Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana smiled and gently squeezed the baby. "It's a strong name." She said proudly, tired beyond anything she'd every experienced; but for such a joyus night, something dark hovered in the shadows, waiting and watching.
Nana nodded and handed her baby off to the healer, one of the apprentices helping clean her up so she could rest comfortably.

((When should Sasuke come in?))
After the healer examined the baby and gave it a clean bill of health, the child was returned to Nana, who woke, and groggily took her baby into her arms. Nuzzling Nobuchika, she started to drift back to sleep, holding her son close to her chest.
Nana slept heavily with her child nestled against her bosom, but soon stirred to the overwhelming bloodlust that overtook the room. Opening her eyes, she blinked away the sleep, turning to look around the room, eyes falling on a figure that loomed over the two, a dagger in hand. Her eyes went wide and she bolted upright, her eyes meeting the assassins.
A gasp escaped Nana and instinctively her hand shot out to catch the dagger before it could plunge into her son. She ground her teeth as the blade cut deep into the fleshy part of her palm, but she only tightened her grip on the dagger. The blade hovered inches over her child, blood dripping from her palm and onto the baby in a steady stream, but after hours of labor she was still exhausted, and nowhere near ready for a fight. "Motochika!!" She called, arm shaking as she tried to push the assassin away from Nobuchika, and move her body in between the baby and him.
The Brotherhood assassin turned quickly when the door was thrown open, Motochika standing with his anchor. "Begon from here, ye yellow bellied coward!" He yelled and swung the anchor with such force and speed that Sasuke didn't have time to dodge and was thusly thrown away from Nana and Nobuchika.
As soon as the assassin was thrown away from Nana, she scooped up Nobuchika, who was now crying from all the commotion. Rage flared in Nana's eyes as she grabbed for her sickle and chain from the wall, swinging the weighted chain and aiming to crush one of the killers legs, all with her infant in her other arm.
Nana dropped her sickle and nodded, holding Nobuchika closer, trying to calm him and soothe him back to sleep. "He's fine.." She answered, tears flooding from her eyes and dripping down her face. Her hand still bled, but she could barely register the pain over the overwhelming sense of anxiety and rage from the thought that someone had put out a contract on her newborn son.
Motochika moved over and gently examined her hand, frowning faintly and kissing her head before grabbing a minor health potion and pouring it over her wound.
Nana was shaking, tears slipping down her face. "Wh-Who would want to kill him? He was just born, he doesn't have enemies..!"
Nana shook her head and clenched her jaw. "I don't want to find my son dead, Motochika." She forced out.
"I know, I know. Neither do I. Don't be bitter with me, Nana." He stated, "The only person I can think to want any of my kin dead is that damnable Dunmer, Motonari. But there's no way he could know I have a son."
"Forgive me, my husband... I just cannot stand the thought of losing our son.." Nana was clearly distressed, still exhausted and overwhelmed from childbirth.
Masamune started the long journey from Riften to Windhelm personally in hopes to bring Megohime home. It had been a month and a half since Megohime took off, and Masamune felt it was long enough for her to cool down. He gripped the reigns of his horse tight; he was such an idiot for letting his anger take hold of him like that. There was no evidence that Megohime had even hired the hit on him - but he soon found out that it was just a nobleman who didn't like how Masamune was goijg about things. The Jarl punished him appropriately by Shouting him apart when he finally found him.
Megohime's back had healed, but she was still sore when she woke in the mornings. Wearing Windhelm's warm clothing as opposed to clothing she had worn in the much warmer Riften - the raven-haired woman wondered the market aimlessly, listening to the daily bustle.
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