Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Days had passed without incident, but Nana still remained wary, keeping her sickle with her at all times and never turning her back on Nobuchika for even a moment. After bathing the boy, she was settling in for the night, heading to put him down for sleep before he became too cranky and started to cry, laying him down in his cradle and pulling a blanket over him, soothing him for a while until he finally fell asleep. Nana smiled softly, gently stroking the babys forehead, watching him breathe steadily.
"He grows stronger everyday." Nana turned to Motochika with a soft smile, no longer on edge like she had been over the last few days.
"Better, I'd like to think the attempts on his life are over with, but I think only postponed." She said softly. "But I can handle that for now."
"Aye... Why don't you go and clean up, get ready for bed?" She said, cupping his cheek, bringing his head down to kiss his forehead.
"But your wife is, come now, we have much to do tomorrow." Nana said, covering a yawn and nudging him off.
Suddenly, Motochika hit her on the back of the neck, knocking her unconscious before his body shimmered and he was the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Sasuke. "Sweet dreams, Lady Motochika. Nothing personal."
Nana hit the ground with a heavy thud, laying unconscious at his feet. The noise of Nana hitting the ground was enough to wake Nobuchika, the babe stirring in his bed and starting to fuss.
Sasuke moved over and stood over the babe, red eyes void of emotion. "Such a hefty price for a baby." He grumbled before unsheathing the Blade of Woe and twirled it in his hand, "Oh well. A job's a job." He stated.
At the sight of the blade, Nobuchika let out a shrill scream, screeching red faced at Sasuke, thrashing in his crib. Nana made a noise, but didn't wake, even to the sound of her sons screams.
"Better make this quick." He muttered and rose the blade over the crib, freezing when the door was kicked open. Motochika was standing in the door, looking from Sasuke to Nana before his body tensed hard in rage, "You SON OF A BITCH!!" He shouted as he swung his anchor hard at the assassin. Sasuke tried to turn invisible and flee but the anchor slammed into his spine, hurling him into the wall.
Complete chaos broke out, the wooden wall shattering into small fragments, the baby screams only growing in volume. Nana started to stirr, but she was still dazed, a confused look on her face for a moment before she scrambled to her feet and rushed to the crib, grabbing Nobuchika.
Guards came flooding into the room, weapons raised and ready to cut down the assassin; then the whispers started back up in Sasuke's ear, signaling him that he had another contractor.
"Thank S-Sithis..." He coughed as he started melting into the shadows. "Don't let him escape!" Motochika yelled but Sasuke slipped away before they could grab him.
Nana slowly sunk to her knees, holding her child close to her own person, shaking hard as she fought back tears.

Amaya sat in wait for the Listener, the body of a peddler at her feet, his neck sliced open.
"Nana...!" Motochika rushed over and embraced her, looking her and their child over in worry, "Are you both all right? Did he hurt you?"

Sasuke appeared before her and collapsed, wheezing and struggling to look up at her. "G-Great...it's you. Just what I need..."
Nana gripped the front of his coat, grinding her teeth and looking up at Motochika, a fire burning bright in her eyes. "I'm going to find the bastard who wanted to kill my son, and take his head!"

Amaya let out a low whistle, moving closer and crouching down in front of Sasuke. "What happened this time, you've nearly been cut in half."
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