Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Is it sticking partially out or did he completely remove her heart and replace it with the stone?))

Megohime gave his hand a weak squeeze, looking up at him with a faint smile. "I'm glad you're ok." She said, blinking back tears.
((Well, since the last time he tried putting a heart stone into someone, they came back to life only to violently convulse and die again he put in a smaller heart stone just fused into her heart.))

"You're a freakin' idiot." He scolded, "Why did you do something so stupid like that...!? You died!"
Megohime frowned and turned her gaze away. "You were going to die." She whispered, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I promised I'd wait but you were in there for a day, I thought you were gone for good."
"You're so stupid!" He yelled, gripping her arms and shaking her slightly, "I warned you! I fucking warned you! But you didn't listen, you never listen!" He suddenly held her close and hid his face in her hair, "I thought I lost you for good..."
Megohime felt a flicker of fear spark in her stomach when he shook her, clinching when he held her close. She watched him for a moment before speaking. "I'm sorry.." She said, saying to two words she had never said to him before. Something scratched against Masamune as he held Megohime close, stitches peeking out from under her shirt, running down her breast over her heart.
Masamune pulled back and moved the shirt carefully to look at the massive scar and stitches, "What did you do?" "Well, the only way to bring her back without making her a mindless body was to put a heart stone in her. But since she hadn't been dead long, it would have been disastrous to replace her heart with the stone completely, so I fused a small chunk with her heart. It worked rather well, I think." Neloth said.
Megohime looked down at the large sutured wound, eyes widening slightly as she touched the jagged flesh. "You fused me with a rock?" Her voice cracked, panic showing clearly in her eyes.
"Not just any 'rock'." Neloth scoffed, turning to his Staff Enchanter to grab the other half of the heart stone he used, "It is a stone from the Red Mountain. It has special properties."
Megohime seemed to get her fire back. "Oh, well I'm glad it's a volcanic rock and not just any ordinary rock..!" She winced when she felt a slight tug on her stitches, laying back down, her face slightly flushed. "I feel like shit." She muttered.
Megohime gave a nod. "I still feel really far away." She said, closing her eyes and resting her arm over her head.

((You ready to send them home and have Masa knock up Iisaka and Jin and Kojurou be all lovie~))
Megohime recovered within the week, and they were able to fly home on Voslaarum, who was happy to have Masamune pay attention to her. They made it home by nightfall and Voslaarum landed behind Riften, lowering her head to let Megohime and Masamune off.
Masamune gave Voslaarum an affectionate scratch, "Pogaan kogaan, Voslaarum. Nii los pruzah wah lost hi daal wah hin honah." He told her.

((Many thanks, Voslaarum. It is good to see you returned to your senses.))
Voslaarum didn't have much to say, letting out a series of clicks and rumbles before spreading her wings and taking flight, probably off to hunt. Megohime moved over to Masamune, a soft frown on her face. "Ready to go back?"
Megohime nodded and followed Masamune into the keep, where things seemed peaceful for the most part, the town still bustling with people as they closed up shops and turned in for the night.
Megohime felt a small smile crack on her face as well, moving down the cobblestone path and to the center of Riften.

Whispers picked up in Sasuke's ears, the raspy voice of the Night Mother informing the assassin of a contract being made in the mountains between Whiterun and Riverwood.
Masamune moved with her to Mistveil, nodding the guard that greeted him.

Sasuke pulled his mask and disappeared, moving to the area where the Black Sacrament was being made.
Megohime entered Mistveil to find Kojurou working away on a large amount of scrolls, moving inside quietly.

Amaya stood over a dead bandit, blood dripping down her face, waiting for the Darkbrotherhood Assassin who would come to accept her contract, and she knew exactly who would come.
"Kojurou!" "Lord Masamune...!" Kojurou looked up and moved over quickly, "You've returned unharmed!" "A couple scrapes, but yeah, I'm good.."

Sasuke appeared before her and scowled under his mask, "What do you want? This isn't like a courier system, you know."
Megohime sat down at the large table, letting out a tired sigh and helping herself to a bottle of ale. "How'd you hold things together, Kojurou?"

Holding her hand up, she interrupted him. "I want to make a contract, I didn't kill these honorable men for nothing; you still do make contracts, don't you?"
"Rather well for one unversed in the art of controlling a Hold." Kojurou replied, Masamune chuckling and patting his shoulder.

"I do..." He replied after a moments pause.
"Katakura-dono, the borders both outside the city have been sweeped as well as secured-" Jin stopped when she entered the keep, eyes falling on Masamune, who certainly hadn't been there when she left.

"Then I want you to kill someone for me." She tossed a rather heavy bag of coins at him, nudging her head. "One of Ieyasu's generals; doesn't really matter which one, you can pick."
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