Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune moved to Storn and stood by his side, staring down at him, "I've cleansed your sacred stones." He said. Storn looked to him and nodded, "You have my thanks...though the Tree Stone is still lost, it will have to do with the ones we have. I've decided that I will surrender the Skaal's secrets so you may obtain the means you need to defeat Miraak." The Elder replied. Masamune frowned faintly and pulled his bag off his shoulder, opening it and pulling out the Black Book, "I hope you know what you're doing, old man." "That is my hope as well. I am trusting you will make this sacrifice worthwhile." Storn replied as he took the book from the Jarl. "Father, you must not do this. That book is... wrong. Evil. Against everything that you have taught me my whole life." Frea pleaded with her father. "I must, Frea. It is the only way to free Solstheim forever from Miraak's shadow. There comes a time when everything must change. Nothing that lives remains the same forever. Do not fear for me my daughter. This is the destiny that the All-Maker has laid out for me." He told her. Frea frowned and moved to him, giving a grim nod, "I stand beside you, father, as always." She told him. Storn took a deep breath, trying to relieve his uneasy and make peace. "I am ready for whatever the foul master of this book has in store for me." He said. Masamune nodded, "Thank you..."
Megohime watched as Storn opened the Black Book, staring into its pages for only a mere moment before the book began to glow, removing itself from the Skaal elders hands; Megohime's expression turned to one of horror as tentacles shot out of the book and impaled the elder through his forehead and gut, lifting him from the ground.
Hermaeus More appeared before them, his eye holding a victorious glow. "At last, the Skaal yield up their secrets to me." He gloated.
Storn groaned in pain, trying to resist the Daedra's probing, "You... liar... gah! ... I won't... not... for you..." Frea shot her terrified gaze at Masamune, "Do something!" She yelled, but he remained still, lowering his gaze. Hermaeus Mora turned his gaze to the Jarl of Riften and it seemed like his eye was smiling, "Dragonborn, you have delievered me the gift I requested. In return, I keep my promise, as befits a Prince of Oblivion: I give you the Word of Power that you need to challenge Miraak. You will be either a worthy opponent or his successor, as the tides of fate decree." He stated. Storn let a groan of protest pass his lips before the tentacles were ripped from his body and he fell to the ground dead. Frea rushed to him and held him, crying softly into his coat. A tentacle shot out and plunged into Masamune's forehead just as before, making him growl in pain before it was removed. He held his head and stumbled slightly, dropping to his knees.
Megohime braced Masamune, holding his shoulders firmly so he wouldn't fall over, glaring at the Daedric Prince as he slowly vanished. "Can you stand?"
"Y...Yeah..." Masamune stood carefully and shook his head, looking around and turning his gaze to the grieving Frea. He frowned heavily and moved closer, "Frea-" "Go. My father sacrificed himself so that you could destroy Miraak and lift his master's shadow from the land. Go, then. Kill Miraak. Do not fail." She growled lowly, tears spilling down her cheeks. Masamune nodded and took Megohime's hand, pulling her from the village after he grabbed the Black Book back from Storn.
Megohime followed after Masamune, keeping up easily. "We should go somewhere where you won't be disturbed, somewhere safe, the inn in Ravenrock?" She asked, squeezing his hand.
Once they made it to Ravenrock, Megohime bought them a room in the tavern; the barkeep giving the two a quick look over saw their flushed faces and roughed up appearances and took a hint that was never given. Giving Masamune a glance and smirking to himself, he took Megohime's money and pointed them to the room at the end of the hall, Megohime walked to the room and closed the doors behind her, digging through her pouch and pushing a healing potion into Masamune's hands. "You still look like shit..." She muttered, moving over to the table and grabbing a bottle of mead from the bowl, uncorking it and tossing it back, taking a long drink.
Masamune scowled softly and drank the potion, "Still blessed with that sunny disposition of yours, I see. Y'know, maybe I should just let Miraak win and let him just send me to Sovngarde. Would that make you happy? You could go back to Windhelm and be free to do whatever you damn well please." He hissed.
Megohime spun and smacked him hard across the face. "Don't you ever say that again. Sorry I'm not great with words right now, I just watched a Daedric lord kill a man in front of his family." She said, obviously still shaken.
Megohime stared at him before finishing off her bottle, sitting in the chair at the table. "You should probably rest before going into the book.." She muttered, resting her head in her hands.
Megohime picked her head up and nodded, standing and moving over, taking his hand and moving to sit on the bed, lacing her fingers with his.
Megohime wrapped her arm around his shoulders, holding onto him tightly to comfort both herself and Masamune, resting her head against his. "You have to come back." She whispered. "Promise me you'll come back."
Megohime nodded and nestled against Masamune, closing her eyes and resting with him, holding herself as close to him as she could.
The two of them slept heavily through the night and well into the next morning, Megohime waking first, Masamune still in her arms; sore from sleeping in her armor.
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