Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I would advise not drinking so fast, if I were you." The voice of a small child called from the doorway. A young girl with hair like flowing bronze and eyes glowing orange like the sunset approached, her dress the colors of the Brotherhood, "Are you feeling any better, aside from hungry?"
Amaya watched with cautious eyes, slowly setting down the bucket of water. "I was crushed by a burning building after having the life beaten from my body, why in Oblivion would I feel better?" She muttered sourly, fingers slowly curling around the knife left for her along with apples and bread. "Who the hell are you anyway? Where am I?"
"Sanctuary?" Amaya let out a wheezy scoff. "No wonder it reeks of death, of course, that's probably just me." She said, reaching for a loaf of bread with a shaking hand.
"Where is Sasuke?" She took a small bite of the bread, but found her mouth and throat too raw from the smoke to try and eat anything. Struggling back into the bed she sat with a grunt, looking at her gauze covered arms, the white fabric covering most of her body and head.
"Out fulfilling a contract or dealing with his master, I'm not sure which." She answered as she stepped closer with a minor healing potion, "When you can, drink this. It will help, obviously. It will at least aid you in eating a little better."
Amaya looked at the potion warily before taking it and setting it down beside her. "Thank you." She said quietly. Glancing up at Babette, she made a noise. "Why is someone like you hanging around with Sasuke?"
"I noticed the whole Vampire thing when you walked through the door with glowing eyes. I was just curious as to why a vampire is hanging around with a bunch of assassins." She uncorked the potion, drinking down small sips at a time.
"So bitter." She commented, placing her hand on her hip, "I was brought into the Brotherhood for my skill in potions as well as how I get my kills done."
She stopped drinking her potion, glancing down at it before putting the cork back and setting it on the floor by her bed. "Right..." She laid back with a small hiss of pain, staring up at the ceiling.
Amaya didn't trust either with her potions, but she had very little choice. She hadn't realized that she had even dozed off until she felt Sasuke's presence; it wasn't hard to miss. Bloodlust entered the room with the scent of blood, telling Amaya he had come back from a fresh contract. "Why did you bring me here of all places?" She asked, voice raspy.
Sasuke lowered his mask, "It's the safest place I know for you." He answered. "I trust they've been hospitable as a load of assassins can be? Have you met Cicero yet?"
"No." She grunted, sitting up to look at him better. "After meeting Babette today, I think I'm ok." She seemed irritated, more than usual, but being crushed by a building and burned alive would put anyone in a sour mood. Staring at him in silence she seemed to mull something over in her head before finally speaking. "Why did you save me? Why again, when you have no compassion toward me?"
"I didn't want your abilities to go to waste. Once you recover, you're going to join the Family. If you decline, that's all right, I can always notify Mitsunari of your survival." He stated.
Amaya death-gripped the sheets, which hurt her more than it did the blanket. "You're blackmailing me into joining your cult?" She ground out; but he had her trapped, there was no other choice. "... You've already chosen for me, so why bother asking?" She scoffed.
"It isn't as bad as it sounds. You don't have to live here, as I don't. I come here only when our Unholy Matron calls for me. You will obey the Five Tenets, as we go about things the old ways here. Though Cicero is less than helpful." He muttered the last part to himself before shaking his head, "Think of this as your second chance, just as it was extended to me."
"I have no other place to go, so I don't have much of a choice on living arrangements." She muttered bitterly. "And what are the Five Tenets?" She asked, trying to come to terms with her forced agreement.
Sasuke started to count on his fingers, starting with his thumb, "Tenet One: Never dishonor the Night Mother. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis," Then his index, "Tenet Two: Never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis," He moved to his middle finger, "Tenet Three: Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis," Then his ring finger, "Tenet Four: Never steal the possessions of a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis," Lastly, his pinkie finger, "And Tenet Five: Never kill a Dark Brother or Sister," His tone was laced with venom, heavy and cold, "...To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis."
Amaya noticed his demeanor when he stated the final Tenet, eyes narrowing and goosebumps running up the back of her neck. "I feel as though that one is directed intentionally toward me, are you suggesting I'd try to kill the vampire or you? You must think very highly of me." She sneered, then felt a pang of guilt. The Tenet was understandable. "Fine, I'll be sure to follow all of them to the letter." She muttered, turning her head away. "... Is Akihime alive?" She asked quietly.
"Her heart is in her chest, yes. Albeit broken." He gave an uncaring shake of his head, "She does nothing but lay in bed. I have, to my dismay, kept my promise to you and have checked on her when I am available." He rubbed the back of his head, "She caught me once, when I thought she was sleeping...she asked me to kill her."
Amaya's heart dropped into her stomach and she stood with a small amount of struggle. "I have to tell her I'm alive." She hissed through clenched teeth as she limped toward the door, obviously in a great deal of pain, her vision blurring and some of her bandages staining red.
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