Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I'm terrified, hopefully he won't wage war over a toothless assassin." She feigned fear and forced one of the pieces of wood into his mouth, pulling down on his bottom jaw and prying his mouth open.
Amaya hissed softly, nearly being toppled over before reaching out quickly to grab him by the collar of his shirt, but instead she yanked off the necklace that dampened his magicka.
Amaya hissed and snatched up the necklace, lunging forward to try and put the magicka dampening jewelry on Sasuke before he cast anything.
((I dunno if he's just messing with her sensory stuff, but I'm gonna assume this is when he gets her memories.))

Amaya stiffened and ceased all movement before letting the necklace slip from her hands, staring blank aced at Sasuke's chest as she slowly slumped back into a sitting position. Even with her thousand yard stare, flickers of fear and sorrow danced in the depths of her eyes, her memories being projected into Sasuke's mind. Even as her memories were being stolen, they were still hazy, as if trying to be suppressed. Flashes of other children and blurs of brick walls and cell doors barraged Sasuke's mind, finally slowing down and clearing to reveal a clearer picture: children dressed in rags being tortured to ensure they would be oblivious to pain. Screams and wails rang in his head as the smell of burning flesh filled Sasuke's nose, and burned and sliced flesh came in overwhelming amounts. The memories showed the horrors of the Empires Elite gaurds, training them as assassins after shipping them in at young ages from different lands. Most were orphans or willingly given - bastard children - and none were ever searched for. Corpses flooded by and the numbers of children dwindled until only few remained, eyes even more lifeless of druager. Amaya's eyes remained open the entire time, tears rolling down her cheeks, her breathing wheezy from her throat tightening up.
Sasuke felt his chest tighten at the familiar pain, feeling a frown tug at his lips. She was just like him in a sense; tortured and beaten in unspeakable ways. He huffed and forced himself to pull out of her mind, using more Illusionary magic. When Amaya snapped back into reality, Sasuke was replaced with a furious Mitsunari, "It's about damn time you came to your senses. Now, get me out of here!"
Amaya sat in shock for a moment before her eyes widened. "M-Mitsunari-sama.." She lurched forward to listen to him, and to release him from his shackles, but stopped short. "N-No... But, it was Sarutobi." She murmured, a distressed look crossing her face; had she only imagined that it was Sasuke Sarutobi?
"While you were sitting on your ass, that Sarutobi bastard disappeared from his shackles and put me in here! Get me out!" He sneered, mentally awarding himself for his acting.
Amaya bolted forward and immediatly began to release the shackles apologizing repeatedly, hands shaking with fear. "Lord Mitsunari, I'm so sorry, please forgive my insolence!" She released him from the shackles and moved back, bowing lowly and touching her head to the ground.
Sasuke was going to add a little more chastising for his own entertainment until the door opened, Mitsunari stepping in. The young Jarl stared for a moment, not registering the scene before his eyes widened in unadulterated anger, "You let him out!?" "Well, that's my cue to leave." Sasuke changed back and saluted as he melted into the shadows, "Sorry I'm not sorry, Amaya." He stated teasingly before he completely vanished.
Amaya sat on the ground, mouth opening and closing before turning to face Mitsunari, the real one. "M-Mitsunari-sama, I didn't! He- He, no, I!" She felt her heart drop into her stomach. "Please forgive me, he used Magic!" She bowed at his feet, trembling.
"I-I accidentally removed it." She admitted. "I can capture him again, please my lord, he manipulated my mind; I can fix this!" She begged, feeling his anger increase by the second.
"He's probably already halfway to Whiterun by now, you useless wretch of a woman!" Mitsunari's hand swung out and connected with the side of her face with enough force to knock her down, "Your punishment will be swift and unforgiving."
She was knocked to the ground with a grunt, not bothering to get up. "I'm so sorry my lord." She apologized softly, pressing her face against the cold floors and closing her eyes, body tense.
Mitsunari merely growled in annoyance and left the room, a couple guards moving in and grabbing Amaya. Moments later, Amaya was being hung by the wrists from a pole in the town square, forced to wear nothing more than tattered and torn rags that did little to cover her form. Mitsunari stood by her as a crowd began to form, booing and sneering at Amaya. "You will continue to hang here until I feel you have learnt your lesson." He spat.
Amaya kept her gaze downcast as to not meet anyones eyes, the heat of the sun beating down on her and exposing the ugly scars that littered her body. "Hai." She answered quietly, trying not to move to much and put more strain on her wrists, which already ached, straining under the weight of her body.
The crowd grew restless, even going as far as to try and throw food at her. Mitsunari did little to stop it, the guards keeping the crowd at bay to they would not attempt to harm Amaya. From the back, there was rushed movement, someone pushing their way through. "Stand aside!" The ground shook slightly and the crowd parted, allowing Akihime to march towards Mitsunari and stand angrily before him. "Release her." "Return to your room, Oracle. You have no place here." Mitsunari hissed. Rage shone brightly in Akihime's eyes, "Let. Amaya. Go." She ordered.
"Return to your room, Akihime." Amaya said lowly, hair covering her face in shame. "I accept my punishment as I should."
"Release her, Mitsunari, or she cannot do her job as my protector!" Akihime was livid, but Mitsunari only stared at her disinterestedly. On the other side of Solitude, Sasuke managed to complete his contract; removing the ebony arrow from the guard captain's head before starting on his way back to Whiterun. Sitting on the roof of the Winking Skeever, he stopped when he saw what was happening in the square. He scowled softly; this petty display of power Mitsunari used was the reason he hated Nords. Akihime clenched her fist tight, "I will ask you only one more time before demanding it, Mitsunari: let Amaya go right now." She ordered.
"Akihime go back to your room!" Amaya demanded loudly, only for someone amongst the crowd to pelt her with a rotting tomato, hitting her in the side of the head. Red goop dripped down the side of her face and into her hair. "Go. You'll only make things worse."
"If she isn't released, I'll-!" "You'll what?" Mitsunari interrupted gruffly. Akihime's cheeks flushed angrily, "I'll use my gifts to make you see reason!" She huffed. Mitsunari scoffed, "Doubtful." "I'll have Talos free Amaya, then!" She stated. Mitsunari glared, "A fake Divine can do nothing to help her, now go back to the palace." He sneered. Akihime fumed and started to pray. Sasuke rolled his eyes and took the sword forged specifically for the captain that he planned on selling and took careful aim before throwing it, causing it to embed into the pole and cut Amaya's rope. Mitsunari's eyes widened in horror as Akihime rushed to Amaya's side.
Amaya fell to the ground and caught herself before she fell, hands still bound tightly at the wrists and fingers blue. Amaya lowered her head in shame when Akihime drew near, glancing in the direction that the sword had came from.
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