Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

The air around Akihime dropped suddenly, almost like Amaya had arrived, and was very angry. But she had only passed over the border into Windhelm territory.
Akihime's heart jumped into her throat until she realized where she was. She let out a sigh of relief, breath coming out as a white puff as she pulled her cloak closer around her body for warmth.
"My Lords, I'm so sorry, when I returned to Akihime-dono's room, she was gone. By the time I searched Solitude, she was no where to be found. Please forgive me." Amaya had her head bowed to Mitsunari, Hanbei, and Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi looked indifferent as always but Mitsunari's body personified his rage. "You stupid, useless piece of petrified dragon shit!!" He punched her hard, knocking her down and stepping on her head, "She could be anywhere! Now we have to waste more time trying to find her because you couldn't do your job!" He was seething, body shaking as he death gripped the hilt of his sword. "Calm down, Mitsunari. She will be easy to find. We have soldiers everywhere. And I'm sure Amaya would want to make amends for her mistake by aiding in the search." Yoshitsugu limped up the stairs, having heard the commotion - which wasn't hard since Mitsunari was practically screaming and waking the entire Palace. The court advisor moved towards Amaya and leaned on his cane, staring down at her with his champagne colored eyes filled with the amusement of her suffering, "Isn't that right, dear child? You wouldn't want anything to happen to our dear Oracle, right?"
Amaya grunted when Mitsunari punched her, clenching her fists when he stomped on her head. When she heard Yoshitsugu, she nodde the best she could. "H-Hai... I will do everything within my power and more to get her back.."
"There now. Let her go, Mitsunari. She will start immediately." Yoshitsugu stated. Mitsunari growled and removed his boot from Amaya's head, "Do not return until you have retrieved Akihime. Do I make myself clear?"
Amaya nodded getting on her feet as fast as she could, dissapearing without saying another word. Amaya knew where Akihime was, at least where she was heading. Moving faster than she had gone before, heading toward Windhelm.
Akihime had already reached Windhelm and had entered the Palace of Kings, earning an impromptu audience with Ieyasu about what Hideyoshi and Hanbei were planning. "I have already asked my Protector to send word to Motochika and have risked my freedom and safety to warn you personally, Jarl Ieyasu. High King Hideyoshi is going too far with his plans to conquer Skyrim and I could not bare the thought of men and women losing their lives when I could do something to prevent it." She told him. Ieyasu took a breath and placed his hands gently on her shoulders, "You have done Skyrim and Her people a great service by bringing me this news, Oracle. I will prepare all the men I have to counter the attacks Solitude will make, as I have no doubt Motochika will do the same. If you can, please, rest and stay for a bit. You must be weary." He said. Akihime smiled tiredly, the thought of unwinding from the stress she was carrying sounded wonderful. But her muscles tensed hard and even Ieyasu felt it as Akihime felt a familiar dread slam into her. "I-I've run out of time." She muttered and Ieyasu frowned in concern. "Your Protector?" "She'll be furious when she gets here." Akihime gulped, looking towards the door to the Palace of Kings, "And she is much worse than Mitsunari..."
The air fell thin, the candles flickering in the great hall, and ice creeping up the windows. Amaya had arrived, and as cold as Windhelm was, it got even colder. The large doors at the entrance blew open, rigid cold air blowing into the hall, blowing out the candles within the hall. Amaya had entered with the freezing winds, slamming past Ieyasu, nearly knocking him off his feet as she grabbed Akihime and slammed her into the wall by the collar of her shirt. "I run all the way to Dawnstar to deliver the message to Chosokabe for you, as to save you from the scorching Mitsunari would deliver! Even after you promised me you would stay, you betray my trust and leave anyway!" She was livid, shaking hard, eyes nearly glowing with her rage. "I take beating after beating for all of the misconduct you seem to enjoy shitting out without remorse, I'm the one who takes your punishments when you don't listen, and yet I still cover for your ass!" She lifted Akihime off the ground, pushing her into the wall, ice creeping over her skin and onto Akihime's clothing. Amaya's face was bruised, and her brow split and still oozing blood.
Akihime looked petrified, eyes wide and filling with tears of fear, "I-I'm sorry, Ama, I-I didn't want you to over work yourself by running all the way here to warn Ieyasu as well! I-I'm sorry, please don't be angry! I don't enjoy seeing you get hurt, you're my best friend in all of Skyrim, the only one who has shown me any care and compassion! Please, I'm so sorry!" She was sobbing now, not daring to even touch Amaya out of her intense fear, "I-I do all that I can for you, I helped you when Mitsunari had you hanging by a pole and I treat all the wounds you take for me! I knew you would be angry, but I needed to do this, please forgive me! I'll take the punishment for you this time, I swear!" "Protector, please, it was for the good of Skyrim...!" Ieyasu tried to defuse the situation, now understanding why Akihime had been so afraid, "She knew the risks but the sacrafice had to be made! Hundreds if not thousands would have died!"
"And they will die anyway!" Amaya snarled, looking over her shoulder at Ieyasu, not letting go of Akihime. "You do not understand the situation Akihime is in, you know nothing of the falls that I have been taking for her since a very early age!" She let go of Akihime. "Because of her little stunt here, you've guaranteed Akihime a place in a dark cell three stories down underground, never to see daylight again, and I'll be lucky if I'm only beheaded since I aided her!" She turned to look at Akihime. "You've killed us both."
Akihime only cried more, keeping her head down in shame, "I-I won't let them hurt you anymore, Ama, I swear...! I'm so sorry...! Please, don't hate me, don't leave me alone, please...!" She begged, "You're my closest friend in Tamriel, please....!"
"It's not up to me if I get to stay in this world any longer." She turned to Ieyasu. "If you're truly going to try and save the lives of your people with this information, then you better protect Akihime as well." A soft scowl adorned her face. "I will take responsibility for Akihime-sama's actions." She said, heading for the door.
"A-Ama!" Akihime shot up and rushed after her, hugging her tight from behind and sobbing into her back, "I'm so sorry!! I didn't want to lie to you!! Please don't leave!!" She held her friend tighter, body shaking, "I-I'll be the one to protect you now! I won't let you down ever again!"
"You should stay with Ieyasu-dono." She said quietly, before her body crumbled into snow, and Amaya was gone. Amaya moved quickly through the snow, hot tears pooling in her eyes as she heading back toward Solitude, back to her death.
Akihime looked back to Ieyasu, who had a hard expression, "Go. Take a horse if you need to." He told her. Akihime bowed quickly before rushing off towards the stables, grabbing one of the horses and rushing as fast as the beast could carry her to Solitude.
Amaya stood outside Solitude's gates, breathing harder than she ever had in her entire life. She glanced at the shadows surrounding her, almost imagining Sasuke in the trees waiting for her, but it was only hopeful thinking. Entering the city, she made her way toward Castle Dour. Keeping her eyes down, she kneeled before her three lords, assuming that Yoshitsugu was either resting or sitting in the corner. "My Lords, it is to my regret that I must expose that I have committed multiple acts of treason toward the Empire. I have informed Lord Chosokabe of your impending arrival and I have accompanied Akihime-dono to Windhelm and placed her under the care of Ieyasu-dono."
Mitsunari stared down at her with a murderous intent. He was death gripping his sword again, wanting to slice her head clean from her shoulders right then and there. Hideyoshi gave a faint disappointed noise, "Shame. You were such a promising and skilled asset. But, as you know, this news means you must be executed. And once we retrieve the Oracle from Windhelm, she will be executed as well."
Amaya clenched her fists. "Please allow me to take Akihime's punishment as well, at least spare her life." Amaya begged. "Please, I have no right to make a request, but losing Akihime would be a horrible blow, please don't let her gift go to waste. I will take all of her punishment, ten times over." Hanbei made a noise and looked at Hideyoshi. "The Oracle would be quite a big loss, but precautions will have to be taken so we do not lose her again."
"I say we hang her on the top of Solitude lighthouse as a warning to those who would betray us." Mitsunari hissed lowly, referring to Akihime. Hideyoshi folded his arms over his chest. Hanbei was right, as well as Amaya, if they lost Akihime they lost any means of conquering Skyrim. He exhaled heavily, "Fine. The Oracle will be spared. Though she still will be punished for betraying the Empire."
"Thank you, Lord Hideyoshi." Amaya said quietly. "I will take any and all responsibility of Akihime's punishment."
"Mitsunari will see that you do." Hideyoshi stated. Mitsunari gestured with his fingers and the guards took Amaya down to the prison to await Mitsunari's decision.
Amaya went willingly, looking down at the ground as she was escorted. Taking a seat on the floor, she stared at the dirty stones beneath her feet, shame heavy on her shoulders.
"What a waste." Sasuke stood on the other side of the cell, mask covering his lower face as always, "Pathetic, really. You should have just stayed with her. But no. You had to throw yourself on your sword and die for her. What lesson will that teach? You know she's on her way here to save you, don't you?"
"... I know... That's why I have a proposal for you." She stood slowly. "One last contract." She moved toward the cell doors, stopping just in front of it. "I'll be the contract, the body used in it, kill me and make sure Akihime returns to Windhelm safely." She said softly. "I want you to kill me."
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