Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Sasuke dodged the arrow and watched as it impaled through a guard's helm before looking to her. He wagged his finger before rushing towards her with his blade. "IIZ!" Masamune Shouted again, causing Sasuke to freeze as ice encased him. He fell over and Masamune wobbled over, holding his head before kicking Sasuke hard in the face. The ice shattered and Sasuke recovered quickly before charging again, Masamune deflecting with his sword. They fought for a bit, Sasuke trying to land some kind of hit on the Dragonborn but Masamune was strategic with his hits, cutting Sasuke's legs and arms before finally knocking him over. "Come back here again and I'll burn your entire sanctuary to the ground, Assassin." Masamune hissed. Sasuke glared hatefully before disappearing in a swirl of shadow.
Megohime lowered her weapon and clenched her fists, gripping the bow hard as she looked down at the ground. "Lord Date, Katakura-dono, are you alright?" A gaurd moved over to the two, frowning under his helm.
"Yeah...I'm good." Masamune replied, Kojurou nodded that he, too, was unharmed. Masamune turned to Megohime and looked her over, "You ok? He didn't get you, did he?"
"I'm fine." She ground out, returning her bow to her back. "Just perfect." Her red gaze fell on Masamune and she scowled. "I don't even know what to be mad about right now." She said, then turned to Kojurou. "I'm glad you're ok." She said stiffly before moving over to pull her arrow out of the gaurds corpse, grinding her teeth.
Megohime looked at Masamune over her shoulder. "What do you mean I won't like it..?" She asked quietly, looking dead serious.
Megohime didn't look too happy, but complied, heading upstairs to their bedroom. "What did you do, Masamune?" She asked, turning to face him.

((Kojurou's gonna have to pull Mego off Masa~))
((haHA yeah~~))

Masamune shut the door and rubbed the back of his neck, "I went to the Bee and Barb last night to have some mead because I couldn't sleep...night terrors an' all...and I guess I failed to keep count of how much I drank and I..." He stopped and took a breath, "I woke up in bed with another woman this morning..."
Megohime felt a cold feeling crawl over her scalp and across her skin, eyes widening before she charged at him. "You bastardous fuck!" She slammed her fist into his jaw hard enough to actually knock him down, moving to sit atop of his chest, punching him repeatedly in the nose, tears falling down her cheeks.
Kojurou rushed in and pulled her off him, "Megohime-dono! Stop! What are you doing!?" He yelled. Masamune laid there on the ground, blood gushing from his nose as he tried to regain focus, "A'm tharrie..." He gurgled.
Megohime tried to hit Kojurou, trashing and letting out a scream. "Let go of me! I'm going to kill him!" She pryed at Kojurou's fingers, trying to break free. "He fucked another woman!"
The court wizard rushed in and cast Calm on Megohime while guards helped hoist Masamune up, "Ah thed tharrie...i' wath uh athiden'..." Masamune said.
Megohime turned her head away from Masamune, refusing to look at him, shoving away from Kojurou before heading downstairs and out of Mistveil, leaving to be with her thoughts.
The court wizard healed Masamune and he rubbed his sore face before chasing after Megohime, "Mego! Mego, wait up! I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen!"
"Of course you didn't." She hissed lowly, not slowing her pace as she marched out of Riften. "It's always an accident." She headed down towards the lake, rubbing her tears away furiously.
"Mego!" He grabbed her wrist, "Please. It just happened, I didn't mean for it. I love you, ok!" He yelled, the earth shivering at his voice. He stopped and watched her, "...I love you."

((Even though normally saying that would do shit for dick, this is the first official time he's ever said that to her~~))
Megohime stopped when he grabbed her wrist, staring down at the ground. Fresh tears fell from her eyes when he said 'I love you.' She turned to face him, biting her lower lip to keep herself from crying. "You're such a piece of shit." She finally broke down and started to cry, letting her head rest against his chest.
He laughed tiredly and held her, "Yeah, I am..." He agreed, "It was a one time thing, swear to Talos, it won't happen again..." He told her, "And if it does, you can walk out and never come back...I won't chase you or stop you..."
"I don't want to leave either.." She muttered into his shirt, lightly bumping her fist against the side of his head before wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
"I'm serious..!" Megohime scowled softly. "I want to know who she was too." She said, pressing a finger against his chest.
"Her name was Iisaka...just a harlot...fuck, that sounded bad." He made a face and shook his head, "I just wanted to unwind. All I wanted was to drink some and then come back. But she kept buying me more and more and I just..." He stopped and sighed, "It was a mistake.."
"I'm going to gut her." Megohime growled. "That whore thinks she can slut all over anyone she wants- but this doesn't mean you're not still in trouble..!" She turned back to Masamune, pointing at him. "You better be grateful I don't nueter you." She said, turning to head back into town, heading for the Bee and Barb.
"Whoa, Mego, hold it!" Masamune grabbed her arm and tugged her back, "You can't just go and kill someone because of what happened. I'd have to execute you, no excuses; Jarl's wife or otherwise."
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