Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime sat on the bed, her robe untied and around her waist, twisting around - this way and that, to get to the long, scabbed-over wound running down the entire length of her back. A jar of ointment sat beside her and a glob of the green, pasty liquid on her fingers. "No." She stated, looking over her shoulder at him, then her expression softened and she shifted on the bed. "Actually... Can you help me with this..?" She asked softly.
Megohime nodded, wiping the glob of ointment off her fingers and back into the jar. "Yeah." She swept her hair over her shoulder, making sure no stray hairs had fallen in the way of the wound.
He took the jar from her and scooped a good amount onto his fingers before starting to apply it, "Gotta admit, this is gonna be one sexy scar." He joked, hoping to lighten the mood.
Megohime was quiet at first, but then she started to shake a little, as if angry or scared. Then she started to laugh. "You're going to be the only one who sees it." She said, a soft smile on her face.
Megohime shifted, looking over her shoulder to gaze back at Masamune, shifting once more so she sat facing him. Reaching out, she touched his cheek gently, running her thumb over his cheekbone and gently slipping her fingers underneath the leather eyepatch, and slowly pulling it away from his face.
He gripped her hand firmly, keeping his right eye shut instinctively. "Don't." His tone was stern instead of angry like one would expect, "I'm self conscious of my right eye."
Megohime saw the flicker of fear in his left eye, she felt Masamune's hand tremble slightly as he held hers and she moved closer to him, cupping his other cheek. "I want to see." She spoke gently, her voice a quiet whisper.
Megohime leaned in, kissing his cheek gently, then trailing kisses down to his mouth. "I want to know. I don't care." She said, still exposed to him. "I haven't left you yet, I doubt that your eye will scare me off."
Megohime brushed away the eyepatch and his messy hair, looking at the scarred eyelids, a soft frown on her face. She gently kissed his brow, just over his missing eye. "It doesn't have to be." She said, pulling him closer to kiss him lovingly.
Megohime's face flushed and she wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping herself pressed firmly against Masamune's chest.
Megohime's face flushed more and she tugged her robes over her chest. "N-No! Why would I be...!?"
Megohime scoffed. "No it's not..!" She turned her head away, the heat rising to her ears and in her chest.
Megohime grunted in annoyance and turned his head to kiss him once more, lacing her fingers with his.
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