Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime slowly relaxed against the bed, closing her eyes and untangling her fingers from Masamune's hair.
She nodded and leaned up to kiss him. "Yeah.." She breathed, cupping his cheek, rubbing her thumb across his cheek.

Akihime slipped passed Yoshitsugu to get to the door of the Blue Palace, wearing a simple white and red merchant's dress. She looked very plain, her hair coiled up in a bun, and she liked it. She didn't feel trapped or like a emissary, she felt like a normal Nord woman enjoying the sights of her Hold.
"My Lady, I do not advise going through with this, it's beneath you, and it will angry your Lords." Amaya followed Akihime from the shadows, a scowl on her face.
Akihime kept her eyes forward, "I'm tired of living in a cage, Amaya...I want to explore, to enjoy my home...experience Skyrim and Her majesty...it's my duty to know what ails Her and I can't do that from my room."
"You cannot do your duty if you're dead, My Lady, you're continued to the Palace for a reason." She sounded disappointed, but more worried.
"Just this once, Ama? I won't leave Solitude and you can shadow me the whole time...I just want to look around, please?" She didn't know where her guardian was but she still looked up pleadingly.
Amaya was silent, mulling over the request. "You have an hour, and you're not to go into the tavern." She said firmly.
Akihime smiled brightly and nodded, "Hai! Arigatou!" She trotted off, looking at the Dragon Tongue flowers and watching the people interract.
Akihime looked at the stalls and the children playing and felt joy swell in her chest. Solitude was so beautiful, she couldn't believe it. When escourted to other Holds, Akihime was always told by Yoshitsugu to count the cobblestones in the roads. She was not allowed to make eye contact with anyone or look at anything.
No one seemed to notice Akihime's presence; she fit in without sticking out. Amaya kept a close eye on her, while at the same time, counting the minutes and keeping a watchful eye out for Mitsunari.
Akihike stood in front of the Winking Skeever with a frown, wanting to go inside. She sighed softly and turned on her heel, moving to go watch the blacksmith. She stopped halfway up the ramp when a massive feeling of dread washed over her, a huge angry energy moving from the Palace. "AKIHIME!!" It was Mitsunari. And he sounded livid.
Amaya leapt from the shadows, moving quickly toward Akihime. "My Lady, you need to return to the Palace now." She said sternly.
Akihime frownee worriedly but nodded, taking Amaya's hand and following her back to the Blue Palace. They wdre halted halfway by Mitsunari, who grinding his teeth to dust. "What in Oblivion are you doing out here. You should be in your room." He seethed. Akihime bit her lip, "I just wanted some air...I'm sor-" "Sorry doesn't cut it!!" Mitsunari snapped, making her flinch.
Amaya moved to stand between Akihime and Mitsunari. "My lord, I was the one who allowed Akihime out of the Palace, I thought she wouldn't be in harms way if she were out under my protection."
Mitsunari glared at Amaya and pushed her aside before glaring at Akihime, "Do you have any idea how stupid you are for leaving?" He growled. Akihime scowled, "I am not stupid for wanting to get fresh air for the first time in seventeen years." She spat. Mitsunari stiffened, muscles tense with his rage. "Do not take that tone with me." He said lowly. Akihime only scowled more, "What will you do if I should take this tone, Mitsunari? You aren't allowed to touch me. Father and Lord Hideyoshi would give you a sound lashing." She stated firmly. Mitsunari's muscles only grew tenser and tenser the more he tried to control his unyielding rage. "Do not speak to me as if you are of higher standing, girl. I am the Jarl of this Hold." "I worship no man as king or Jarl. The only high power in Skyrim is the Divines, and as Their emissary I will follow Their word as law of the land. Not yours and certainly not Hideyoshi's." Akihime stated. This pushed Mitsunari over the edge. His hand shot up as he swung to strike her. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!"
Amaya moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye, was standing before Mitsunari once more. A firm smack could be heard, and Amaya's head was forced to the side as he did so, a frown on her face. "Mitsunari-sama, it's ill-advised to strike the Oracle Akihime, please cease trying to do any further harm."
Mitsunari was seething and he pointed to the Palace, "Get back to the Blue Palace NOW!!" He shouted. Akihime glared and took Amaya's hand once more before heading back. Mitsunari trailing behind them. "Are you all right, Ama? You didn't have to do that.."
"It's my job." She answered stiffly, a soft scowl on her face as she walked back to the Palace in silence.
Akihime frowned softly but didn't bother to pester Amaya further about it. She was right, she should have stayed in the Palace. When she returned to her room, Yoshitsugu made his way after her to 'talk' to her, which was really just him demeaning her and telling her she was no good to Skyrim if she was murdered like her parents. Akihime would not leave her room for anything other than summons for at least a month or so before another serge of rebellion bloomed in her chest. She waited until nightfall this time, trying her best to sneak passed Amaya and the barely conscious guards so she could roam about outside again.
Amaya was no where to be seen, and getting out of the Palace seemed far to easy, but most of the guards drank at night anyway, so it wasn't unexpected. Of course in truth, Amaya hid in the shadows, watching Akihime as always; she understood her desire to adventure, but still found the young oracles struggles to be free futile.
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