Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nori ground her teeth, moving Akihime behind her as protection. "I'm not going to leave you here by yourself, we can make a run for it. I can carry Akihime." She ground out. "I can't leave you behind, I won't!" She hissed.
Nori looked down at the ground, grinding her teeth hard. "Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis." She said lowly before picking up Akihime and jumping onto the ledge of the bridge. "Don't die." She said sternly before dissapearing.
"I'm taking you to neutral territory, you're going to be living in Whiterun from now on." She said stiffly, not looking down at Akihime, her eyes troubled as she left Sasuke behind.
"I'm not going to die if that's what you're worried about." She said, hopping from tree to tree. "But I can't stay with you permanently." She glanced down at Akihime, her gaze softening. "But I will be around in Whiterun as often as I can."
Nori made it to Whiterun and hurried up to Dragonsreach, breathing hard as she entered the keep. "Lord Shingen, Yukimura-dono!" She set Akihime down on her feet. "I need to leave immediately, I'll return as soon as I can, but I need to make sure Sasuke has returned safely." "Is Sasuke hurt?" "I don't know sir, I'm sorry." She shook her head. "Please watch after Akihime-sama, while I'm gone." She said and left, returning to the Sanctuary to wait for Sasuke.
"Cut the shitty nicknames, have you had any word from Sasuke?" Nori asked, pulling her mask and cowl off of her face.
Nori scowled and left, heading outside and scouring the area before making her way out toward Solitude, moving in zigzags to see if she met Sasuke along the way.
The sun was soon about to rise, Nori having scoured the area well through the night and early morning with no sign of the Listener. Maybe he was dead, his body dumped like garbage or maybe they had him hidden away, there was no way of knowing without getting caught herself.
Nori stayed around Solitude for a day and a half, circling around the city more than a dozen times before she finally had to return to Dawnstar.
By the time she got there, it was midday and the Sanctuary still had not seen hide nor hair of their Listener. Cicero became uneasy, muttering something about 'another dead Listener' and 'Mother won't speak' as he paced through the entire Sanctuary.
Nori paced back and forth all night, hands trembling as she did so, tempted by the wine sitting on the table. "Shit. Shit, shit!! I shouldn't have left him on his own!" She sat angrily in the chair and pulled the cork from the bottle and poured herself a full cup before downing it.
"Tenet Three, Sister." Cicero said, though his eyes were still on the floor as he moved through the area, "Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis." He forced a dry chuckle, "The Listener is probably taking the scenic route...!"
"And if I had disobeyed him, he would've been here." She slammed her tankard down on the table, rattling the flatware. "I shouldn't have asked for his help, I should've done it on my own." She took a long drink from the bottle. "If I had done anything else besides involve him he wouldn't be-!" She stopped herself before she could say the word, lowering her gaze.
Cicero shook his head as he continued to pace the Sanctuary, not wanting to think about another dead Listener. After a while, a loud thud came from the master bedroom, followed by muffled swears and curses.
Nori stood from the table, moving down the hall toward the Master bedroom, drawing her dagger and she rounded the corner.
"That was a lot harder to get out of than I originally thought..." It was Sasuke's voice, and it sounded strained. There was another thud and more cursing, as well as the thick heavy smell of blood.
Nori dropped her weapon and entered the room, starting up the oil lamp by the bedside. "Sasuke? What happened to you?"
Sasuke was on the floor on his back, his armor almost tattered and destroyed on his body, a large pool of blood already forming beneath him, "Well, I killed the guards pretty easily...b-but the new Commander was a bit harder...better skilled, which is a frightening thought..." He stopped to wheeze, "Long story short: he kept cutting me and healing me as a means to help me 'understand' wh-what I do to those I'm contracted to kill...l-like it matters...he almost slit my throat before I finally managed to get free..."
Nori moved over to Sasuke, moving quickly and cutting open the front of his armor. Many of the cuts had been healed poorly, and a few still left gaping open, deep enough to nearly expose bone. "You shouldn't have stayed by yourself!" She growled out, uncorking a potion and picking his head up, bringing the bottle up to his lips.
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