Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya clenched her fists, anger boiling up in her chest. "Have you no heart for anyone..!?" She growled, but didn't try to push past him, fighting the tears that struggled to surface. "Then you let her know I'm alive, you keep her from taking her life, you continue to protect her; I didn't die for you to sit with your thumb in your ass." She jabbed a finger at his chest before returning to her bed.

((She's leaving behind her past! As much as she hates it! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ))
((A sacrafice she has to make if she doesn't want Mitsunari coming after her! O7O Sasuke would never rat her out, only threaten to~ if Mitsunari ever did discover she lived, he would have done so on his own~!))

"I'm just protecting my Family..." He replied, "I still carry out my promise to a dead woman, Akihime still takes breath even though doing so causes her grief. I have removed any and all means of her taking her life...she isn't even allowed to bathe alone anymore."
"If you so much as glance as her when she bathes," Amaya looked back at Sasuke. "There's nowhere in the Tenets you stated where I can't take out an eye." She said lowly before laying down to rest like he had ordered.
"Has he tried to touch her?" She asked, keeping her eyes glued to the ceiling. "Does he look at her?" Her voice quivered, and her eyes looked lost. "... You need to promise if he does, that I can kill him."
"When will I be able to walk out of here?" She asked lowly, clenching and unclenching her fists. "Because when I do I'm going to carve out his eyes and split his stomach open so I can show him the guts he thinks he has!" She turned to look at him, eyes full of anger.
Amaya nodded, turning her head away. "Thank you."
Spending most of her time, healing, downing health potions, and working on building her strength back up. Her burn scared had been healing nicely, and her hair had even begun to grow back, leaving her head covered in a soft white fuzz. Drawing the bowstring back, she aimed for the target on the other end of the room, firing and hitting the target dead on. Hissing softly, she looked down at her heavily scarred arm, all the joints aching. "Must be the damn rain again.." She growled, rubbing her arm.
Sasuke appeared by the dummy and pulled the arrow from its throat, twirling it between his fingers, "Still, not bad for a handicap." He praised - if it could be called that.
Amaya made a noise of annoyance. "I'm not missing an arm, I was burned alive, there's a difference." She said, notching another arrow and aiming for another dummy, one far away from Sasuke so she wasn't tempted to shoot him. "How's Akihime doing?"
"As well as to be expected, I suppose...still doing her False Prophet nonsense...the Jarl's have to go to her, so it's left the east with little to nothing in terms of Divine Aid." He replied. He watched her, waiting until before she fired the arrow, "She dreams about you."
Amaya stiffened with surprise, the sting slipping from her fingers and letting the arrow fly, Amaya turned to look at Sasuke, eyes wide. "She... She dreams of me..?" She asked, forgetting about her training, not caring where the arrow hit. "When can I see her? I haven't collapsed in over a week, my vision is back to normal and my scars haven't opened up in days. I've healed."
"Fine." She said, drawing another arrow and aiming, firing dead center of the dummy's head. "I'll wear the damn cowl." She said, lowering her bow.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes and putting her how over her shoulder. "When do we head out? I want to put an arrow between that fuckers eyes a thousand times over." She said, rubbing her shoulder.
"If we leave before the sun sets, we should make it there by midnight.." He answered, rubbing his chin, "And no killing. We're there for you to visit the Prophet briefly and then leave."
"Fine, I won't kill the guard." She said begrudgingly. "And I think this is the first time you've actually called her the Prophet." She teased with a dry smirk, turning to gather her things before heading out.
"How kind of you." She sneered, leaving.
As sunset drew closer, Amaya grew more and more nervous, drumming her fingers on the wooden table as she waited for his return, staring down at her untouched mug of ale.
Amaya moved away from the Nightshade, not comfortable with it being so close to her face. "What the..?" She turned around, eyes narrowing at the person who stood behind her. "Oh, you must be either Nazir or Cicero.."
The jester snickered and grinned, "Aye, my name is Cicero~! You must be the new Sister our dear Listener has been coveting~" He did a small dance and bowed, "May you take comfort here in our humble Sanctuary, sweet Sister."
She inhaled through her mouth and exhaled through her nose. "Right..." She muttered, standing up and heading for the entrance, not wanting to wait for Sasuke.
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