Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Voslaarum winced hard and landed back down on the ground, rumbling before looking to Miraak and snarling, ready to breath fire directly on him.

((Soon Mego will arive~))
Voslaarum took to the air, trying to blast Miraak with her flames, alternating to attack the other dragons so Masamune could fight Miraak without getting caught in her flames.
Megohime suddenly appeared and stumbled to a stop on the edge of the platform, moving away from the edge and looking around. Spotting Masamune, she let out a breath, glad to see him still alive and fighting. Seeing as neither had spotted her yet, she quietly pulled out an arrow and readied her bow.
Megohime watched as in the blink of an eye, one of the dragons Miraak controlled tried to attack Masamune, the end result being his leg frozen to the floor. Megohime felt her heart stop and she dropped her bow, breaking out into a dash toward Masamune. "No!" She skid to a stop in front of Masamune, watching the bolt of lightening as Miraak cast it. The spell made Megohime's entire body tense up hard, sending Megohime tumbling across the floor, laying unmoving, sparks dancing over her body.
Masamune's eye widened as he stared at Megohime's body. "M...Mego...?" He called numbly. When she didn't move or respond, Masamune's rage exploded and he rushed at Miraak before ramming all six swords through his rib cage and abdomen. Miraak hacked and gripped Masamune's wrists, "Th...Thank you...Dragonborn...either way...I-I am free..." "And may you rot in Oblivion, you worthless piece of shit." Masamune seethed before ripping his blades free and flicking the blood off them. Hermaeus Mora appeared as Masamune sheathed his blades and moved to Megohime. "Well done, my Champion." "Fuck off, Daedra. I'm in no mood. Get me out of here, get Voslaarum out of here and never bother me again." Masamune spat, glaring over his shoulder. He knelt next to Megohime and reached out to her, hoping she would swat his hand away and spring to her feet.
Megohime's body remained unmoving, her face expressionless; smoke rolled off her body, and before Masamune could touch her, her body seemed to crumble away. Masamune was alone now, kneeling by nothing and reaching out to touch nothing.
His eye widened and he jerked up, pointing to Voslaarum, "Where ever you are physically, I want you to fly around until you find a large mushroom tower. Meet me there." He ordered, too stressed and panicked to speak to her in Dovah. Ignoring the furious Hermaeus Mora, he forced open the Black Book that appeared from the pool in the middle of the area and returned back to Solstheim.
Once Masamune returned to his body, Megohime lay across the room on the floor, smoke still rolling off her body, which was stone still. Her eyes were closed and her hair a tussled mess, the shirt she wore blackened on the chest and burned slightly.
Masamune recived odd stares and glances as he carried Megohime out of Ravenrock, but no one tried to stop him from leaving. Megohime was limp in his arms, her head lolling as he ran, no pulse or breathing could be felt from her body, and her skin was starting to grow cold.
"No, please, don't do this, please don't do this. I warned you, I damn well warned you!" He growled, hurrying halfway across Solstheim to get to Tel Mithryn, barely making it before sun set.
By the time Masamune got there, Megohime had grown colder and colder, barely any warmth left in her skin, her face serene. Voslaarum was waiting by the smaller mushrooms, lifting her head when Masamune approached, letting out a soft rumbling noise, trying to comfort him.
Masaune nodded to his dragon, trying to look brave before entering Tel Mithryn and moving to Neloth. "Bring her back." "I'm sorry?" Neloth looked over and Masamune held out Megohime more, as if it would help the mage see. "Bring. Her. Back." "That's going to be rather difficult, you see. It isn't like Necromancy at all, it's-" "I don't care, just do it!" Masamune snapped, "Please."

Neloth sat in his staff room for hours, making Masamune worry more and more. Eventuall, Neloth started shouting and crashing noises were heard, "Would you calm- calm down!" He yelled, trying to restrain Megohime as she thrashed about like a dying fish before he cast Calm on her.
When Megohime's life had been returned to her body, an overwhelming panic left her thrashing blindly, trying to figure out what was going on and where she was. Once Neloth cast calm on her, she slumped slightly against him, eyes half-lidded as if she were suddenly warn out.
"You'll undo your stitching for sure if you thrash any more." "Hey!" Masamune banged on the locked door, "What's going on, dammit!?" "Oh, good grief..." Neloth muttered before laying Megohime back down.
((Did he cut her open and put a heart stone in her??))

Megohime looked exhausted and confused, like all she had ever known had been wiped away and she couldn't think clearly, but when she heard the pounding on the door she shifted restlessly. "Where's Masamune?" She asked Neloth, her voice raspy.
"I want to see him." Megohime said softly, a frown forming on her face. "I want to see him right now."
"Just stay on the table." Neloth ordered before moving and unlocking the door. Masamune moved in quickly and made his way over, "Thank the Nine..." He muttered, holding her hand tight.
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