Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune turned to look at this newcomer before looking to his housecarl, "Who's the lady elf?" He asked. Kojurou flushed, "This is Jin-dono! She helped me when I hurt my ankle sometime ago."

"What's the catch?" Sasuke asked.
Jin bowed to Masamune. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jarl Date." She said, eyes flicking to Megohime, who was turning in for the night. "I hope you don't mind me offering aid to Katakura-dono?"

"Yeah, don't get caught." She said, waving him off. "Just kill someone, and go home, I hope that won't be too hard for you to do; make it brutal, make it quick, I don't care. You kill, so go kill."
"Nah, I kinda figured Kojurou would need some help running this joint." Masamune smirked, "Thanks for givin' him a hand."

Sasuke scowled and held out his hand for the coin purse, "Fine. Though I don't understand why you're making me do this when you can do it yourself. You're perfectly capable. Or does it intervene with you watching the False Prophet sleep?"
Jin gave a small nod. "It was my pleasure." She said, then looked to Kojurou. "May I take my leave for the night?" She asked.

"If you aren't up to the task, just say so." She let the coin purse dangle from her fingers. "It's ok to be scared, killing does take some gall."
"Yes, of course, thank you." Kojurou bowed slightly to her and Masamune smirked a bit more, shaking his head as he walked to his bedroom.

He snatched the coin from her, glaring, "I've been doing this a hell of a lot longer than you. Do not insult my tolerance and skill." He growled before sinking into the shadows, "A general will die only because a contract was made. Not because you told me to." He spat before disappearing.
Megohime lay on the bed with an arm over her face, an empty ale bottle on the nightstand and a soft frown on her face. When she heard the door open, she moved her arm to look at Masamune, looking exhausted from their trip.

((Soon Amaya will call him again~))
Megohime offered a dry smile. "Yeah.." She said, rolling onto her side and pulling the covers over her. "I'm just happy to be home."
((Ditches Masa.))

Sasuke had been hearing whispers in his ear all week, day after day, and each time he went to find those who wished to make a contract, it was Amaya. It was the third time this week she had prayed to the Night Mother, and she stood in wait for Sasuke, a poor peddler dead at her feet.
"Another kill." She tossed the bag of coins toward him. "One of Uesugi's men this time; and like before its pick your own prize. Choose whomever." She said.
Sasuke took a breath before grabbing the money and putting it in his pouch, "No catch, I take it? What benefit do you gain from all this, might I ask?"
"You get to fill that lust for blood, what more do you really need to know?" She offered. "Just do the job and I'll keep supplying them and paying you, no catch."
Sasuke fought the small smirk that tugged at his lips under his mask, "I thank you for such an opprotunity...~" He stated before starting to disappear.
"Don't get too excited, it isn't my job to pleasure you." She said, disappearing in a swirl of snowflakes, leaving Sasuke alone.
This would repeat for the next couple of days or so, Amaya laying Sasuke hefty sums to take down people, and he would kill for her. Praying to the Night Mother once more, she sat in wait for Sasuke, twirling a coin between her fingers.
Sasuke appeared before her, mask lowered for once and a ghost of a smile on his lips, "Who is it today, my Sister? Someone of Chosokabe's? Date's, maybe? Or perhaps another of Tokugawa's men?"
"I have a special task for you this time; The Right Eye of the Dragon. Why don't you indulge even further into your pleasures with an actual real kill this time?" She nearly purred, letting her fingers ghost over his jawbone.
"Doesn't that make it all the much more fun?" She frowned softly. "Don't tell me you're going to turn down my contract?"
"If you aren't up to the task, that's fine." She turned away from him, taking a step away. "I can find someone more your level." She said with a shrug.
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