Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya leaned in to kiss Sibbi, pressing her chest against his as she kissed him deeply and slowly, her lips tasting deathly sweet.
((Poison Ivy move~))

Amaya kissed him a moment longer before suddenly pulling away, wiping her lips off on the back of her glove. "I'll make sure to relay the message." She said, pulling her mask back over her nose; Sibbi's lips still tingled, in fact, his entire mouth and throat tingled before swelling, his tongue numb.
His eyes widened and he gripped his throat, struggling to breathe. He gasped like a dying fish, body shaking as the poison from the Nightshade coarsed through him quickly.
Scoffing softly, Amaya turned and left the cell easily, using invisibility to escape as gaurds tried to get into Sibbi's cell, noticing something was wrong when his face turned blue. Leaving Riften easily, she headed back toward Dawnstar, returning home.
Amaya entered the Brotherhood Sanctuary, moving over to Sasuke. "Finished with the Black-Briar job." She said, showing him the good sized coinpurse.
"I wouldn't be a very good assassin if I told all of my secrets." Amaya said, her face revealing no emotions, pocketing her coin before heading to her room.
Amaya took the armor and looked up at Sasuke. "I thought privacy was a big thing here in the Brotherhood." She turned away from him and moved to her bed, stripping off her armor. "Shouldn't you have knocked first?" She asked, tossing her plain armor on the bed and pulling the Brotherhood armor over her head.
"Initiates - who we call Murders - share rooms with each other. We are Family, after all. There is no embarrassment for the shameless here." He told her.
"There aren't many other initiates beside me and two others, and we don't really speak much." She said, straightening out her armor and tightening it to fit her better. "And I feel like you only use that line so you can see what you wish."
"Well, if you want to think of it that way, then yeah. Totally." He answered, "But no. That isn't the case. I was just going to give the armor and leave but you decided to undress before me of your own free will."
"And you decided to stay of your own free will." She glanced at him as she pulled off her boots, slipping into her new armor and boots. "Plus, you haven't exactly tried to look away either." She pointed out.
"Ha ha." She said dryly, tightening the straps that held her dagger on her thigh. "I'd say you're more happy than I knowing it's growing back at all."
"Dunmer hair is beautiful in its own right." He said, "I guess I'll leave you to your devices. I should head to Whiterun and bring up getting Akihime there with dana and Shingen."
Amaya felt heat rise in her cheeks, but she shook her head, stuffing the feelings down. "I want to go with you. I wouldn't feel right letting you do all the work, I want to be there every step until she's safe."
Sasuke finished his brief conversation with Nazir when she came into the room. He looked over and smirked, "Meet you there." He purred before disappearing.
Amaya didn't like the way he smirked, or the way that he had just left her behind, but dissapearing in a whirlwind of snow and cold air, she headed for Whiterun. Getting there as fast as she could, she made her way up to the Great Porch, searching for Sasuke in the shadows of the rafters.
Yukimura was happy to see Sasuke finally coming down from the Great Porch after so long. "Of course! What is it that I can do for you, Sasuke?" Amaya stood in the back corner, watching Sasuke and Yukikura, waiting for the right time to show herself to Yukimura; she already knew Sasuke was aware of her presence.
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