Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nori lowered her mask and moved over to Akihime, bowing before her, flashing a small smile. "Akihime-sama, how are you doing today?"
"You still seem rather flustered, what's bothering you?" Nori asked, moving to sit beside Akihime.
For days Yukimura had been acting strange, disappearing for hours at a time, and when he was found, he would always be standing, staring out into space. After finding him multiple times, a pattern could be seen, he'd always be standing in front of one of the locked doors in the basement, listening intently to the dead silence.
Sasuke and Akihime became exceedingly worried about him, both trying to get him to talk about what was going on only to be met with aggitation and a bit of violence. This worried Akihime more, feeling something was wrong.
Yukimura stood inside the room he once couldn't enter, listening to the disembodied woman coax him closer to the dark blade that lay on the table before him. He moved closer, brows furrowed; he could have the blade, and all he would have to do is cut down someone whom trusted him? It seemed too easy, Yukimura knew many people whom he could kill. Letting his fingers ghost over the blade, he felt as though electricity went through his body, bringing pleasure and satisfaction rather than pain.
Yukimura hesitated for a moment, looking over his shoulder at Sasuke. The look in his eyes was completely different than the one he usually had, gaze cold and gleaming with murderous intent. Looking back to the blade, he let his fingers curl around the grip, picking up the blade.
"Dana!!" Sasuke rushed over and gripped his wrist, "Drop it! This isn't something you want to mess with!" "Y-Yukimura, please..." Akihime was forced much farther away, half towards the door, the evil radiating from the blade making her sick, "That sword is dangerous..." "My, isn't she pretty~? The Oracle, with the purest blood I've ever known. She would be perfect to feed my blade~" The Whispering Lady, more prominently known as Mephala, cooed and whispered darkly in Yukimura's ear.
Yukimura looked down at the glistening black blade in his hand, nodding his head slowly. "Yes... You're right." In the blink of an eye, Yukimura slammed his elbow hard into Sasuke's nose, shoving him back hard before turning to face Akihime, dread hanging heavy in the air. Moving toward her, he brought his blade up, but was stopped by Nori, who had caught the blade between the palms of her hands.
"Ama!" Akihime gasped, moving forward, only to stop as her stomach lurched and twisted, threatening to empty its contents. Sasuke fixed his nose and.tried to get Yukimura to release the blade, "Dana, seriously!"
Yukimura kicked Nori hard in the stomach, sending her flying into Akihime and knocking them both down. Then Yukimura swung around, aiming for Sasuke's head, a dark aura surrounding him.
"I'm fine, please go and alert the guards." Nori ordered. Yukimura struggled under Sasuke, the blade still whispering to him, wanting desperately to obey it.
Yukimura surged up, smashing his forehead into Sasuke's already broken nose, flipping him over and grabbing the black blade before making a break for the front gates. Yukimura was no longer himself at all, acting irrationally and out of rage.

((Could you be Mephala and maybe drive him a little insane for a bit?))
Yukimura didn't stop until he knew he was safe, taking refuge inside of a cave bandits had made their home, but he had easily disposed of them. Sitting on the ground with the blade in front of him, he steadied his breathing, a soft scowl on his face.
Yukimura looked down at his hands, scowling heavily and shaking his head. "Maybe I shouldn't do this..?" He looked a bit confused, then angry. "But who's blood do I feed the blade with? Does it have to be blood that's pure?"
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