Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime gave the woman a wary glance. "It's not that simple, things are complicated and I think he just wants to make a point."
Megohime made a face, shaking her head, her black locks tusseling slightly. "I don't know." She said quietly.
She gave a small nod, scooting over a bit more so she could sit down. "You don't need my permission to sit in your own village."
"It would be impolite of me to simply sit by you...we've only met a few days ago." Frea replied. She paused before looking to Megohime, "Forgive my forwardness, but do you fear for your husband? I've heard tale Miraak is a powerful foe."
Megohime grew quiet before nodding, staring down at her lap. "I know we fight a lot, and the marriage was arranged, but I do love him." She admitted softly, almost as if so only Frea could hear her.
"He seems like a fierce warrior." She said gently, "The All-Maker has gifted him with an immense strength...perhaps that is why he's so firm with you? To protect you?"
Megohime shook her head, letting out a small snort. "You'd have to ask him that." She said, looking up at the sky. "Perhaps he doesn't share my feelings."
Nana sat behind Motochika in the bathhouse, washing his back gently with a cloth rag, gently wiping away the dirt and sweat, careful to not agitate any newly healed scars.

Megohime stared at the trembling ground. "Yeah." She murmured.
Motochika winced faintly every so often, "That East Empire cargo ship had more guards on it than the last...actually caught me by surprise.." He muttered.

"You said that the two of you fight often?" She asked.
Nana leaned forward and kissed his shoulder gently, having healing scars on her leg and arms as well. "We'll be more prepared next time." She said, resting her head between his shoulderblades, wrapping her arms around his waist and letting her fingers run down his navel and rest on his inner thigh.

Megohime looked up at Frea, giving a small nod. "Yeah, we don't exactly get along very well. Like oil and water.."
He held her hands gently and laced their fingers together, "Aye...I'll be better prepared to ram my anchor up their asses." He joked softly.

"Conflicting opinions?" She asked
Nana moved closer, pressing herself against him and closing her eyes. "Aye." She said softly, nestling against him, relaxing in the warm water.

Megohime shook her head. "No.. Conflicting everything."
"I'm glad you made it out mostly unscathed, Nana.." He said gently, "If I lost you, I'd wage war on the Imperials until all of Tamriel was soaked in blood..."

"I see...I'm very sorry.." She said.
Nana gave his hands a squeeze. "And if they were to take you, my husband, I would tear the moons from the sky." She said, brushing her thumb against his side, tracing the tattoo on his side.
He couldn't help but smile, bringing her hands up to kiss her knuckles, "The Nine certainly blessed me with a wonderful woman to be my wife, haven't they?"
Nana withdrew her hands, standing and moving to kneel before Motochika, bringing his forehead close, pushing his silver hair back to kiss his forehead, then down to his closed and scared eye, then finally to kiss him gently on the lips. Cupping his cheek she smiled softly. "The Divines made you as well, did they not?"
Nana let out a soft laugh and pulled him closer, kissing him softly once more before settling to rest against his chest.
Nana stayed nestled against him for a while longer, enjoying the warm water and his arms around her, letting out a content sigh.

((Back to Masa and Mego for a bit?))

After a while, Masamune returned, his armor scratched up and cuts on his face. He moved to Megohime and Frea left to give the two privacy.
Megohime stood up, looking him over before crossing her arms. "You look like shit." She said stiffly. "Do you need to rest?"
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