Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"It's about the Fal- the Oracle. She's in danger. Her Protector sacraficed herself for her safety and she is now suffering in a tower with no light, little food and no freedom. The Empire is abusing her power and I was tasked with a dying wish to help free her." Sasuke explained.
"Akihime-dono? Well it has been such a while since we've heard any news from her, but Lord Mitsunari assures everyone's she's being taken care of to the best of their abilities-" "He's lying..!" Amaya left the shadows and moved forward, scowling under her mask. "I've seen the condition she lives in with my own eyes, it's not fit for even the worst of criminals!" Yukimura tensed when he saw he mark of the Dark Brotherhood on her armor, readying his spear. "Who are you? State your reason for being here in Dragonsreach!" He called.
Yukimura lowered his spear and nodded slowly. "What is your name, stranger?" I have no name, only a request." She bowed her head, getting down on one knee. "Please save Akihime-sama."
"Her name is Nori. She was friends with the Oracle and her late Protector. Things are bad, dana, and I've been contracted to help. We need to speak to Jarl Shingen to get the Oracle to Whiterun permanently." He explained.
Yukimura's face held a sympathetic look, knowing the feeling of wanting to do anything for someone. "Alright, I'll go inform Lord Shingen that we have a guest." He said before dissapearing for a few minutes, then reappearing. "Alright, he can see us now." Yukimura said, leading them into the Great Hall.
Sasuke followed Yukimura to the Great Hall, signaling Amaya to stay quiet. When they approached Shingen, Sasuke explained everything to the Tiger of Whiterun. Shingen scowled softly, rubbing his chin, "Things have been coming to an even larger boiling point, haven't they, with half of Skyrim not receiving the aid they were promised."
Nori had a hard time keeping quiet, wanting to speak so desperately about Akihime, and a way to save her. "My Lord, we all feel it would be in everyone's best interest for Akihime-dono to be in neutral hands, for the sake of all who need her gift." Yukimura said.
Shingen nodded, "Agreed. It would be beneficial for everyone if she was in a neutral territory." He replied. He looked to Nori, "You tremble as if you're about to burst open. Speak, if you have words to say."
"Sir, if I may be so open, I would like to know how you plan on getting Akihime-do I from the Empire's hands. And on that note, if you plan on taking her by force, I'd like to go and be apart of Akihime-dono's retrieval." She said, keeping her gaze down.
"Going in and taking her by force would be a poor choice, really. A small infiltration force will suffice. Sasuke, will you and your initiate be up to the task?" Shingen asked. Sasuke nodded, "Hai."
"Thank you, sir." She bowed her head once more. "And I have your word that she will be safe here? Happy, and not put in a cage for the mere use of her abilities?"
Nori nodded, bowing her head in thanks to Shingen, then to Yukikura, who bowed his head in return. "Whenever you're ready, Sasuke." She said, turning to face Sasuke.
Sasuke nodded, "Let me just find my other initiates floating around here somewhere. Won't take long. Meet us by the front gate." He said and vanished.
Nori gave a short nod, leaving Dragonsreach, and heading to wait at the front gates. Her heart fluttered in chest, and she clenched and unclenched her fists, ready to head out.
Nori nodded. "I'm ready." She said, following him out of Whiterun and to Solitude. By the time they reached there, night had fallen and most of the people were off the street. Nori didn't wait for Sasuke, she used invisibility, following the path Sasuke had shown her to get to Akihime, freezing each lock before jamming her blade into the keyhole. Getting inside was easy, slipping inside the cell room where Akihime was held.
Sasuke ordered his initiates to keep the guards distracted as well as to keep guard in general as he moved to help Nori free Akihime. "Her keeper might have the key, if you feel inclined to take it." He whispered
Nori trembled slightly, gripping the handle of her blade as she stared at the guard, murder in her eyes. She gave a slight nod before slinking through the shadows toward the man, pulling out her blade and coming up behind him. Slicing through the letter backs of his boots, cutting both a Achilles tendons, bringing him to his knees and cutting his throat open so wide it nearly was cut clean off. The man gurgled for a moment before falling still, Nori searched his pockets for he keys, grabbing them and moving to unlock the cell, moving inside to get Akihime.
"Yes, stay quiet, we're getting you out of here." Nori said, moving into the cell and toward where Akihime's voice had come from.
Nori held up the keys before crouching to unlock the chain around her ankle, removing the metal cuff from around her ankle and helping her stand. "We have to leave now."
Akihime nodded, holding Nori's hand tight. Sasuke led them out towards the bridge that led out and towards the light house. He felt wrong; the air was tense and heavy, an atmosphere he never enjoyed. He stopped when Solitude guards formed a barricade in front of the exit, the new commander of the Penitus Oculatus the spear head. "Did you really think you could leave with the Oracle so easily?" He growled. Akihime held onto Nori's arm, fear in her eyes. But Sasuke grew rigid and glanced back, "Take her and go. That is an order."
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