Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Egging me on will only get you so far; don't mistake my loyalty for love." She said lowly, dashing forward to attack.
A flash of fire shot through Amaya's eyes, swinging her blade up hard, a soft scowl appearing just as quickly as it disappeared.

Megohime and Masamune had made it to Solstheim hours before and after investigating the small town by the docks, and the odd shrine, they were getting no where. Brushing ash off of her shoulder, she looked to Masamune as he examined his map. "What now?"
Sasuke doeged her blade and moved to tackle her, pinning her down to the ground, there blades being knocked away.

"Mm..." Masamune looked around Miraak's shrine, "There has to be a way in here.."
Amaya ground her teeth and tried to knee him in the gut, glaring death. "Get off of me!" She hissed, face flushed slightly.

Megohime looked around, the inthralled villagers and bandits still giving her the creeps. "There's a ramp that leads underneath here." She pointed out.
"Make me." He challenged, applying more weight to keep her down.

Masamune glanced over and nodded, signalling Voslaarum to go elsewhere and hide.
Amaya growled lowly and tried to regain her arms, but Sasuke weighed more and was stronger than her, making her writhe beneath him. "Get. Off!!" She brought her head up and slammed it into his nose, wincing.

((I don't know how to start the thing ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ))

Megohime followed Masamune down the ramp as Voslaarum took to the air, soaring off towards the mountains for cover.
Sasuke winced and groaned, moving and grabbing a healing potion to down to fix his nose.

((No worries, the thing will happen after this!))

Masamune pulled out one of his six swords as Cultists made their way up the ramp to investigate who had entered the shrine. Masamune ran one through with his sword, killing him instantly.
Amaya tried to ignore the throbbing in her head, scowling up at him. "What do you plan on doing now, Sarutobi?" She asked in a sneer.

Megohime drew her bow and notched an arrow, aiming it at a cultist and letting it fly, hitting her mark right between the eyes.
Sasuke scowled softly before rushing towards her and grabbing her, pulling her into a heated kiss to distract her.

Masamune removed his sword and wiled the blood off it before sheathing it. "Let's go, Mego...stay close, ok?"
((Whoops forgot Amaya))

Amaya's eyes widened when he crushed his lips against hers, instantly starting to knee him hard in the gut repeatedly, face flaring deep crimson; gradually she stopped hitting him, a weak noise coming from her throat.

Megohime shook her head. "You're guess is as good as mine. We should keep moving," She covered her nose in disgust. "This place reeks like death."
((Its ok, hun~! I forgot to put that you forgot to post for Ama last time! XD ))

Sasuke pulled her closer to keep her from attacking again, reaching to toss away any other weapons she might of had but found the feel of her curves tantilizing.

"Well..." Masamune gestured to the Honored Dead still left in their seats from when they died.
Amaya hesitantly kissed back, eyes closing as she ceased to struggle, body being pressed flush against Sasuke.

Megohime made a face. "But what if there are drauger?" She made a soft noise and shook her head, mentally scolding herself. "Never mind, I'm just a little on edge, the cultists probably took care of them long ago; lets go."
Sasuke couldn't help himself, he deepened the kiss and held her almost posessively.

"Hey, don't you worry about it. You're engaged to the Dragonborn~ I will protect you better than anything~" Masamune half purred
Megohime scoffed and swatted at him lightly before taking the lead down the dusty hallway, arrow resting against the bow, ready to be drawn and fired, footsteps making soft scuffs.

Amaya pulled her hands away to thread her fingers through his hair, giving his ginger locks a slight tug as she nibbled at his lower lip.
Soon, they entered a room with cages full of dead bodies hanging over a pit leading into another section of the shrine. "What the hell..?" Masamune muttered.

Sasuke parted his lips and gripped at her hips and thighs, fighting the low moan building in his throat.
Megohime scowled and covered her nose at the still rotting bodies in the cages, glancing around. "This is disgusting." She moved ahead, avoiding looking at the cages, and making her way down the stairs.

Amaya felt her stomach heat up, letting out a weak moan and parting to take a heavy breath before kissing him again, slowly moving to flip him onto his back, straddling his hips.
"Mego, hold up!" He called, chasing after her. Some Cultists were making their way up the stairs and spotted the two, casting Stoneflesh and shooting fireballs. Masamune grabbed Megohime and turned her away, using Unrelenting Force and sending the cultists smack into the wall, crushing their skulls beneath their masks.

Sasuke made a noise of surprise but didn't fight it, smirking slightly, "Don't like being on bottom?"
Megohime grabbed onto Masamune, tense for a moment before slowly letting go of Masamune. "Thanks." She said quietly, taking a breath to calm her nerves. "Are you okay?"

Suddenly a searing pain shot through Sasuke's thigh, a blade sticking out of Sasuke's leg, dripping with greenish paralytic poison. "Yes, I actually do." She said, panting softly.
Masamune nodded and let her go, "I'm good...more worried about you, be more careful." He said gently.

Sasuke hissed, already feeling the poison numbing his toes and up his thigh, "Damn, y-you're pretty good.."
Megohime nodded, cheeks dusted pink. "Maybe you should go first; being the dragonborn and all." She motioned for him to take the lead, rubbing her neck.

Amaya stood up and wiped her lips with the back of her hand like she had eaten something disgusting. "Shut up." She moved over and picked up her blade and the Blade of Woe, making sure both of the weapons were tucked away before moving over to pick up Sasuke, throwing his limp body over her shoulder.
Masamune chuckled softly and nodded, moving ahead and deeper into the shrine. The next room lead them deeper down, traps awaited with more cultists. Masamune took care of them easily, leading her down into an area with a barred door. He scowled, "Damn...we need to find a way to get this door open.."

Sasuke chuckled dryly, "Some second date, huh?"
((I have no idea what comes next I'm sorry!))

Amaya took Sasuke down to the prisons where she searched him thoroughly for anymore weapons or lockpicks, chaining him to the wall by his wrists and calling for a gaurd to inform Mitsunari of the intruder.
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