Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"You said that... You wouldn't hurt her...!" She tried to sit up, but she let out a strangled moan before slumping down to the ground once more. "Why did you come..?!" Amaya tried to bring herself back to her feet, but Hanbei swept his foot under her hands, knocking her back down. "I think we should move this along, My Lord."

((I need Sasuke to knock over a brazier and catch a building on fire~))
(( (O3O)b Done!))

Sasuke grew a little annoyed. Nords. He hated them so much. Casting Invisibility, he moved down from the roof of the Winking Skeever and approached the brazier by Angeline's Aromatics. Tilting his head, he braced his foot against the edge of the brazier and gave a firm push, knocking it over and catching the far end of the inn on fire. "Oops." He muttered before jumping onto the top of Radiant Raiment.
The building went up in flames quickly, and the bar patrons filed out as fast as they could. "Put the fire out immediately! Get the citizens away from the gates!" Hanbei ordered the guards. "Lock up the remaining prisoners!" The gaurds hauled the prisoners back toward the prisons, having to pass by the raging fire in the process. As Amaya was being hauled by the burning tavern, the woodwork groaned and the guards panicked. Trying to move faster, one of the men dropped Amaya, leaving the other to struggle trying to haul her out of harms way, but the building shuttered and fell. "Sasuke! Get her back to Ieyas-!" Amaya tried to scream out one final demand, but the building fell on her, the fire swallowing her whole and cutting her off.
"Amaya!" Akihime cried and tried to run over, only to have Mitsunari grab her and shove her along. Sasuke ground his teeth, not really having a way to rescue her. Akihime's screams and cries for her friend echoed through Solitude as the guards struggled to put out the fire with water from the well.
Three days had passed since the Winking Skeever had burned down and Akihime had been imprisoned, no body had been recovered from the fire, but Amaya had been declared dead. Akihime had been asigned a temporary Protector - a simple guard - making sure no one but Hideyoshi or Mitsunari came around to see Akihime; chained by her ankle to the wall.
Akihime wept until she could no longer produce tears, heart broken at the loss of her friend. The Divines would not speak to her of Amaya's place in Sovngarde, leading Akihime to believe her beloved friend was lost in Oblivion, and this broke her heart more. Sasuke was disappointed at the loss as well, no longer having anyone to challenge his skills like Amaya could. He would hide amongst the beams on the Great Porch, not coming down for anyone or anything, not even for Yukimura.
"Sasuke, please come down from there, I need a sparring partner." Yukimura called up into the dark rafters of the Great Porch. "Please, if something is troubling you, we can work things out!"
"Sorry, dana...I'm not feeling it today...some other time, maybe..." Sasuke answered, "Why don't you go to Riften and see if Jarl Date will spar with you?"
"I have already sent a letter, but I have not gotten word from him yet." Yukimura sighed. "I guess I'll have to practice twice as hard to make up for it."
As the day progressed, a stench began to overwhelm the Great Porch, and buzzards were hanging around the edge of the balcony. The stench of death was heavy in the air, mingled with the scent of burnt flesh, one Sasuke knew well. The birds were in a frenzy, waiting on the railing looking down over the edge, waiting for whatever it was to die.
Sasuke scrunched his nose and looked over, "What in Oblivion...?" He jumped down and moved over, swatting the birds away before looking over.
A ways down the cliffside, on a small ledge, a figure lay unmoving. The corpse was burned badly, looked and smelled dead rather dead, and more than likely was. The odd part was how did the corpse get more than halfway up such a steep cliff?
"Ok, that's unsettling." He noted and disappeared in a plume of smoke, standing on a ledge a bit away from the corpse, "How the hell did you get here? I didn't hear a dragon..."
"... That's because... A dragon didn't do this..." The corpse wheezed. The charred body lay on its stomach, one of its eyes slowly opening. The corpse was no longer a corpse, the person was still alive; actually said person looked to be a dark elf, they had barely any hair on their head, most of it having been burned off. The poor elf looked like they had gone through hell, burns covering most of their visible skin; but for some reason, their voice sounded familiar.
The person took a moment to breathe, even doing something as simple as that seemed to be painful. "I know... I look killer right now... But I-" She coughed a few times before continuing. "I didn't think you were stupid enough to forget me.."
He stopped and his eyes widened, "By the Nine." He muttered. He tried to look for a careful way to pick her up, having flashbacks of Astrid when she was in the Falkreath Sanctuary fire before finally just grabbing her as gently as he could and disappearing to the Temple of Kynareath.
When Sasuke picked up Amaya, she let out a strangled groan of agony, her broken back and charred skin causing her the most pain. When she was picked up from the ground, the extent of the damage could be seen more clearly; half of her face was badly burned along with her back, arms, and legs, but her stomach had little damage done to it, only a few burns, but she definitely had broken ribs. All of her hair had been burned away, eyelashes and eyebrows included, heavy bruising on the side of her face that wasn't burned. "You actually seemed worried... I thought you were just going to push me off the cliff.." She let out a rusty laugh, completely limp in his arms as he rushed her to be temple.
"You don't deserve to die like this. No one does. Not you, not the Family, and not-.." He stopped talking and simply entered the temple, calling to Danica and laying her on one of the free beds.
"Sasuke, I didn't think you'd be the type to follow a-" Danica moved over, stopping when she saw Amaya. "By the Divines, what happened here?" She pulled out a large healing potion, helping Amaya drink as much as she could to make sure she didn't die. "Was this a dragon attack?"
Danica nodded. "I can, but I can't guarantee that she'll be well enough to go anywhere for quite some time." She said, casting healing hands on Amaya, who let out a small sigh of relief, feeling some of the pain begin to fade already. Amaya's healing lasted well into the night, and into the very early hours of the morning, but her broken back had been mended mostly, all of her internal injuries healed and around half of the burns and broken bones taken care of. Her burns had been scrubbed of the dead flesh and wrapped up with ointment. "She'll be alright for now, but she'll need her bandages replaced daily to prevent infection and for the broken bones, bed rest is really the only answer, magic can only do so much." She said, telling Sasuke all she could. "She can rest here until she had healed, and right now, she's been given a sedative so she'll sleep through the night; of course money won't be a problem, will it?"
Danica took the money without any arguments. "Yes, thank you; as I said earlier, she can rest here until she's better, or you may take her to her own residence, but I don't recommend it."

((Sasuke gonna ditch her in the sanctuary~?))
"I have an apothecary that can take care of her from here. Thank you." He said before carefully lifting Amaya into his arms and disappearing.

Pain woke Amaya early the next morning, and when she opened her eyes, she was met with somewhere she had never seen before. She lay in a bed, covered with multiple blankets in a large stone-carved room, which had other beds, but they were empty. Turning her head she saw a doorway on the far side of he room, but the pain kept her from moving. Amaya noticed she could faintly feel her feet, noticing that they were cold, but it was probably just the room, it was chilly. Rolling slowly onto her side, she struggling out of bed before finally falling to the floor, pain wracking her whole body. Nearly throwing up, she noticed water and food beside her bed, and instantly snatched up the bucket full of fresh water with the arm that was less burned, drinking as much as she could, as fast as she could.
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