Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"That would be nearly everyone in Whiterun," He fidgeted, feeling rather irritated by something; it was Mephala's presence effecting him, making him more short-tempered. "But they're all dirty, not worthy!" He pulled at his hair, grinding his teeth and letting out a frustrated growl. "Akihime! Akihime is pure, and she's been blessed by the defines, would she suffice?"
"But how do I get to her?" He asked, standing only to pace back and forth. "I'll be stopped as soon as I enter Whiterun, and she isn't allowed to step foot outside!"
"But she won't come that easily!! They'll warn her!!" He snapped before dropping into a blood covered chair, staring up at the ceiling. "She'll come to find me... I know she will, that's how she is."
It would be days, almost weeks until Akihime finally came to the cave to search, "Yukimura...?" She called softly. She was dressed in guilded elven armor, it might have been a disguise to get her out of Whiterun.
Yukimura sat at one of the tables, which had been completely cleared for the black blade. A dark aura surrounded him, and his appearance was totally different. His hair was down and he wore black armor instead of his fire red armor, eyes dark and a scowl on his face.
Akihime frowned heavily when she finally found him, keeping her distance when the nausea hit again. "Yukimura, please..." She said softly, "That is a Daedric artifact and it needs to be destroyed.." "No!!" An ear splitting ache surged through his skull, "Don't let her destroy it!!"
Yukimura gripped his head tightly, body shaking, and a snarl on his face as he ground his teeth in agony. "SHUT UP!!" He grabbed the blade and cleaved the table in two, stalking toward Akihime, grabbing her by the throat and slamming her into the wall. "And you're the one who gets to decide that?" He snarled in her face, pressing the tip of the blade against her chest plate. "Why? Why, why why!?" He took a breath. "Why destroy Daedric weapons and hate Daedra and worship the Divines? Why not tear them from their thrones?" He snarled.
Akihime clawed at his wrist, her stomach doing sick and nauseated flips, "Wh-What have the Daedra done but plagued us and made us monsters in the eyes of man and mer?" She struggled to ask. She felt absolutely horrid; her skin was crawling and she was getting a cold sweat. "Please, let me go, I feel sick..."
"And what have the Divines done except for throw tantrums when not appeased!?" His grip tightened and the blade left a small dent in her armor. "They act like children, and if they do not get their way, they care not for their followers!" He snarled.
"Th-That isn't-" She stopped to keep from vomiting, "that isn't true, Yukimura...Mara loved us so deeply that she wanted to share that ability to love each other as unconditionally...her priests are few and far between, do we not still love?" She took a deep slow breath, "Talos, our powerful God of War, has had his worship banned, do you see him smiting those who do not still worship because they fear death at the hands of the Thalmor? Stendarr, who has had his followers slain like cattle by vampires - hellish offspring of the Daedric Prince Molag Bol - has given us the power to show mercy to those who deserve it, yet here we are with the same ability to be so merciful." She felt like she was going to faint but she continued to try and reach out to him, "You can kill me now, Yukimura, and satisfy the Daedra that haunts you, but I can promise you that when they finish their evil purpose with you that they will not be as kind as any Divine would..."
Yukimura's expression held utter boredom, and his eyes seemed slightly unfocused, like he had been bored to death. In one swift motion, he pushed the Ebony Blade through Akihime's stomach, not stopping until the blade exited out of her back and was buried to the hilt in her stomach. "You vomit wasted words." He said, yanking the blade from her stomach and kicking her down to the floor. "NO!!" Nori launched herself from the shadows, rage burning in her eyes as she attacked Yukimura, dodging his blade and moving to stab him in the thigh.
Akihime collapsed, tears filling her eyes before falling to the side. Sasuke moved over and forced her to drink a vigorous healing potion before moving to keep Nori from killing Yukimura. The Ebony Blade seemed to absorb Akihime's blood, drinking it in, "Yes, I can feel my power growing exponentially...! Well done, Yukimura, well done. The purity of her blood and the ultimate betrayal she feels is so powerful~"
Yukimura fended off Nori, his thigh dripping blood, and a few other deep gashes running along his arms. Nori fought as hard as she could, but Yukimura's heavy blade still seemed as though it would shatter her daggers at any moment, then he was gone. No longer in front of Nori, he stood before Sasuke, grabbing the front of his collar and yanking him forward, impaling him on the Ebony blade as well.
Sasuke's eyes widened and he death gripped Yukimura's collar, "Dana...this isn't you. Tune out the blade for a second, please. You hurt Akihime. You hurt me." Blood dripped from the side of his mouth, "Shingen would be disappointed in you..." "Such betrayal~ his blood is a little dirty but it will do~"
Yukimura pried Sasuke's hand from his collar, slowly twisting the blade before kicking Sasuke back, removing the blade in one violent jerk. Nori ground her teeth, wanting nothing more than to cut deep into Yukimura's throat, but instead gathered up Akihime, then retrieving Sasuke and leaving.
Nori was already out of the cave, hurrying along the plains around Whiterun, going as fast as she could when holding two people. Nori jabbed her thumb into Sasuke's wound, grinding her teeth. "Shut up, both of you." She ordered.
Once back to Whiterun, Nori handed Sasuke over to the healers, personally healing Akihime, a worried frown on her face. "How does your throat feel? Does it feel overly sore as well?"
"N-Not a whole lot, but it feels bruised..." She answered gently. She frowned and held Nori's hand, "Did I fail, Ama? Or can he not be saved at this point...?" She looked distraught that her gift could not help someone, Yukimura of all people could not be saved.
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