Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura stumbled after Sasuke, clenching his jaw and nodding, deciding to atone for his sins through staying alive.
After Sasuke got Yukimura clean and into a newly tempered set of armor, he dragged him to the Great Porch and handed him his spears. "Alright, dana. Let's go." He pulled up his mask and unsheathed two Ebony daggers.
Yukimura looked down at the spears in his hands and made a soft noise, gripping them tightly as he took a deep breath. Starting the sparring match, he went for more crippling blows rather than kill blows, still seeking hesitant.
"Come on, dana. Where's that fire? I know you can do better than this. Stop hesitating! You're the Tiger Cub of Whiterun!" Sasuke huffed, easily deflecting his hits.
Yukimura ground his teeth, jabbing at Sasuke's middle and head, with a little more ferocity. "I'm trying!" He said through his teeth, sweeping low at Sasuke's ankles.
Sasuke jumped over him and hooked his arm around Yukimura's neck, the butt of his blade against his back, "Do you need insentive?" His voice was low, dangerous. He was still angry about the situation that previously occured.
Yukimura scowled, gripping his spears to steady his shaking hands. "No, threats aren't necessary." He said, his entire body feeling sluggish and weak.
"Then fight!" Sasuke threw Yukimura to the ground, body shaking, "Disregard what you did! Forget that stupid woman's forgiveness! All you need is the will to keep going, for Sithis' sake!"
"I can't just forgive what I've done, Sasuke! I'm not like you!" He snapped back, getting back to his feet. "And how can I have the will to keep going when I nearly killed the two people I love!?"
"Easy: you accept it and continue forward. You can't change what you've done. Your only choice is to pick your fucking head up and keep walking. You won't like it but it's something you have to live with now." He stated firmly, "If I took your attack personally, I would have let them cut your bull-head without batting an eye. If that fake emissary took it personally, she would have let you die too. But neither of us have done either of those things. So just..." He exhaled heavily, "Keep that fire going, dana..."
Yukimura looked down at his spears; there was just no way that he could simply forget what he had done and move on. He had killed over a dozen innocents, he felt empty and heavy.
Sasuke dropped to his knees and bowed lowly, "Please, dana...you know I'm not one for begging, but dammit, I will. I will help if you need it...but seeing you like this is painful..."

((Nori would be loving this if she was watching~))
((Oh she might be~ And she'd be all hot and bothered~))

Yukimura mulled over Sasuke's words, then nodded slowly. "I just... I need some time, I'm lost and I need guidance." He hung up his spears, turning and leaving to the hall of the dead to speak with the priest.
(( *intense eyebrow waggle* ))

Akihime watched him leave with a frown, struggling after him, "Yukimura...! M-Matte...!" She called. Sasuke sat on the Great Porch, breathing heavily as he punched the ground over and over.
Yukimura turned when he heard Akihime, watching her enter the keep after him, the massive doors to the Great Porch closing behind her. "Akihime-dono... You should be in bed." He had a pained look in his eyes when he looked at her, keeping his distance.

"I didn't think you were the one to beg." Nori stood off to the side of the Great Porch, lingering by the balcony. "In all honesty, I like when you're on your knees."
She approached steadily, shaking her head, "I've rested enough...let me accompany you...? I said we could pray together...I want to keep my word.." She said gently.

Sasuke's eyes moved to her quickly, "You would be much prettier from where I'm sitting."
Yukimura hesitated, but gave a slight nod. "Alright." He replied stiffly, finding it awkward, but mostly shameful. Heading toward the Hall in silence, he kept his gaze down, entering the hall with a frown.

"Only you would know what that'd look like considering you haven't really put out, but what can you expect?" She shrugged, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
Akihime frowned and gently took his hand, "It will be ok, Yukimura.."

Sasuke appreaed before her and pinned her to the wall, "I am in no mood for your snake venom today."
Yukimura instantly pulled his hand away, a look of panic flashing in his eyes, his face pale. "I, um... Please, let us pray." He said, moving over to the shrine.

Nori allowed herself to be pinned to the wall, staring up at Sasuke blank-faced. "Why? Killing those men earlier wasn't enough to pleasure yourself to?"
Akihime frowned heavily and knelt before the shrine, holding her hands out ans raising her head heavenward, "Come to me, Arkay, for without you, there is neither breath nor beginning, nor can any man live, love, or learn without the spark of your spirit." She cited his verse, eyes closed as she prayed silently.

"Not nearly. I need physical attention now. You'll do." He stated before melting into his.pool of shadows with her. They were suddenly in his small cubbie of a room and he dropped her on the bed, crawling over her and biting along her neck.
Yukimura knelt beside Akihime, but didn't close his eyes to pray, he simply stared at the metal shrine before him. He felt alone, regardless that Akihime and a few others were inside the hall with him, he felt as though all he had known had abandon him.

Nori made a grunt of dissatisfaction, his bites rough enough to draw a bit of blood. "I didn't agree to fuck you." She growled out, pushing her knee into his groin, not hard enough to hurt, but just enough to make him think of slowing down. "If you're gonna do this, do it right." She hissed in his ear, grabbing the front of his collar and tugging him down. She pressed her lips against his in a rough kiss, nipping at his lower lip before pulling away. "If you want it, then fight for it~" She purred.
"You aren't praying, Yukimura..." Akihime noted, eyes still closed, "Why?"

He scowled heavily and pinned her wrists above her head, "I'm sorry, but I'm the kinda guy who just takes what he wants. Deal with it."
Yukimura shook his head, closing his eyes and praying, but like he had predicted, he was still completely alone; praying didn't help at all.

Nori had a soft scowl on her face; she was growing impatient, of course she wanted him, but he wasn't making it any fun. "Then why aren't you fucking me yet?" She asked.
Akihime didn't know what to do; she could feel Yukimura's guilt radiating off him and it made her heart hurt. She didn't really know what to do, praying to the Divines always made her feel better if she was feeling down or alone. Why was it not working for him? Was the Daedra still plaguing him? She then had an idea and looked to him, "Ne, I think I know what will make you feel better...!"

"Yeah, lemme just plow into you through your armor." He said flatly, his nimble free hand working the belts and clasps of her armor.
"Well, I assumed if you stopped running your mouth, you could use your hands a little faster." She said, struggling to pull her hands free, not liking being able to do nothing.

Yukimura opened his eyes, looking to Akihime, a soft frown on his face. "Something else?" He echoed. "What did you have in mind?"
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