Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He slowly rose an eyebrow at her, "Kill you and return her to Windhelm? To accomplish what? Her delayed death? Hideyoshi may not want her dead but Mitsunari does. And he will have his way."
"Then make sure she does not die!" She reached through the bars, grabbing ahold of his shirt. "Skin me alive, make my death slow, but you protect her! Even if you don't believe in her abilities, she deserves to live!" She snarled. "You make sure she lives, I'll pay that price with my life!"
Sasuke removed her hand from his armor, scowling faintly. "You are an odd woman, you know that?" He seemed to step through the bars so he could be close enough to do what she asked of him.
"Yes, I've been told that." She said, stepping back to give him room. With a heavy heart, she slowly sank to her knees. "Just make sure it will be a death that will please them, so they don't try to harm Akihime." She requested.
He twirled the Blade of Woe on his finger before gripping it tight, "May you find peace where ever you wish to pass on to." He stated, bringing up the blade.
Amaya closed her eyes, prepared to feel the cold of his dagger bury deep into her flesh, but she heard guards approaching first. Opening her eyes, her heart sunk when Sasuke was no longer there, slowly sinking to sit on the cool floor.
Mitsunari approached, standing before her on the other end of the cell. "I have decided that your death will be met at the block along with the other traitors we have down here in a couple days time. Your head will be on a pike waiting for the Oracle when we bring her home."
Amaya bowed her head, just thankful that Akihime wouldn't be harmed. "I understand." She murmured.
Mitsunari made a noise of annoyance and turned to leave, "She's lucky Lord Hideyoshi needs her or she would be joining you at the headmans block." He stated dryly.
Something grabbed Mitsunari from behind and he was slammed hard into the metal bars. "I would have your cock-sucking head before you even got near Akihime!" She hissed venomously.

((Time to publicly beat her and have Aki come in?))
(( (´∀`=) Ama loves Aki so much in her own way~ and yes!))

After a couple days, it was time for executions. The prisoners were all lined up for the chopping block in the town square, Amaya being the very last. Hideyoshi approched her, staring her down, "Have you made peace?" He asked. Mitsuanri was glowering from the stage, back still sore from when she jerked him into the cell bars.
Amaya had gained a few bruises over the past couple of days, eyes downcast as Hideyoshi approached her. "Yes, I have." She looked up at him. "And I have no regrets, doing the deeds I did for Akihime-sama." She said sternly, hands shackled tight, even her ankles were shackled.
"She was nothing more to you than a sack of meat, yet you continued to risk your life for her. You should know attachments are only crippling." He stated.
Amaya's anger finally got the better of her, and she finally couldn't stand it any longer. "She is worth more than you'll ever be! You're nothing more than a childish tyrant, who does nothing but fufill his own selfish needs!!"

His brows furrowed and he grabbed her head in his massive hand, lifting her off the ground, "Perhaps I should have chosen your death instead of Mitsunari. Crushing your skull sounds rather fitting for you instead of just rending your head from your shoulders."
Amaya trembled as he put pressure on her head, feeling as though her head was going to explode. "I-I guess when you're busy bending people over, you just get used to other people doing everything for you."
Amaya let out a scream of agony, slamming hard into the stone; immediately her legs felt numb. Limp in his grip, she ground her teeth, feeling her chest tighten up. "Y-You live up to my expectations... A childish tyrant..."
Hideyoshi dropped her and went to step on her like a big until Mitsunari appeared by his side, "My Lord, Hideyoshi, don't waste your time with this filthy cur. I will teach her a lesson she will take with her to Oblivion."
Amaya's head hi the stone floor hard and she grunted, seeing double for a moment, laying on her back. Letting her head roll to the side, she stared off into the far corner of the Solitude, spotting Sasuke, she blinked slowly. "Keep her safe." She mouthed.
Mitsunari moved towards her and began pummeling her with the sheathe of his blade, putting all his weight into each swing. Sasuke watched with disappointment; she was a damn good fighter, and all that potential was going to be wasted. She would have been one hell of a Brotherhood member, but it was too late to recruit her now. He shook his head, not wanting to protect Akihime like she had asked, but it was a dying wish he felt inclined to uphold.
Amaya grunted as each blow landed heavily, and with every hit she felt the world grow farther and farther away, laying unmoving as the crowd before her cheered Mitsunari on.
"Stop!!" That voice. It sounded so far away. "Don't hurt her anymore!" Mitsunari halted all movement as he watched Akihime push through and rush to Amaya's side. "Ama? C-Can you hear me? Say something, please.."
Amaya wheezed in a response, struggling to look up at Akihime. "Ge-Get outta here..." She struggle to speak, trying to push her away, but her broken hand only bumped against Akihime's ankle.
Akihime shook her head, "No, I promised to protect you, remember? I'm sorry I'm so late..." She replied, starting to use Healing Hands until Mitsunari yanked her away by the hair. "So glad you could join us, Oracle. You get to watch your Protector die before we lock you away for good." He told her. Akihime struggled, "Let me go!"
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