Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Hearing Akihime's name made her tears fall down her face in a steady stream. "..Yeah..." She answered after a while, her voice quiet. "Sorry if my emotions are strange to you... As a protector, you're suppose to put that person before everything else... Even if you love them.." She said, sinking to the floor and sitting against her bed, feeling numb.
"So you did have feelings for her? Kinda figured..." He muttered, "And they aren't strange...once upon a time, I would do anything and everything for my mother. But that part of me died with her years ago..."
Sasuke was met with silence, then the door swung open. Amaya stood in the doorway, a frown on her face. "That's why I can't let her die." She said sternly, half naked except for the armor covering her lower half and the wrappings that were wrapped around her chest - mostly for the purpose of protecting the heavy scar tissue on her back and shoulders.
Amaya nodded. "Yeah, I guess your right." She said, gripping her wrist to keep her bad arm from shaking. "I need to strengthen my arm more, just moving around like we did makes it hurt like a Saber cat tore at it." She said, pulling a shirt over her head before heading to the archery range to strengthen her shoulder.
"Try using a simple long bow for now. Once you get comfortable with that, try a hunting bow. Keep going up once you feel comfortable with the one you're using." He advised.
Amaya nodded, going for the Longbow rather than the ebony bow she usually had used. Notching an arrow, she aimed for the target, her arm shaking as she let the arrow go, hissing when the arrow hit a few inches off its mark.
Amaya glanced at Sasuke, nodding in acceptance before going back to her training, working hard through the early hours of the morning and even until noon.
It would take over a month before Amaya could use her Ebony bow again without so much as a shiver. Sasuke watched her from the far wall, impressed with how quickly she had recovered.
Amaya was able to fire arrow after arrow without having any trouble, and her hair had grown in fully, just to her ears, which had been changed permanently to black as well as her eyes being changed to dark Amber with the help of Babette. Her scars had thickened so she no longer had to bandage them so they wouldn't bleed, but she still did so when it rained so she had a bit mor cushion on her shoulders. "What's my first assignment, I can fire a bow again." She said, turning to look at Sasuke.
"Of course I am, everyone knows the Black-Briar's, and if you don't, you're an idiot." She said, lowering her bow and hooking it over her shoulder.
"Well, we have a contract for Sibbi Black-Briar. He'll be fairly easy for you since he's locked in the Riften Jail." He stated, "Hardly anyone will miss him, I'm sure."
"Oh boy, caged hunting." She said. "Fine, when do I head out?" She asked, refilling her quiver full of ebony arrows, then checking on her blades, making sure they were all sharp.
"And as my recruiter, you aren't going to be hovering over my shoulder, are you? I don't like to kill when someone's breathing down my neck." She said, ready to go.
"I'm fine... Horses and I don't really get along." She said, heading off to complete her first officially assigned mission.
Amaya headed out of the Sanctuary, heading toward Riften, the home of the Dokuganryuu. Getting inside of Riften was easy, and so was slipping past the gaurds toward the prison cells - easier than getting passed Sasuke anyway. Finding a spot where a small amount of ice had formed in the corner of Sibbi's cell, grateful it was winter, she entered the cell from the ice, watching the man sit at the table for a moment before speaking. "Sibbi Black-Briar, someone went to very far lengths to get me here." She spoke lowly, moving forward. "And do you know why?"
Sibbi made a disinterested noise, "It could have been any number of people, really. I can't say I'm surprised the Brotherhood was called to get rid of me. I won't be shocked if it was Grandmother Maven herself who contracted you, either."
"Kill you? No, you have the wrong idea." She pulled down her mask slightly, moving closer and leaning up to whisper into his ear. "One of your... Lady friends sent me, she said you would know exactly who it was from." She breathed against his neck, slowly running her hand down his chest to his belt. "Paid extra to get me here, she sends her regards though, and she wanted me to say how she wish she could be here herself in person."
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