukimura was forced to return home like any other free man would have.
Once Sasuke and Yukimura arrived at Whiterun, the gaurds who were waiting for Yukimura's return placed Yukimura in irons, and escorted him up to the Dragonsreach jail.
Yukimura sat in the last cell in the jail, his armor changed out for burlap clothing, and his wrists still bound by irons, sitting on the floor as he awaited to hear when his trial date would be.
The heavy footsteps of Takeda Shingen could be heard making their way down to Yukimura's cell. The Tiger of Whiterun stared down at Yukimura with a disapproving scowl, "I am disappointed in you, Yukimura. You knew better than to approach that forbidden door."
Yukimura bowed his head in respect and shame. "My Lord, I know, something horrible came over me, and I have sinned many times over. I accept my death, and leave this world with no pride." He said, tears pricking at his eyes.
"It pains me to have to do this, you know. You were a son to me. But I am proud to see you accept your punishment without any begging or bargaining." He said. He lowered his gaze and turned to leave, "The execution is tomorrow morning. I'm sorry, Yukimura." He said and left.
Yukimura kept his fists pressed to the ground and his jaw clenched until Shingen had left, and only after he had, did he let his tears fall.
The night seemed to drag on, other prisoners laughing and taunting Yukimura from their cells. When morning came,the guards approached the Housecarl solemnly, "It's time, housecarl..."
Yukimura hadn't slept a wink, taking all of the taunting without so much as batting an eye, even though it weighed heavily on his heart. When the gaurds came in the morning to bring him to the execution, he stood, and moved to the cell door, awaiting the block.
They took him out into the fields where the executioner was waiting. Shingen and the whole court was there as well; Sasuke, too, was forced to be there. There wasn't any sign of Akihime or Nori, but that was to be expected. The guards brought him to the block and set him on his knees, "Any final words?"
"No." Yukimura shook his head, placing his throat against the wooden block that was stained red with the dried blood of criminals before him, closing his eyes, and awaiting his death.
The headsman gripped his axe firmly before bringing it up, ready to slam it down on Yukimura's neck. But he halted, feeling the ground quiver and an echo in the distance. "Stop...! Please...!" Over the hill staggered Akihime, holding her wound as she made her way towards them, "Please, I beg you, spare him...!"
Yukimura didn't open his eyes, he only ground his teeth and turned his head away, keeping his head on the block. "Akihime-sama!" Nori followed close behind Akihime, a soft scowl on her face. "I told you that you must stay in bed!"
"H-He can't die...! I don't want him to...!" She said, sounding winded as she made her way over. "please, Jarl Shingen...! It wasn't his fault...!" "The blood of many is on his hands, Lady Akihime. He must atone." Shingen told her. She scowled and glared up at him, "The Divines want him alive." "Grasping at straws, Oracle?" The headsman commented.
"Akihime, stop!" Yukimura yelled from his kneeling position at the block. "My execution is justified, I've cut down innocent people, and even worse two of them were very close to me, I must do this to atone for what I've done."
Akihime shook her head, angry tears in her eyes, "The mercy of Stendarr extends even this far. Let him atone another way, please...! He's a noble man with a strong heart and brave spirit. You know how dangerous Daedra are, especially the one you locked away in your Keep! Please, Jarl Takeda!" She begged. Shingen furrowed his brows and crossed his arms over his chest. "Release him." He ordered. The guards were taken aback, "M-My Lord!" "She's right. Yukimura was under the influence of a Daedric Prince. Though it isn't an excuse for murder, it is something that can be thought about more thoroughly." Shingen stated.
"No!! This isn't right! I didn't just kill bandits on my journey to Riften, I killed peddlers, and farmers, and even young adventurers, I deserve no kindness, not from you and not from the Divines. I forsook them, and even tarnished their very names, I am not noble of heart, I deserve no less than the headmans axe!" Tears of anguish fell down his face. "I do not deserve to be spared."
"Yukimura, please..." Akihime moved closer and held out her hand, "You deserve as much forgiveness as anyone...you were being corrupted...you didn't mean to take lives...and if I can forgive you, the Divines can." She said, "So please...please, for my sake...come with me and we will pray to Stendarr together..."
Yukimura lowered his head, shaking it and scowling at the ground. "I don't deserve..-" "Shut your damn mouth!" Nori snarled. "Everyone here has given you a second chance, and you won't even consider it!"
"Ama, please..." Akihime said softly. Sasuke stepped forward and hoisted Yukimura up, "Enough pussyfooting. Let's get you cleaned up and into your armor and we can spar. Ok, dana? Don't even answer, just come on." He said and tugged Yukimura along.
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