Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Sasuke reacted quickly, his fist shot out and connected with her rib cage, using all his weight to throw her off him after knocking the wind out of her.
Amaya tumbled away from Sasuke, gasping for air as she jumped quickly back to her feet, wincing as she held up her blade. He must've cracked a rib or two. Without thinking she charged again, eyes blazing anger, seeing red as she slashed at him. "Do you think her life is one of your toys?!" She hissed out, trying to land a hit on him, but she wasn't thinking straight and her movements were predicable.
Sasuke dodged every swing easily, a soft scowl on his face, "Every life is a toy, Protector. You should know that well. Yours was a toy once; as was mine."
"Shut your mouth!" Amaya swung down hard before swinging with her other fist toward his face. "Assassins may be property, but Akihime is no toy..!" She growled.
He grabbed her fist and pushed her up against the closest wall, pinning her beneath him. "She is a toy. Think about it. Your Lords play with her and her gift daily, don't they? That's why she doesn't speak out much. Any voiced resistance is met with psychological abuse. Just like they do with you when you fuck up your job."
Amaya dropped her blade when he pushed her into the wall, grinding her teeth; she didn't have an excuse for how Akihime was treated, and she didn't bother giving any explanation on how she was treated. "And does your Lord Shingen not do the same of Yukimura? I am a tool, that's all I am, but Akihime aids others, she isn't a tool, she's an oracle who helps those around her."
"See, dana doesn't fuck up if at all. That isn't the point here. The point is: she is a toy - or rather a pawn - and you don't wish to see it." He said.
"And what do you know? All you are is a slave who happened to become an assassin, you know nothing!" She hissed, moving closer, as if to headbutt him, but instead their lips met in a rough kiss in a mixture of conflicting lust and hate.
Amaya wasted no time, not bothering to beat around the bush as her free hand found its way to Sasuke's manhood, groping at him as she moved to press him up against the wall, deepening the kiss and nipping at his lip.
A low moan sounded from Amaya, trying to pull her hand free as she let herself be completely pinned, feeling herself become excited.
Amaya gave in and parted her lips for him, the feeling of him grinding against her causing her to buck her hips slightly in an attempt to get more pleasure by rubbing against his leg.
Amaya's thighs trembled and she slowly ground herself against his leg, feeling her womanhood grow wet. Kissing him heatedly, she tried to pin him against the wall, wanting desperately to use her hands.
Amaya panted softly, face flushed, hips bucking once more as she bit her lip. "You never know how to shut up..." She ground out. "And you sure as hell like to take your sweet time."
Amaya scowled softly, straightening out her clothing before dissapearing as well, returning to Akihime's side.

((Would Chika and Masamune know eachother pretty well, or have they get to interact?))
((They know each other but not very well. Masa and Chika have met like once or twice to discuss trades and things; fish and horker meat in exchange for furs, mead, weapons, blahblah..))
((Hmm, oh! We can do where Kojurou and Jin go out hunting and they get attacked by a dragon and we can do the plan with her arm~? Also do you have anything for Aki planned?))
((Then we shall do the thing!!))

Jin had been staying in Riften ever since she begain aiding Kojurou when Masamune was away on a mission. Remaining in Riften to assist Kojurou, she had gained an official title and was welcome to purchase a house within the city, which she refused, staying at the Bee and Barb most nights. With both Kojurou and Jin out hunting together, they slowly grew closer; arrow drawn and ready to be aimed, she crept along the treeline, almost perfectly blending into her surroundings as she stalked an elk.
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