Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I'm not leaving, I just- I'm just getting some air." She said, but knew Cicero was right. "I just want to crack the door to get fresh air, I've been trapped down here for moons, please?"
"Oh no, we can't do that! Mother wouldn't like that. The door has to stay closed, you see..." He told her. He pushed the tips of his fingers together nervously, "If Cicero went outside with you, you could get air...but the Listener said you had to stay until he came back for you. But I'm sure if we sat outside the door, it would be fine..."
Amaya let out a sigh. "We can wait a bit longer inside, but Sasuke should've been here by now." She said irately, sitting back down.
As if on cue, the door opened and Sasuke stepped in, armor covered in blood. Cicero danced and clapped, "The Listener is back~! Happy day, Callooh! Callay!" "Waiting for me?" Sasuke asked with a teasing tone, lowering his mask as he moved to go change into a fresh set of Shrouded Armor, the Sanctuary door slowly closing with a loud creek.
"So glad you could grace us with your presence, can we get a move on? The sun is going down." She nagged, following after him, right on his heels.
"Can I change?" He asked, heading into the master bedroom, "It would be rude to appear before your False Prophet caked in the blood of her Lord's commanding officers."
"You said there wasn't to be any killings in Solitude tonight." Her eyes narrowed as she stopped in the doorway, watching him like a hawk.
"He wasn't in Solitude~" He winked and shut the door so he could change his armor, exiting after a few moments before gesturing to leave, "Shall we?"
"Whenever you're ready, Brother." She gestured for him to lead the way, pulling her cowl up; but even with the cowl, the short hair and burns, she still looked familiar. It was the white hair, it just wasn't common for people her age to have white hair.
Sasuke made a disapproving noise, "We're going to have to fix that." He muttered to himself before taking her to the secret exit, heading through the tunnel and out of a hidden entrance just outside Dawnstar before darting towards Solitude.
Amaya followed close behind Sasuke, pulling her mask a little further up her nose to shield it from the cold. "Fix what?" She asked, itching to run at full speed once again, but her burns still ached. The fresh air felt great on her face, even though it hurt her scars and was frigid cold.
"Your hair. We're going to have to color it or people will know it's you." He told her, "Babette may know how to do it. In the meantime, keep your cowl pulled up to hide every inch of hair."
"You should've just said so, I thought with my face burned up, I looked different." Getting ready to cast a spell, she waved her hand over her face, her appearance shimmering. Her hair appeared black and her eyes a dark amber, her appearance resembling more of a Dunmer, especially with her curved ears. Still she pulled her cowl over her head to hide her hair, excited to get to Solitude.
"From what I heard you can cast quite the illusion spell; high enough level to create a full body illusion for both touch and vision." She said, jumping down out of the tree and running along the brush, they were close, she could feel it.
"Mm." Amaya stopped speaking once she saw the lights from Solitude, stopping in a thick treebranch. "Do you have anyway of getting inside?" She asked.
"You know Invisibility, right?" He asked, looking over, "Cuz we're going to have to be in order to get up to her tower. I can phase us to that bridge there, but after that it'll be straight stealth."
"Of course I know invisibility." She said, itching to get inside. "Let's do this." She said, and then cast invisibility.
He focused hard and the both of them sunk into a pool with whisping shadow, everything around them was like sitting in a tube of thick black ink before they appeared on the bridge. Sasuke huffed before casting invisibility and leading Amaya to the watch tower closest to Akihime's room.
Amaya followed close behind Sasuke, not making a single noise as she did so, keeping in the shadows and along the wall.
He took her up the path her usually took to check on the Oracle, climbing up the bricks that jutted from the tower before getting to a balcony to the inside of the Palace. He examined the lock before touching it gently with his index and middle finger, the tumblers coming lose with a gentle click before he opened the door slowly and gestured for her to follow as he entered.
Amaya entered, the only light was but a few candles on a table outside of the cell, an oil lamp, and a few candles outside of the cell. Moving over, she peered inside of the only cell in the tower, searching for Akihime; the guard was fast asleep on the other side of the room.
Akihime was in the farthest, darkest corner, sleeping restlessly. She twitched and whimpered, tossing and turning. Sasuke touched the lock on her cell and heard the satisfying click of the tumblers before slowly opening the cell, "I'll make sure the guard doesn't interrupt." He whispered.
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