Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

It was only moments before the screaming started, the man wailing, but not saying anything still. A few minutes later however, Amaya exited the cell, scowling softly. "We'll find her by Dawnstar." She said. "I'm going ahead." "Right, Sasuke, we'll head out right away." Yukimura said.
Amaya moved as fast as she could, moving through trees and the underbrush silently and quickly, angry tears running down her face as she tried to pick up any sign of Akihime.
The travel to Dawnstar took a whole day, even with the speed they were traveling at, Amaya slowing as she reached the top of he hill in front of the abandoned keep. "He said they'd be here." She said stiffly, carefully opening the door, waiting a moment before stepping inside.
Moving through the entry hall, they entered the main hall of the tower, behind steel bars and on the bottom level of said tower were the mages who took Akihime. They had the Oracle laying still unconscious before statue of Vaermina and the Skull of Corruption, chanting and praying to the Prince while they prepared the sacrafice.
Amaya gripped the bars, shaking with rage before turning, leaving the group of men in a flash of snow powder, heading off before them. Yukimura looked to Sasuke, speaking in a hushed whisper so they wouldn't be heard. "We have to move quickly down to where they are, hopefully there aren't any others, other than them." He said.
Yukimura nodded, heading down the hall quietly after ordering the hold guards to stay put and make sure no one goes in or out, spears in hand as he went after Akihime.
Yukimura moved down and entered the lower level, moving through the building carefully before finally reaching the room just outside where Akihime was. Stealing a glance around the corner, he frowned softly, making note of where Akihime lay and where the Mages stood, taking a breath before turning into the room.
"We pray to thee, Lady Vaermina, and hope that the blood of the Oracle with strengthen your powers so you may continue to feast on the memories of Man and Mer!" The main Devotee stated as he held an Ebony dagger coated in death bell and nightshade above Akihime's slumbering person.
Yukimura gasped and charged forward. "Stop!" He ordered, but the blade was already being brought down. Before the blade reached Akihime, a figure appeared before her, stopping the attack by gripping the blade itself tightly. Amaya clenched her teeth as blood dripped heavily from her hand, shoving the Mage back and giving him a hard kick in the jaw, sending him tumbling toward Yukimura, who's dispatched him easily. Amaya turned and scooped up Akihime, dissapearing once more, leaving the Mages to Yukimura.
The devotees were furious, rushing forward and all casting Flames. But one by one, each dropped with an Ebony arrow in his head, Sasuke perked high out of sight and reach.
Yukimura removed his spears from the last mage, turning to look for Akihime's location. "They've probably returned upstairs, let's join them." He said, hurrying back up the stairs without waiting for Sasuke's response. Amaya crouched beside Akihime, looking her over for any wounds and checking to make sure no spell had been cast on her that would harm her; other than that, she'd be out for a few more hours. Amaya's hand had been wrapped up, but blood still soaked through the fabric, and her hand was growing numb and tingly, but she was far too worried about Akihime to care.
Akihime seemed to be peacefully unaware of what was happening while she was asleep, her breathing steady. "I knew you enjoyed watching her sleep." Sasuke taunted snidely, a cruel smirk on his face.
"You need to learn when to shut your mouth!" Amaya sprung to her feet and turned, grabbing Sasuke by the throat and slamming him against the wall. "If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be here! You may be able to conceal yourself, but I can sense your bloodlust from a league away."
Amaya's hand grew cold, but even then, her grip was weakened and shaking, giving him a hard push, she moved back to Akihime when she hear Yukimura coming up the stairs. "Is Akihime-dono alright?" "Hai." Amaya scooped her up again. "I'll return to Whiterun ahead of you, I want to get your healer to look her over, just to be sure." "Yes, of course!"
They had returned back to Whiterun at a slower pace, making it back in the early hours of the morning, and with Akihime resting safely in her room, even Yukimura had turned in for the night. It had been a bit colder in Dragonsreach since Akihime and Amaya had arrived, but now it was even colder. Sasuke, who had been relaxing peacefully in the rafters, was grabbed suddenly. A chill ran over his body and his vision blackened for a split second, next revealing he was out on the Great Porch with Amaya, who seemed to be radiating frost at a freezing tempurature. "Why did you do it?"
"It's a lot colder than I recall it needing to be this time of year." Sasuke noted softly before folding his arms over his chest, "Why did I do what? Keep you from the Prophet?"
"You stopped me from following after her, and when I think about it, I don't think you tried all that hard to help her or even stop them." She scowled heavily and clenched her fists. "What's your game? I understand you don't like her because that means you get less time leering after the brat, but trust me, after this little stunt, we'll be returning to Solitude."
"Dana has nothing to do with this. I find it to be a load of shit that some pampered princess was blessed by Divines who don't give a damn about those who worship them. Her 'readings' are lucky assumptions; anyone perceptive enough can figure out just about anything under the sun." He stated, "I let those mages take her cuz I was bored and I thought it would be a good bit of fun."
The tempurature dropped at least another thirty degrees. "You did it because you were bored?" She echoed lowly, eyes nearly glowing with rage. In a second she was on him, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him hard against the stone floor, bringing out a blade and bringing her arm up, shaking hard with rage.
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