Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime stood awkwardly by her lonesome as Masamune explained what had happened, occasionally brushing snow from her nose and hair.

((Weren't you gonna do something with Aki??))
((I was???))

After Masamune explained everything to Storn, the shaman told him to to go to Saering's Watch to learn a Word of Power that would help him defeat Miraak. Masamune nodded in thanks and moved towards Megohime, "C'mon...let's call Voslaarum and head to the Dragon Wall."
She nodded, but shifted her weight from foot to foot. "So this shout is gonna be able to take down Miraak? Is it that powerful?"
As always, Voslaarum seemed to be waiting just over the hill for Masamune, landing and making a series of low clicks and rumbles as she lowered her head for him to climb onto her neck.
Megohime took his hand and got on, moving quickly as Voslaarum let out a low rumble. "I swear she still doesn't like me." She muttered, holding onto Masamune's waist as they took to the air.
"I think she'd like me better as lunch." Megohime retorted with a soft frown. "Hi fund ni ken rinik pruzah." Voslaarum sneered a rumbling laugh as she broke through the clouds, a word wall on the mountainside below them. "What did she say?" Megohime questioned.
"You're a very beautiful woman, that's what she said." He replied nonchalantly before leaning down to talk to Voslaarum, "Ofan ek grozein, Voslaarum, rek los ni ol volzah ol hi lorot."
Voslaarum gave a short snort as she landed, flicking her tail and folding in her wings as she lowered her head. "I need to learn Dovahzul." She muttered as she climbed down off the dragon.
"I- really?" Megohime crunched up the snowy steps with him. "I mean I wasn't serious but.." She rubbed her neck, cheeks flushed. "Whatever you want."
"Well, if you weren't serious.." Masamune said with a shrug. When he reached the wall, he was going to briefly meditate on the Word when the distant roar of a dragon sounded. He hissed in annoyance and unsheathed his blades, "Voslaarum! Mego, go get some place safe."
Megohime drew her bow, brows furrowed. "I'm not going to leave you to fight on your own." She said, readying an arrow, Voslaarum letting out a roar of irritance as she had to take flight once again, flying to land on the word wall in wait.
"I will." Megohime said and took aim, launching the arrow at the dragon as it turned its attention on Masamune, sticking in between its scales and making it roar as it swooped down, only to be crashed into by Voslaarum. Both of the dragons plummeted toward the ground before breaking apart and circling back around.
Megohime reached into the small pouch on her hip, keeping her eyes glued to the dragon in the air as she held a small bottle in her hand. "Yeah, why?" She called over the roaring dragons.
"On it!" Megohime uncorked the bottle and coated an arrow tip in poison, taking aim and firing, hitting the dragon dead center on its stomach.
The dragon felt sick, faltering before crashing down. Masamune moved swiftly, jumping onto the beast's snout ands tabbing it it the eye before forcing his blade through its thick scales and into its skull, killing it. Pulling his blade out and hopping down, he waited for the natural commodity that was him devouring a dragon's soul. But nothing happened, confusing him. When he looked, his eye widened when a spectral version of Miraak appeared by the dragon. "Do you ever wonder if it hurts? To have one's soul ripped out like that." He commented as the dragon's soul moved to him and not Masamune.
Megohime stared at the masked man in shock, slowly lowering her bow and moving to stand beside Masamune, a scowl forming on her face. "That's Miraak." She muttered.
The large reptilian beast nearly landed on top of the spectral Miraak, letting out a guttural snarl and baring her blackened teeth. Megohime brandished her glass sword, but didn't know how well it would work against Miraak.
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