Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She nodded moving inside and over to Akihime, who looked frail and worn down. Placing a gentle hand over Akihime's mouth, she gave her shoulder a gentle shake. "Akihime-sama."
Akihime woke up and her eyes shot open wide, letting out a scream behind Amaya's hand. Sasuke cast Paralyze on the guard, keeping him unconscious.
Amaya took down her mask and cowl with her other hand, waiting for Akihime to fall silent before carefully removing her hand. "Akihime-sama... Y..You look as though you haven't been eating as much, you've lost weight.." She put on a sad smile, lifting her illusion spell to show her small amount of white hair and dark blue eyes. "I'm sorry I left you for so long."
Akihime almost stopped breathing. "A...Ama...? Is it...really...?" Hot tears filled her eyes and she sobbed, both in joy and sorrow, "Oh Ama! Th-Thank the Nine! I was so scared I had lost you! The Divines wouldn't tell me if you were slain or not, I was starting to lose faith!" She wanted to hug Amaya and never let go, but she noticed the burns and hesitated, "S-Sweet Mara..."
Amaya hugged Akihime tightly, taking a shaky breath, glad to see Akihime. "They don't hurt much anymore." She said softly, holding her shoulders and giving them a gentle squeeze. "Has Mitsunari hurt you? Has that guard touched you?"
She shook her head, "No, Father won't let Mitsunari harm me in fear of invoking the wrath of the Divines...and Joheim has actually been very kind. He feels bad for having to watch me dress and bathe and use my chamber pot..." She dried her eyes and hiccuped, but she was smiling for the first time in a long time.
Amaya stole a glance at Sasuke, needing to have a word or two with him later. "I'll see what I can do about getting you out of here, I promise you, but I can't stay much longer." She said. "Promise me you'll eat more?"
She frowned softly, "I would, but...Mitsunari gives me so little...he claims it's to help me fast for Temple but...I haven't had a full plate in days..." "We're running out of time, Amaya." Sasuke called softly.
Amaya glanced at Sasuke before looking back to Akihime. "I have to leave for now, but I promise you, I'll get you out of here." She said, kissing Akihime on the top of her head before leaving the cell.
Akihime followed her as far as the chain on her ankle would allow her, "Stay safe, Ama...I don't want to lose you again.." She said. Sasuke used Detect Life, keeping an eye out for any guards while Amaya finished her visit.
She nodded, pulling her cowl over her head and the mask over her nose, casting another illusion spell so her appearance changed once more. "I promise." She said, then closed the cell door as gently as she could, locking the door with the lock once more.
Amaya paused for a moment before casting invisibility and leaving, closing the door behind her and leaving Akihime behind as they made their way out of Solitude.
"No, I feel worse." She said, keeping her gaze ahead. "I want to get her out of there, she needs somewhere to go, somewhere safe." Amaya said, voice heavy with sorrow.
Amaya shot a glare at Sasuke. "She isn't going anywhere near the Sanctuary." She said firmly. "... What about with Lord Takeda?" She asked.
Sasuke made a noise, to his displeasure it was a good idea. "That could work...Whiterun is neutral so starting a fight over the Prophet would look bad for the Empire.."
"So it's settled, we just have to ask your Lord for permission, of course, that is if you still want me to show my face around." She jeered. "Being seen with a cripple isn't exactly gratifying."
"Gee thanks." She said, huffing softly. "And what if Takeda doesn't take to the plan of aiding Akihime, it is asking quite a lot on his part."
Amaya nodded, silent the rest of the way to the Sanctuary. Once there, she entered the Sanctuary, pulling off her cowl and mask, releasing her illusion spell and heading toward the room that she had recovered in. Rubbing her shoulder and pulling off her armor to get to her neck and side, clearly in pain, she sat down on the bed, pulling the chest plate of her armor over her head, shaking hard. "Shit." She hissed, reaching for a healing potion, but with her hand trembling so hard, she dropped the bottle, tears welling in her eyes from the overwhelming sight of Akihime, which wouldn't stop playing in her head.
"I'm fine.." She said, grinding her teeth and trying to get to her other potions. "I'll be fine." She said, grabbing a health potion and struggling to open it.
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