Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Sasuke stayed crouched on the roof, smirking slightly and winking slyly before disappearing. "Ama, are you alright?" She asked, unbinding her hands, "Hold still.." She used Healing Hands on Amaya's already bruising wrists, frowning worriedly.
Amaya lowered her head in shame. "I'm fine... You shouldn't have done that.." She murmured, watching the bruises slowly vanish.

((Back to Masa and Mego??))
((Back to Masa and Mego!))

"Nonsense...its my job to help people...and I'm helping my friend.." She smiled softly before helping her stand, "Come...let's get you cleaned up, ne?"

Masamune and Megohime stood before the giant mushroom home skeptically, "So this is where Neloth lives...?"
"That's what the bar keep said, but I dunno..." She said, voice muffled slightly from the fabric she had pulled over her mouth and face to keep the ash out of her face, the winds picking up speed. "Let's just go inside and find out."
Megohime made a face, observing the beam before stepping forward. "Magic.." She suddenly began to ascend shooting up quickly and landing on a platform above, stumbling to a landing.
Megohime grabbed Masamune so he wouldn't fall back over the edge, looking around. "Well.. I guess someone does live here, let's just see if he's home."
"Does it bother you to be tresspassing right now?" A voice asked with dripping annoyance, a Dunmer mage walking passed them to an advanced alchemy station. Masamune stared at him briefly, "Master Neloth?" "You know who I am yet you still enter my home without permission, your incompetence astonishes me." The older man stated.
"Nel- Master Neloth, please we need your help - the Dragonborn needs your help." Megohime said glancing to Masamune.
"The Dragonborn?" Neloth turned, looking a little interested, "And what would the Dragonborn want from me?" "I found a Black Book." Masamune told him. Neloth rose his eyebrows slightly, "Found one? Yes, and you read it, too, didn't you? Don't try to deny it, you've got the look. I can see it now. Dangerous knowledge is still knowledge and therefore useful. Usually turns out to be the most useful, in my experience." He stated.
"Then that means that you can help us?" Megohime piped up, looking over the elder elf. "And how do you know about these black books?"
"I have one here that I've been using to locate more." Neloth answered. Masamune rose an eyebrow, "You have a Black Book?" "Yes I haven't been idle while this fascinating madness engulfed Solstheim. But my book isn't what you're looking for. I'm quite sure it is unconnected with this Miraak. But I do know where to find a Black Book that can help you." Neloth replied.
"Can you take us to it?" Megohime asked, an off feeling about Neloth growing in her stomach.
"I can. I haven't been able to get to it, though. But maybe together, we can unlock the secrets the Dwemer left behind." He stated. "The Dwemer? What do they have to do with this?" Masamune asked. "Forbidden knowledge was somewhat a specialty of the dwarves, eh? You don't think they would just leave it alone, do you? It seems the ancient Dwemer discovered this book and took it to study. I have found their 'reading room' in the ruins of Nchardak. The book is there, but it's sealed in a protective case which I wasn't able to open. But perhaps the three of us together will be able to get the book. To Nchardak, then. Follow me." Neloth moved to leave but Masamune stopped him. "Just tell me where the book is and I'll go get it." He stated firmly. Neloth scowled, "I'm afraid it isn't that simple. If it was, I would have the book already." "Why won't the book you have here help me?" Masamune asked with a huff. "Oh, it clearly is not associated with the same power that has overtaken the island. And I'm not talking about Hermaeus Mora. These Black Books are all his, of course. No, what you're looking for is a specific book. Presumably because Miraak's power derives from it." Neloth replied. Masamune groaned irately, "I hate Daedra.." He grumbled.
"So then where are we heading again?" Megohime asked, sounding skeptical of the dark elf, not sounding all that thrilled to have to trudge out into the ash and look for another creepy book.
"Nchardak." Neloth stated, as if talking to a mentally impaired child, "Do Nords speak a different language or are you just special?" "Hey now." Masamune said firmly.
"Just making sure you aren't going to try and kill us, you'll have to forgive me for not trusting a man who lives in a giant mushroom." She shot back.
"I'll have you know that this tower is very important to we Dunmer. I grew this tower from a spore and I will not have you insulting by demoting it to a 'giant mushroom'." He stated. Masamune sighed, "Master Neloth, please; we need to get going?" "Yes. Of course. My apologizes."
"If Miraak doesn't kill us, I think he will." Megohime muttered before heading down the way they came in, heading back outside.
It didn't take very long to reach Nchardak, and after killing a few bandits they were able to get in. Neloth showed them the Black Book hiding under the case that they needed to get open before the Dunmer took them down an elevator to a new room. Neloth explained the history of the ruin while explaining how they needed to find four cubes to lower the water levels and to get the pipes keeping the case locked to work. It was a huge puzzle maze, two things Masamune hated; but they managed to find the cubes with some ease, the automatons only proving to be a slight challenge. Once all cubes were gathered and placed back into their pedestals in the main room, the water level dropped and the pipes rumbled back to life. After dealing with a newly awoken Centurian, they returned to the reading room, where the book case was now open and the Black Book was ready to be read.
Megohime stood beside Masamune as they stared at the large book. "I'm going with you." She said firmly, a frown on her face, turning to look at him.
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