Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Since you're the one who is to blame for my wound when you tried to kill me, I don't think you really have a say in where I go." She snarled. "Kojurou, I need help!" She called. "Goodbye, Masamune."
Megohime moved passed Masamune, heading down the stairs and out of the keep, heading for the Bee and Barb for the night.
The next morning, Megohime had packed up a few bags for travel, loading the cart with a frown on her face. "We'll be heading out shortly, Lady Tamura." The driver said.
Megohime bowed her head to Kojurou, boarding the carriage and setting off for home. Jin was finally able to walk again, and after making her way slowly and steadily through Riften, she stopped behind Kojurou. "Things aren't looking too good, where is Masamune-sama?"
"I thought he'd at least see Megohime-dono off." She said, but shook her head. "I was out of place, sorry."
Kojurou shook his head, "She won't let him near her anyway, it doesn't matter. You're fine." He replied, "Are you well enough to be moving around?"
"I occasionally get light-headed when walking for long periods of time, but I'm adjusting." She gave a smile, but it seemed a little sad.
She nodded and followed him, rubbing her sore stump as they walked back to the keep. "Please don't blame yourself, Katakura-sama, you saved my life, I don't have the words to thank you for doing so."
Jin stopped, reaching out and cupping Kojurou's cheek and turning his head so she could look him in the eyes. "You saved my life, Kojurou, if it weren't for your quick thinking, I would have perished in those woods. You've been by my side, every step of my recovery, and you relentlessly blame yourself for the loss of an arm not even the Divines could have saved." She spoke softly; the jagged scars running down the side of her face, through her hairline, and half-missing ear was only another painful reminder of the misfortune. "I would gladly, lose my arm a thousand times more, if it meant that I could be here with you, as I am now." Her voice was nearly a whisper, golden eyes holding nothing but gratitude.
"You don't have to, but please, stop blaming yourself." Jin said firmly, but her words were kind. "I cannot stand to see you beat yourself so releantlessly."
Nana had gone into labor one evening, which lasted nearly five hours before the baby was finally ready to be born. "Alright Nana, I'm going to need you to push now." The healer said. "H-Hai..!" Nana gripped Motochika's hand tightly, pushing as hard as she could, sweat causing her hair to stick to her forehead. She let out a scream of pain, taking in a deep breath. "One more big push, you're almost there!" "I'm trying!" Nana ground out through her teeth, giving one last push before the sound of a baby wailing could be heard. Nana let out the breath she had been holding in, panting heavily as her son, a healthy baby boy was being cleaned up, and the umbilical cord cut.
Nana held her breath as her son was handed to her, the small squirming bundle still letting out loud cries. He was big, with a small amount of dark hair on his head, and stormy eyes like his mother. Nana held the newborn close to her chest, looking down at him, eyes wide with awe before tears spilled down her face. "He's perfect.." She croaked, nuzzling the baby boy, choking out a laugh. "He's perfect!" She showed Motochika his son, smiling up at him and wiping away her tears of joy. "Do you have a name for him?"
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