Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"And how is that going to help you?" She scowled. "I'm not letting you go alone." She said. "And that's final."
"Don't argue with me. Neither of us know what to expect." He told her. "He has a point. Hermaes Mora is not known for being merciful." Neloth added.
"I don't care. I'm not letting you go at this alone." She said. "And that's final, I'm not just going to sit by as you head off to fight this battle!"
Megohime clenched her fists tightly. "I'm going with you." She said quietly, after finding the courage to use her voice, the ruins still trembling from his Voice.
"You won't lose me, I promise." She said softly, lowering her gaze and relaxing her fists before turning to the Black Book and opening it. Tentacles shot out instantly and wrapped around Megohime, her eyes becoming unfocused, and her body transparent.
Masamune looked furious, moving and touching one of the tentacles and being dragged into the book. "Megohime!!" He grabbed her wrist and forced her closer, "Are you fucking crazy?!"
Megohime flinched slightly, having been staring around at the piles upon piles of books. "I-I.." She trailed off, looking away. "I don't want to lose you either."
"Well, I'm here now and I'm helping you, so we should just keep moving." She said, bringing her gaze up to meet his eye.
Megohime frowned heavily and bit her lip, her frown turning into a scowl as she followed after him, the only sounds were their footsteps and the sound of a thousand pages all turning at once.
Masamune moved through the maze like area irritability, hating another maze. Entering a large open area, Masamune stared at the pool in the middle of the room, "What the hell?" He muttered.
Megohime stood by Masamune's side for a moment before motioning for him to go first. "Well, I don't want to get in your way, Dragonborn." She sneered the last word, taking a step back and crossing her arms, a scowl on her face.
"Shut up." He hissed before moving closer. He jerked away when the pool bubbled and a tall humanoid fish crawled out of the inky blackness. Masamune pulled out all six of his blades and charged forward, swords colliding with massive claws.
Megohime had hung behind as Masamune approached the pool, eyes widening slightly at the sight of the massive creature, hand resting instinctivly on the hilt of her sword, but not moving from her spot. Anger blazed in her eyes again and she let out a soft snort, ignoring her instincts to aid him in his battle against the massive beast.
Masamune barely dodged the massive claws, marks dragging across his armor before he shoved his swords up under the Lurker's jaw and through its head, removing the blades and watching it fall dead. "Geeze..."
Megohime moved forward, walking past Masamune and the dead Lurker and toward the door at the far end of the room. "Good job." She said blandly, watching the doors swing open.
She stopped, but only to look back at him. "I think I can handle going through a door." She said, yanking her hand away from him, proceeding on down the hallway that seemed to grow. Once they reached the end of the pathway, they were met with another large room, a couple of creatures floating slowly along.
"Oh, but I wouldn't want you to get hurt, my lord." She snarled at him, drawing her sword and moving forward, hopping over the railing and landing on the lower level with a soft thud, alerting the Seekers. They moved in sync to attack her, the first one duplicating itself and the other sending a blast of green energy at her; Megohime dodged the spell, spinning to evade the false Seeker, her blade slicing through the real one and causing it to drop to the floor dead. Turning on her heel, she dashed forward at the other Seeker, driving her blade into where it's face appeared to be, the creature letting out a screech before falling dead.
Masamune leaned against the railing and stared down at her, "Well, if you're so willing to die for your Jarl, I can let you continue to lead the charge."
Megohime swung her sword to flick the green slime from her blade, some of the goo splattering on Masamune's armor. "Sure, I'm sure we can find someone here to hold your hand through this if you get scared." She shot back, turning and heading off.
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