Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Miraak stared up at her through his mask before rolling his shoulders back, preparing to Shout, "Gol Hah Dov!" He shouted at Voslaarum, making Masamune rush forward and swipe at the spectre with his blade.
Voslaarum jerked back, letting out a screech that turned into a low rumble, before jerkily bowing to Miraak. "Fos dreh dii in hind do zey?" Her golden eyes bore into the spectre. Megohime stared in shock, unable to move. "No way.." She breathed.
"Daal wah dii raald, Zu'u fen wahl brah do hi das." He ordered before turning to Megohime, "The Dragonborn brings his wench to the battle? He's a bigger fool than I thought." He stated before preparing another Shout, "Yol-" "Liz Slen Nus!!" Masamune interrupted Miraak's Fire Breath shout with Ice Form, the frost shout ripping through the fire and the spectre, Miraak disappearing with a low dark chuckle.
Megohime brought her arm up to protect her face, only lowering her arm once the snow had settled, only to since again as Voslaarum took to the air, soaring away without the two. "What just happened?" She asked in shock.
"He stole my dragon and nearly roasted you." Masamune was livid, his body shaking and his fists clenched. He screamed at the sky, thunder clapping in retaliation and the mountain quaking in fear of his Voice.
Warm arms wrapped around Masamune's middle, Megohime pressing herself against his back. "We'll get her back." She spoke steadily, giving him a gentle squeeze. "And you're going to kick his ass to oblivion and back." She said firmly.

((So what happened to Sasuke??))
((Oh him?))

Masamune panted, stabding still before placing one of his hands over hers, "Damn right I will. I'll show him who the real Dovahkiin is, whether he likes it or not."

Sasuke remained chained to the wall, his armor gone and replaced with rags. He was forced to wear a necklace of nullification to keep him from tricking the guards into letting him out again. He looked up when the door opened and scowled when Akihime entered. "Hello, Sasuke..." "False Prophet." Sasuke sneered.
Megohime nodded and moved to face him. "We should probably get out of here before nightfall." She said lacing her fingers with his.

Amaya stood just behind Akihime, making sure that nothing would harm her in any way. "M'lady I don't suggest talking to this scum."
"Let's head back to the Skaal and rest there for the night...get a head start in the morning." He told her.

"It's all right, Ama, I know what I'm doing." Akihime assured, moving closer to Sasuke, who seemed repulsed.
She nodded and headed out with him, preparing for the long hike back to the village.

Amaya stood on edge, glaring death at Sasuke to make sure he didn't try anything funny.
((*ditches Masa and Mego for a bit*))

"Why are you here, Sasuke?" "Solitude is very beautiful this time of year, so I'm told." Sasuke huffed. Akihime frowned, "You've been here a while." "I hope 'm not a bother."
Sasuke glared at Amaya but said nothing, making Akihime frown, "Master Sanada is worried about y-" She squealed in surprise when Sasuke jerked forward suddenly, red eyes glowing in rage, "Shut your whore mouth about Dana." He spat venomously.
Amaya moved forward in a flash, slamming her fist into his stomach hard and grabbing his jaw in one hand, yanking him up to look in his eyes. "You'll watch your tongue when speaking to Akihime-sama." She growled.
Amaya wiped the spit from her eye, shoving his head back before moving away from him. "What did you hope to gain from coming down here, Akihime-sama?"
Amaya gave a hesitant nod before moving out of Akihime's way, allowing her to get close to Sasuke once more.
Akihime approached Sasuke and held her hand a bit from his face, making him bare his pointed fangs. Akihime frowned and closed her eyes, concentrating.
While Akihime had her eyes closed, Amaya drew her blade, ready to defend the young girl before Sasuke, watching him closely.
"Oh please, like she's really going to say something that will-" "You were a slave?" Akihime asked gently, frowning. Sasuke snarled and jerked forward to try and bite her, causing her to scream and move away in time to evade and hide by Amaya.
Amaya looked livid, clenching her fists so hard she shook. "Akihime-sama, please return to the Blue Palace at once." She ordered lowly.
Amaya closed the cell door once Akihime left, turning back to Sasuke. "Unfortunately for me I can't kill you." She said as she pulled out a rolled up leather bag, opening it to reveal metal tools. "But removing all of your teeth won't kill you." She said, removing a pain of hearty looking pliers. "As long as you aren't completely lame or dead, Lord Mitsunari doesn't care what happens to you." She kneeled down in front of him, pulling out two short peices of wood with leather strips on both sides; something that would keep his mouth open.
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