Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Fine, then Ill just beat the shit out if her." She said, still fuming. "I don't want her here."
"I doubt she's still even in Riften. It's not worth it either way. Come on. It's done now, let's move on. We can spar instead. Would you like that?" He asked, grinning.
"M'Lord Shingen, your guest has arrived. She's waiting at the gate with the guards." "Excellent. Thank you, guardsman, have her sent up immediately." Shingen said. The guard nodded and jogged off to help escourt the Jarl's guest.
"Guest?" Yukimura looked up to Shingen, shaggy brown hair starting to grow over his eyes. "Oh! The Oracle from Solitude?" He recalled. "Has something gone wrong, M'lord?"
"Yes. I need her advise as well as her foresight to help defend our hold from the dragons." Shingen answered, "You will show her the proper respect, yes?"
Yukimura straightened up and nodded. "H-Hai!" He agreed, hurrying off to greet their guest with all of the heart of Whiterun.
((Kawaii desu.))

Akihime was being escorted by four guards, all keeping sure that the citizens stayed a good distance from her. She was dressed in an embroidered red gown with a gold and ruby circlet, smiling and waving to all who greeted her.
Yukimura slowed to a jog, stopping before her to dismiss the gaurds. "I've been sent to bring Akihime-dono to Lord Shingen." He said; Amaya lurked in the shadows, keeping a watchful eye on Akihime.
Yukimura's cheeks flushed and he bowed stiffly to her. "Yes, Lord Shingen is waiting up at Dragonskeep, why don't we head up there?" He said, turning and starting back to the keep.
"Of course! Why do you ask?" Yukimura glanced at Akihime from over his shoulder, still a bit nervous.
Yukimura's face flushed more and he shook his head vigorously. "No! Not at all! It's just a bit hot today, isn't it?"
The rest of the way up, Yukimura was silent, entering Dragonsreach and taking Akihime before Shingen, bowing his head. "My Lord, Akihime-dono arrived safely." He reported.
"Excellent. Good work, Yukimura. You may leave." Shingen stated. Akihime stepped forward and bowed, "You wished to see me, Jarl Takeda?" "Yes, thank you. Come, we can discuss matters out on the Great Porch." He said, standing.
Yukimura bowed to the both of them as they headed to the Great Porch, standing there awkwardly even after they were gone, waiting a moment before heading out of Dragonsreach.
Yukimura stopped, looking around the beams before finally able to spot the assassin, blinking. "Akihime-dono? Why, what's wrong with her?" He asked, worried maybe she was in some sort of trouble.
"You're a wreck with her around. You're losing focus. Just stay away from her, dana, she's a distraction." Sasuke told him, "You have to stay alert for Jarl Shingen, remember?"
Yukimura felt a frown tug at his lips, looking back down at the ground and clenching his fists. He had been spacing a lot lately, and if someone were to attack his lord and he was day dreaming, he may be to late, even as unthinkable as it sounded, Shingen being bested. He shook his head furiously and let out a deep breath. "You're right, I must remain on task, if somethin were to happen to My Lord, I would be the one to blame!" He declared.
"But, shouldn't I still show her hospitality? Lord Shingen always said to honor our guests!" Yukimura said, looking back up at Sasuke.
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