Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"And you're my family too!" She snarled at him, laying his head back down and going to work on healing the gashes. She was quiet, the only sound was the sound of Nori casting a healing spell. "You're an idiot for the leader of the Dark Brotherhood." She muttered.
"Yes, she's safe." She answered softly, stopping to heal him only to apply ointment on the fresh scars on his arms, then wrap them up. Returning to healing his middle, she glanced at him. "Did he cut your legs?" She asked.
Nori shot him a glare before applying ointment to the mostly closed gashed on his stomach, wrapping his middle. "Just be glad you're alive." She said, working on cutting away the pant legs of Sasuke's pants, not wanting to let any sound left untouched.
"Just shut up." She said, applying ointment once more to the cuts on his legs before standing. "I'm going to get Babette so she can be sure you're ok."
"Don't even get up off the floor." She pointed, before leaving, returning shortly with Babette.
"I haven't seen you like this in a while~" "Not now, Babette...I'll let you have some of this left over blood should you help me." Sasuke said. The Unchild nodded and went to work on healing the rest of his wounds.
Nori stood a ways behind Babette, a frown on her face as she watched the vampire heal the man who had saved her, the man who had given her a second chance.
Nori sat in the car corner of the room, head resting against the wall as she slept, and in waiting for Babette to finish, fell asleep.
When Babette left, Nori peeled open her eyes, watching Sasuke lay on his bed. "Why do you stay here if you have Sanada at Whiterun?"
"I'm not always here. I've been spending a lot of time here because of you. If I go back looking like this, dana will have a heart attack." He answered.
"Well, when this is over, why don't you stay in Whiterun permanently." She stated, scowling. "He loves you, you know."
"No intimately, but yes, he does hold me in his heart." Sasuke replied, "And I do live there. I onlt stay here when the Night Mother comes whispering." He replied.
((Nevver fear!))

After a couple days, Sasuke was well enough to leave, getting on a fresh change of armor before heading back to Whiterun with Nori.
"I still don't think you should be moving around, you aren't as young as you used to be." Nori said as she followed on Sasuke's heels.
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