Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Akihime smiled as she enjoyed her brief window of freedom, the cool night air nipping her skin through her dress as she listened to the chirping crickets. She moved about happily, touching the mossy stone buildings and taking in the smell of the moist air and the scent of the forge that travelled through the Hold. She felt at peace, practically dancing her way to the Temple of the Divines.
((Here we go! *cracks knuckles*))

For the next several months, Akihime would continue to leave the Blue Palace at night, taking in the proud sights of her home and some times going to the stable to check the farm and its animals. Other times she would travel down to the dungeons to see the Stormcloak prisoners awaiting death and would pray to Talos with them. She knew every time she left her room, Amaya was stalking somewhere near by; she didn't mind it so much, knowing how protective the older girl was. Some times Amaya would scold her, others she wouldn't bother. Akihime was of age after all, and should be allowed to do what she pleased; but being on such a small and tight chain made being a regular person difficult. Before preparing to go down and visit the Stormcloaks in the dungeons, Akihime moved passed the war room to use the quicker route. "-if we send them there, Ieyasu's trade supplies will be cut off, leaving him with little to nothing in terms of food for Windhelm as well as his soldiers." It was the Legate speaking with Hideyoshi, Mitsunari and Hanbei - about what, she didn't know. She peeked in silently and listened, gripping her shaking hands tightly. The Legate pointed to the map, "Winterhold has little in terms of defenses, the Mage's College would prefer to stay out of matters like this but I don't plan on bothering them regardless. If we cut off supplies to Windhelm, we can cripple Ieyasu and then over run him easily." He explained. Hideyoshi kept his arms folded over his chest, "What do you think, Hanbei?"
Hanbei examined the map, mulling over the proposed plan. "We can do so from land, but what of the water?" He pointed to the Bay Area. "Chosokabe has already aligned with Tokugawa, and in order to cut off trade ships, we would have to pass through his waters, which shouldn't be a completely useless-rendering obstacle, but we would still take some heavy tolls. From how I see it, if we continue to cut off his land trade, he will simply move to sea transport, and without support from Chosokabe's forces, we have little means of succeeding in the waters without some loss; however our troops do swell in numbers by the day.."
"We could use the Oracle. Have her lower Chosokabe's guard." Mitsunari suggested, making Akihime's heart sink. Hideyoshi scowled, "And if we were to attack with her on board of his ship, our plans of ever having full control of Skyrim die with her." He stated, making Mitsunari humble himself. Hideyoshi pointed to the bay of Dawnstar, "Chosokabe has been staying in his Hold now that his wife has bore him an heir, making his ocean fleets without their main head to help them guard the area. Which means that ship of his has been ported and will remain that way until he feels Nana and their child would be safe enough to join him again." He stated, "If there is no Fugaku there to meet us with resistance, we can wipe out the ships protecting Ieyasu's ocean trades."
"As a precaution, we should send a small fleet to meet with Chosokabe's own, I case he does take action, we can use the opportunity to draw his attention away completely. If we attack the town, he'll never leave port to support Ieyasu, not when his family is on the line."
"If anything, we destroy him completely by wiping out his wife and son." Hideyoshi stated. Akihime stumbled back, covering her mouth to muffle the gasp of horror before she rushed off back to her room, grabbing a small bag and shoving warm clothes and winter cloak, "I-I have to warn them...!"
"You cannot leave." It was Amaya, standing in the doorway wearing a heavy frown. "I know that you worry for their lives, but understand if you do leave, they will find out, and they'll never let you even see daylight again. You'll be locked underground, with only candles to keep you company."
"I don't care...!" Akihime was shaking, "I don't care what happens to me, Amaya, they need to know! Motochika-sama doesn't deserve such pain!" She continued to pack, fighting tears, before slinging her back over her shoulder and moving towards her guardian, "Step aside, Amaya. I'm heading to Dawnstar with or without you."
"Exploring the city is one thing, but I cannot allow you to leave, you can send a letter." She didn't move an inch. "Please do not force me to restrain you."
"I said step aside," The Palace gave a small shudder, Akihime's auburn eyes held rage and heart ache, "Or I swear to the Nine, I will move you myself."
"Akihime." Amaya frowned, gripping the handle of her blade. "If I restrain you, I won't be forced to tell Mistunari, but if you try to leave, he will catch you; let me deliver the letter."
Her jaw clenched so hard her teeth almost cracked, dropping her bag and stalking towards her vanity, beginning to write a letter to Motochika. "All this blasted power and can't use it for the purpose it was given to me for." She growled under her breath, body quaking as she controlled her rage.
"My only job is to make sure you are safe and remain so, not to bring you joy, My Lady." She admitted with a heavy heart, though she sounded none too guilty.
"I know..." She paused writing for a moment, "I know it's your job, but...dammit, this is mine..." She continued to write, "I guess I'm stuck doing it from my tower.." She finished writing and placed it in an envelope, sealing it before standing and handing it to Amaya, "Make haste, Ama-chan..."
Amaya bowed to Akihime, taking the letter and tucking it away on her person. "Please remain here." She requested, then dissapeared to deliver the message to Chosokabe.
Akihime bit her lip, glancing at her bag, "Please don't be mad, Ama...I'm just doing my job, same as you..." She muttered before grabbing her things and moving hurriedly out of the Palace and down to Katla's Farm, purchasing a carriage to Windhelm.

((Rebellion! >: D Amaya is gonna be so mayd~ but not as mad as Mitsunari~~))
((Ama might just tell Mitsunari~))

Nana was readying herself and her son for bed, the toddler already starting to doze off. He had grown much bigger and had a good amount of black hair on his head, his gray-purple eyes showing his tiredness. Just as Nana was climbing into bed, Amaya appeared in the room, down on one knee. "Pardon the late night intrusion, Lady Motochika, but I have an urgent letter for your husband." Nana frowned and held onto Nobuchika a bit tighter. "Motochika." She called. "We have company."
Motochika entered the room and looked to the mysterious woman with a skeptical gaze, "What business have you in the Whitehall of the Ogre of Dawnstar?" He asked gruffly.

((She so mean but it's fair~ she did warn Aki~))
Amaya kept her head bowed to the Jarl of Dawnstar. "I bring news directly from the Oracle of Solitude herself; it's of upmost importance." Reaching into her shirt, she brought out he letter and held it out for Motochika to take. "Please know Lord Ishida nor even Toyotomi know if my presence here tonight, I run this errand solely for Akihime-sama."
Motochika took the letter and opened it, reading it silently and growing angrier with every word her read. "Those self-righteous bastards!! How dare they think they could get away with such a thing!" He yelled. He calmed himself just enough to speak to Amaya, "Tell the Oracle she has my thanks. I now have to prepare for a battle that is being pointlessly made. Return to her quickly before those milk-drinking cowards find out."
"Hai, may the Gods watch over your family." She bowed her head before dissapearing in a swirl of fresh snow. Amaya hurried back toward Solitude, moving as fast as she could to get back before day break.
Akihime was well halfway to Windhelm by the time Amaya departed Dawnstar. She kept her hood up just in case they drove passed the agile guardian, heart pounding at the thought of Amaya actually catching her. She could handle her father, Mitsunari and even Hideyoshi but Amaya was a woman she respected and feared; the older woman being a stern mother figure while the Oracle was growing up. She was a scary person when Akihime was her most stubborn, and that carried with Akihime the entire time they were together. But she knew Amaya only did it because she cared in her own way, and Akihime cared for her as well. But still, when Amaya was mad, Akihime knew better than to go against her. Which was why she was terrified of being caught.
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