Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime assured those around her she was fine before hurrying off to Mistveil after Masamune, trying to calm her nerves.
"I'm fine." She said stiffly, entering the keep and heading back to her room, rubbing her wrist.
Things seemed to be normal for a while after that. That is until a loud rukus sounded from the war room. The keep shuddered at the force of Masamune's Voice before silence. Time seemed to skip before the blood curdling screams of Megohime's maids were heard.
Megohime stood up fast, knocking her chair back before running toward the War Room, throwing the door open with wide eyes. Blood splattered across her dress, eyes falling on the blood at her feet before looking up at the man before her. Masamune stood before her, blade sticking out of a young woman's chest. "K...Ko-Kojurou..." She tried to call for the Housecarl, but her voice got stuck in her throat.
Masamune's eye was a slit, livid beyond words. He ripped his katana from the young woman before stepping slowly towards Megohime. Kojurou and the guard entered and looked horrified, "Lord Masamune!"
Megohime was frozen in place, unable to move her legs out of fear, eyes glued to Masamune. "Masamune... What have you done..? What are you doing..?" She asked quietly.
Masamune held up a contract covered in blood, a Dark Brotherhood assassin dead behind him. "Got tired of me so much that you wanted me dead, huh? Didn't have the balls to try and take me out yourself?"
Megohime's heart jumped into her throat, shaking her head. "What, no! What are you talking about..!?" She asked. "Why would I try to kill you..?"
"I can think of five good reasons at the top of my head right now." He growled. Kojurou and the guards reacted quickly, charging forward to grab Masamune but he Shouted, time slowing down around them. He walked towards Megohime with a steady stride, the slowed flow of time seemingly not effecting him.
Megohme stood statue still, Slow Time freezing her face in a look of horror, and when the shout finally let go of the surrounding people, Megohime stumbled back in sheer terror. Masamune was upon her, sword raised in the air. "Kojurou!!" She turned, trying to scramble to her feet and flee from her husband, dress stained with blood from falling against a dead handmaiden.
"Don't run from me, Megohime!" Masamune growled before bringing his sword down across her back, nearly digging the blade into her spine. "Masamune!!" Kojurou yelled.
Megohime let out a scream of pain, collapsing to the floor, but then trying to crawl away. Agony bloomed from the deep gash in her back, warm blood soaking her dress as she tried to drag herself away from Masamune.
Masamune stood there, frozen, fully realizing what he had just tried to do. The guards helped Megohime as gingerly as they could to a healer while Kojurou yelled and screamed at Masamune.
Megohime limped to the healer, trying to move as little as physically possible, pain making her vision blurry.
Megohime had the back of her dress opened so the wound could be cleaned and stitched closed, Megohime shaking hard in pain. She gripped the bedsheets, gasping each time the needle entered her back, tears falling down her face. "Son of a bitch.." She tried to regulate her breathing, feeling a bit numb.
After Megohime was patched up, she was helped back up to her room to rest, laying on her side to keep off her wound, given a potion to help her relax.
Megohime laid in bed, eyes closed as she slowly relaxed, only to tense up when the door opened. She opened her eyes and scowled at th man before her. "I'm suprised Kojurou let you come up here, not like he can really stop you after all." She sat up stiffly, pulling her robes closed around her. "Are you here to finish the job?"
Megohime gave him a glance or two befor standing, slipping on some boots and moving toward the door, which meant moving toward him. He posture clearly showed her fear, gripping her arms so hard her knuckles turned white, jaw set, and eyes cast away from him. "I don't even know what to say about this, so I'm returning home for a while." She spoke stiffly, moving to step around him.
Megohime flinched when he stuck his arm out, taking a step back. "Let me pass, Masamune." She said firmly, shifting her weight from side to side. "I'm leaving in the morning, I'm staying in the Bee and Barb, if it helps you relax."
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