Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Did you hear? Patrols say the Jarl of Riften is on his way here." The guards chattered. "Why? To see Lord Ieyasu?" "Don't know. He wouldn't answer anyone who asked."
Megohime stopped in her tracks, turning to look at the guards who spoke word of Masamune heading to Windhelm, a soft scowl forming on her face. Her back ached and she turned around, heading back for home, brushing the snow from her hair.
Later on, Masamune finally arrived and was greeted warmly by Ieyasu. The two chatted for a bit before Masamune told Ieyasu that he had to find Megohime and wanted to know where the Tamura house was. Ieyasu issued him a guard to lead him before returning to the Palace of Kings.
When Megohime heard a knock at the front door, she assumed it was her mother back from shopping and had forgotten to bring her key, and upon opening the door, she was met with Masamune's ugly mug instead of her mothers. As soon as she had opened the door, Megohime slammed it right back in Masamune's face, not wanting to speak to or even see him.
There was a moment of silence before the door opened a crack. "What?" Megohime asked, seemingly just as irritated as always.
"Fine, but leave your weapons by the door, mothers rule not mine." She said, opening the door further and heading further within the dwelling.
Masamune removed his six Akaviri blades and set them by the door as he stepped inside, "It's been a really long time since I saw you last..." Megohime's screams haunted him and he looked down, "I...missed you..."
Megohime stopped and turned to look at him, a soft frown on her face. She studied him, shifting her weight from foot to foot before turning to face him completely. "It's nice to see you're in good health." She commented dryly.
"Why're you here, Masamune?" Megohime asked bluntly, looking up at him, trying to figure out just what he wanted.
Megohime felt a knot grow in her stomach, and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "... I missed being home, I think I'm going to stay for a while longer."
"You can come willingly or I can bring you back by force...and I'd rather not do that." He told her. "I fucked up hard and I don't deserve your forgiveness for what I've done. So...I guess sleep on it. I'll be at Candlehearth..." He said and turned to leave.
"Wait, Masamune." Megohime called softly, the sound of her footsteps drawing closer to the Jarl of Riften.
And just as he had finished his sentence, Megohime's fist collided with Masamune's cheek, Megohime trying not to let the tears that had been welling up in her eyes, fall down her cheeks. "Of course I want to go home!" She snapped at him, tears falling down her face anyway. "But how could you think that I want to kill you?! I told you that I loved you, didn't I...!?" Her voice cracked and she seemed so small, lost and sad. "Did those words mean that little to you..? Did you think I was lying..?"
"We had been fighting really bad, Mego, I was furious! I wasn't thinking straight!" He snapped, rubbing his cheek, "I love you, too, dammit, that's why I was even angrier about the assassin, I thought you were just using me!"
"... Do you really think I'd be stupid enough to hire a half-assed assassin to kill you?" She muttered, looking away from him. "I don't even think you can die." She looked down at the wooden floor. "I want to go home, Masamune, but I'm scared." She admitted.
Megohime didn't answer, but her answer was obvious; biting her lip and keeping her gaze down she squeezed her arm. "I'll go home with you... But I still need some space." She said softly.
"You can stay here for the night, no use in you staying somewhere else." Megohime said, brushing her hair behind her ear.
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