Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nori ground against him slowly, and whilst pleasure did almost make her moan, she restrained herself. "Beg, dog. I want you to moan my name and beg..~" She ground out.
Nori moved slightly faster, but not enough to really make a difference. "Oh come on, you weren't even trying~" She whispered in his ear, licking up the side up his neck. "You're going to have to work for it if you want it~"
Nori moaned in his ear purposefully, biting his neck, and rocking her hips at a moderate pace again. "Oh~ Sasuke~" She moaned breathily in his ear. "I just want you to bend me over and fuck me nice and hard~" She had a teasing tone, but was completely serious.
Nori moved, Sasuke's length pulling out of her, making her grind her teeth before she moved onto her knees, supporting herself against the wall.
Nori bit her hand to keep from crying out, leaning heavily on the wall for support, moving her hips to get him moving. "Be careful..! Or are you trying to make me bleed?" She growled out.
"I said fuck me hard, not try to tear me open." She hissed. "Now just shut up." She said, shifting into a more comfortable position.
Nori got into a more comfortable position and let him know she was ready, moving her hips with his as he started, soft moans emitting from her.
He kept it slow at first before slowly speeding up, getting rougher and rougher just how he remembered she liked it, suppressing moans of his own.
Nori moaned weakly, clenching her fists as she was pushed up against the wall, trying to keep her noises at a minimal.
A sharp jolt of pleasure shot through Nori and she couldn't help but let out a loud, strangled moan, her womanhood trembling and tightening. "I don't want Akihime-sama to hear- ah~!"
"Shut your mout- ah~!" She ground her teeth, feeling her climax almost upon her, womanhood trembling hard.
Nori moaned loudly clawing lightly at the stone wall, arching her back when she hit her climax, moaning his name.
Nori panted softly, working on catching her breath, giving Sasuke a moment to steady himself before she moved.
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