Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika furrowed his brows but nodded, "Aye. We'll find the fiend and split him in two."

"Contract to...kill Chosokabe's kid...didn't go as planned." He coughed.
"I can see that." She leaned over him, pulling the back of his leather armor the best she could to look at the wound. "Oh boy." She sighed and moved a bit closer, starting to cut off the leather back plate before easily cutting off the shirt he had on underneath. The wound was deep and oozed blood, Sasuke's spin nearly severed completely in two. "He got an artery alright." She said, pulling out what supplies she had with her. "You can't complain to me if you can't walk again, this is on you." She said as she got to work cleaning the wound.
With Sasuke on his stomach, Amaya was able to work easily on healing his back, first cleaning it, then using Healing Hands on the potentially fatal wound, the gash slowly starting to close up. "You don't give me orders when you're the one crawling to me for help."
Amaya stopped healing him, grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her. "You've never really had to answer any of my summons, you alone can decide to deny or accept a contract." She shoved his head away and continued to heal him, a soft scowl on her face.
"I'm sure she wouldn't." She muttered sarcastically, stopping once more to uncork a healing potion. "You need to drink this, you're healing too slow."
Amaya moved to examine his arm, lifting it gently before feeling for any breaks or dislocations.
"Mm." Amaya laid out a clean linen wrap just beside Sasuke before rolling him over onto his back carefully. "Is there anything else you can't feel? Is it hard to breathe?" She asked as she began to prod from his hipbone and up his side.
Amaya made a noise and nearly crammed the bottle of healing potion into his mouth, forcing him to drink every drop before starting on healing his broken ribs and punctured lungs. "You realize you're the most idiotic assassin I've ever met, don't you? Going after a babe is, well one thing, but in doing so you have to deal with the mother and the father. And seeing your wounds, you didn't bother to incapacitate them, did you?" She scolded.
"That's because you've probably never been around babies much." She muttered. "Solitude is full of the gremlins." Amaya's hands glew with a warm light, sitting beside Sasuke as she worked.
"You can owe me something." She said, finishing up and standing. "Just don't get yourself killed."
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