Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


The next morning, Akihime dressed in her finest robes, adorned in her blessed jewels and necklaces, riding with Yukimura to the wayshrine of Arkay. When they reached it and it was cleared of the ogres and minotaurs, Akihime held out her hand for Yukimura, "Come, Yukimura...it is time to pray for those lost to the Daedra to be given peace."
Yukimura took her hand, nodding and following her up to the Shrine, his stomach in knots, worried that the Divines would not accept him.
She took him to the shrine and knelt with him, closing her eyes and taking a breath, "Come to me, Arkay, for without you, there is neither breath nor beginning, nor can any man live, love, or learn without the spark of your spirit." She prayed, head bowed. The water within the wayshrine trembled and shimmered before a whispy yet youthful voice echoed in her ears as well as Yukimura's. "Thou doth summon me, Oracle, to this plane of life. Speak, so I may answer thy call."
Yukimura knelt beside Akihime, bowing before the shrine and the great deity. "Great Arkay, it's I who actually wish to speak with you, to repent for my sins."
"Sanada Yukimura. Thou hast slain many under the influence of the Daedric Prince, Mephala. The balance of life and death hast shaken in thine corruption. However, thy desire to repent shall ease the souls of the felled, and shall grant thee my forgiveness." Arkay stated.
Yukimura bowed his head deeply, nodding and fighting the tears that welled in his eyes. "Please make sure their passage may be safe and short." He spoke softly, his heart aching.
"They find peace in Aetherius, as do all children of Nirn. Thy guilt is heavy, but know that the souls thou hast sent to Paradise hold no ill-will, and thus I grant thee my forgiveness. Take my blessing with thee on thy pilgrimage." The blue shimmering light from the wayshrine encircled Yukimura before disappearing, Arkay returning to Aetherius.
Yukimura shivered slightly, an odd surge pulling at his chest before dissapearing. Standing, he looked to Akihime. "Where is the next shrine?"
"South-East, towards Leyawiin!" Akihime smiled, "We must travel through Skingrad and Bravil before-" "Bravil?" Sasuke repeated, moving closer, "We're going to Bravil?" Akihime frowned softly but nodded, "Yes...if it upsets you, we can-" "No. That's fine."
Yukimura made the safest route on his map, nodding in agreement to how they would travel. "I think if we head out today, we may be able to make it to Skingrad by nightfall."
((Ditches them until they reach Bravil))

Jin had taken months for her rehabilitation, strengthening her other arm so she would be able to fight with a sword, having to make up for losing her ability to use a bow. She mainly practiced by hunting, having to use all of her skills to take down a deer, and though it was quite the challenge, she managed to do it. Today however, had been raining on and off all day, so her joint ached, making her miss her kill over and over. Sitting down on a tree stump, she rubbed her aching shoulder, digging through her bag for a potion.
Jin stiffened, her hand lingering over the glass bottle she had in her pouch, before jumping to her feet and spinning around. A gasp was torn from her when her eyes landed on Mitsuhide, her chest tightening and her body going cold. "I watched you die... How?"
Jin grabbed the handle of her sword and drew it. "I know of no god who would give you a second chance..!" She hissed, pointing her blade at him. "State the business of your presence, or may you be slain where you stand!"
"It's good to see you, as well, Jin~ how have you been? How does your lover, the housecarl of Riften, fair?" He asked, and though his mouth was covered it was noticeable that he was smiling.
Her stance wavered, eyes slowly widening, lowering her blade slowly before bringing her blade up again. "My life is none of your business." She snarled, a nagging feeling in the back of her mind.
Jin's hair stood on end and she charged forward, fear showing clearly in her eyes as she moved to restrain him to take him into custody, but in all actuality, she wanted to kill him. "What have you done?" She growled lowly.
Jin winced when she landed on the ground, landing on her bad side, her pauldron digging into where her arm was missing, making her see white. She managed to keep a hold of her blade whilst gripping her shoulder, glaring up at Mitsuhide as she struggled to sit up. He scared her, Mitsuhide was the one thing that terrified her to death - images of their past surfacing, adventuring together, fighting side-by-side, and when she had to kill him. "Why are you back? Why now?" She tried to calm her nerves, hearing Mitsuhide threaten Kojurou was something that easily pushed her over the edge, a dull anger slowly building. "What do you want?"
"I don't require, or want, your company." She said, using her sword as a crutch to pull herself back to her feet. "Leave, leave Riften and never come back."
"Dear, sweet Jin~ I never plan on leaving you again~" He told her, "You'll just have to try and kill me again first~ though I doubt you will succeed~"
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